How do we define a warrior culture? Every fucking culture raided and started shit

How do we define a warrior culture? Every fucking culture raided and started shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Warriors, Clergy, Politicians.

Your society is defined by which group is in charge.

>but a real warrior culture has never been tried

Warriors, Clergy, Merchants

redpill me on the origins of the warrior caste Veeky Forums how did they come to be?

I like yours better.

there were no such things.

Cain. Murdered his brother, moved out with his sister, and started his own civilization.

What if clergy are also warriors or politicians, or if politicians are also warriors?

I think we went with merchants instead of politicians.

But to specialize in more than one of those categories would be very odd. You could have a combat medic, or you could have a pope.

There's wealth enough gathered to devote a part of healthy men into military training. Every caste start this way, actually.

Warrior Culture is when a very high percentage of the population is prepared and trained for war.



not every Norseman was a viking just like not every American is a Navy Seal in fact majority of them were peaceful farmers. They were not fucking Skyrim Nords.


I may be wrong but here's my view of things:

I don't think that definition works. The colonists and early Americans were all trained to serve in militias but I don't think anyone would call colonial and early American history "warrior culture." They were interseted in self defense and opposed standing armies, not too mention that the Church was the center of most Americans lives.

tl;dr, high percentage of pop being ready for war doesn't make the culture "warrior like." Rather, a culture that uses military might before diplomacy is one that has a "warrior" culture.

It depends on how the culture sees itself

For example the macedons during Alexander's time didn't consider you a man until you killed a man and killed a boar with a spear

Or the old Norse, all their gods were warrior's, all their sagas are about fighting and war

Both warrior cultures

You are correct, user, but every free Norseman was expected to keep a weapon and be able to fight. An awful lot of their disputes were settled through killing the opposition either by ambush or through a defined dueling procedure. Most guys carried weapons on them at all times because of this. Their outhouses had racks to hang up a weapon while they shat, FFS, and it seemed the only difference between a merchant and a raider was which course of action would be more profitable.

Only Turko-Mongol people ever had a real warrior culture. Everyone else was little bitches in comparison.


That's the keyword. When art and science are primary used to push to create and aid "warriors" then you have a warrior culture.

Even though the US is the largest deadliest military empire since WW2, and has a lot of pro "pew pew" games and movies, and industries, I wouldn't call them a warrior culture. They're just rich that use it badly.

But someone like Israel I would say is a warrior culture.

Can you feel it coming towards you?


Turkmen clothes look dope

This seems to be widespread along the European world before Graeco-Roman civilization became widespread and developed high culture and official civilization status. Everyone from Germanics, Greeks, Slavs, Iberians, Latins, Celts, Gauls, and Scythians.

Just look at every sophisticated society. They have people to produce (peasants, serfs, slaves) so other people can wage war, study or administrate. The so-called social division of labor.

Rome had slaves and peasants to produce food and a military to sieze more slaves to work in the agriculture. Sparta had spartiates citzens to wage war and partake in politics while state-owned slaves called heliotai were the main labor force. If people are being trained to wage war, they shouldn't waste time in growing crops if they can get away with it.

thing is the nordics were the last to be christianized, so they continued the practice the longest out of all of them until the germans started knocking and scaring the local kings into converting

The Lithuanians were the last Pagan kingdom in Europe. The Scandinavian people mostly converted willingly.

The Christian Anglo-Saxons also maintained a system of levied warriors both on a local level and a national one.

>thing is the nordics were the last to be christianized, so they continued the practice the longest out of all of them
It was actually the Saxons who did it the longest, even when Christianized they still required every man to maintain a weapon and yearly training, I think the Norse still did the same, however in other areas Feudal Estates did away with the "Commoner "Soldier"". Don't blame Christianity, blame greed.
And to be fair, the Norse didn't stop raiding or maintaining Berserker cults when they became Christianized, they were phased out when Civilization began to rise due to the new united religious heritage they found with the rest of the European world.