If you could erase from peoples' minds one common historical misconception, what would it be and why?

If you could erase from peoples' minds one common historical misconception, what would it be and why?

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The Sherman was a piece of shit tank that exploded if you so much as sneezed at it, and could only prevail against German tanks by overwhelming numbers, most of which would explode trying to get into a flanking position.

It just annoys me. Maybe there are more fundamental misunderstandings of history, but I'm active in my local wargaming scene, and I hear that one a lot.

The delirium of human races

christianity is the basis of western culture

That the Soviet Union needed help to defeat Hitler

"Any weapons or armor that are even remotely decorated were obviously not meant to be used in combat"

It's like saying nobody plays expensive guitars

Slavs are white.

The English lost the Hundred Years War

That studying history is beneficial.

That communism "works"

That Islam is a religion of peace and compatible with Western civilization.

We will fall to Muslim hordes if we don't fix that propaganda.

if there was one place i thought i wouldn't be bashed for studying history, it was Veeky Forums
that hurts

the general suffrage and historical "progress" meme

How is Islam incompatible with Western civilization? Islam is a mysogynist, homophobic, genocidal, racist, intolerant, violent and oppresive religion that supports and promotes pedophilia, slavery, mass murder and terrorism. All of this is also true for Western civilization.

It's already too late. The future belongs to Ummat-ul Muhammed

Western civilization is the most homo-friendly civilization that ever existed.

It has became homo-friendly only very recently, it has been extremely homophobic for centuries.

Soviet military losses in WWII were due to German fighting skill and not due to gross incompetence of soviet commanders and strategy. This meme needs to go away. The solution to loosing ten men in a disaster is to send fifty more. Ten to retrieve the bodies of the origins ten. Twenty more to carry the bodies of those twenty, and twenty to be shot while retreating.

That the Holocaust happened

>extremely homophobic

whats the point in studying STEM if it doesnt make you happy?

if studying history is what you wanna do then you should be studying history.

Western Civilization was founded on 33 AD. It has nothing to do with those pagan greeks.

The lolocaust.

How about there's no such thing as a religion of peace, only of necessity.

Libtards think you can teach tolerance to refugees by being tolerant of their short comings.

They're half right, unfortunately, too many people are seeing this stupidity and deciding that the best way to fight this shit is to go full vocal Deus Vult.

Islam simply needs to be changed through the overwhelming forces of high fructose corn syrup, consumerism, and strict yet assimilative immigration policies.

Only Nazi Fags think that.
America is turning around on that don't worry. Within 100 Years we Retake Constantinople and begin to rebuilt Byzantium.

Bacon, prostitutes, and booze. That's how you solve Islam

Actually it was founded in the early 1000s, from the remains of the Carolingian Empire.

Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Constantinople. None of these great Roman cities are Western.

>western civilization has nothing to do with the greeks
Besides their architecture, philosiphy, political structures, language and art, right?

"Medieval art was bad"


Because it's usually a good way to make money. If everyone "did what they loved" our society would collapse.

It did. Stalin himself said this. Stay delusional.


>if studying history is what you wanna do then you should be studying history
Try telling that to my parents. They made me go into law school because the career prospects are better; and while I don't hate it, I would be much happier doing history. If I won the lottery I'd drop out and do history instead

>Hitler le saved German economy.

Hearing this even from politicans is just embarassing.

The hall of cost.


This. The only real difference between conservatives and alt right with Islam is DEUS VULT

Yeah but they're brown

An even spookier concept


I was under the impression that he did wonders for the German economy but he ended up pissing it away on idiotic wars.

Indeed, but western civilisation ended all these things by itself which is why you are spouting such bullshit in the first place.
Also even if the west still would be as it was in the renaissance or 18th century your argument would boil down to "the lion and the wolf are both carnivores, why dont they get along if I put them in a pit?"

What he did was taking some big fat loans and then ambushed his neighboors to dodge the payback. Sure, america is also drowning in loans and still carry on somehow but they are not as blatant as to steamroll canada once someone reminds them of this.

Whig history
Either that or commonplace progressive revisionism, like "white nationalism is anti-american" or "if you're a racist/antisemite, it means you're a nazi".

That the Vietnam War was always unpopular

He wanted the americans and the brits to invade so the russians could push the germans back and turn the tides of the war. The russians however succeeded without this invation and when d-day begun the russians were already marching to berlin.

greeks were roman

First /pol/, then /r/communism, and now tumblr.
How long will Veeky Forums hold against these barbaric invaders?

How is white nationalism not anti-American? The US was founded on the principles that all men are created equal. Hell, slavery might've been illegalized in the Constitution had the founding fathers not been afraid of losing Southern support in the revolution.

You should probably see a shrink.

/pol/ helped create Veeky Forums you newfag. There were history threads all the time on /pol/ back before this board was created. So no shit /pol/acks were going to come over to a containment board for history

Faggot "Free White Persons of Good Character" 1790 Naturalization Act.
The equality bullshit was a stab at monarchism, only land-owning educated whites could even vote at the start. The Founding Fathers envisioned a rural aristocracy for America.
Take your equality bullshit and shove it up your ass.

>art from 1376
>from Italy
>24 years before the Italian Renaissance
>this totally proves that art didn't look like trash 99% of the time during the Middle Ages

>/pol/ helped create Veeky Forums

[citation needed]

Except when the board was actually new there was like zero stormfront threads or "muh heritage" bullshit like there is now.

Get out you plebian shitter, see you at Nuremberg pt 2

He propped up the entire economy by turning it into a military/industrial complex and it created countless jobs, which is all fine and dandy if you're at constant war, but if you're not, eventually tanks are gonna be worthless and your economy is gonna collapse. Germany would've been bankrupt by 1950(probably a lot sooner).
Of course being at constant war is only useful if you win.

>How is white nationalism not anti-American?
I don't know, it might have something to do with the fact that most founders were de facto white nationalists, that immiration policy was de facto white nationalist, that white nationalist policies like segregation were de iure or de facto present for most of american history, that plenty of presidents (including lincoln or teddy roosevelt) were white nationalists.
>The US was founded on the principles that all men are created equal
How does that invalidate white nationalism? Everyone is created equal in terms of moral worth, that's it. The founding fathers didn't believe people were literally equal in all aspects.

US winning Vietnam war

Western civilization moved past those few hundred years ago.

/pol/ please go

>only white people ever committed genocide or practiced slavery.

I really, really wish more people took basic history classes in college.

We have had faggots like you crying about this board vecoming /pol/ since day one of this board's existence.

More like half a century ago or less

>only white people ever committed genocide or practiced slavery

Said no one ever

The common misconception here is what "Peace" means and how to get there.
Peace in the context of Islam can be achieved through domination and subjugation of every other religion; thus only Islam remains =Peace.
It's not pacificsm it just means to kill all the opposition to get peace.

"Viking helmet"

Anglos are the good guys

But do you see any england in france?

That luther started the reformation. thanks waldenses and orthodox


The idea that Luther started the Reformation is like saying the Serb started WW1. These things didn't happen in a vacuum.

There were major events beforehand that made these things inevitable. The individuals involved were just the tipping point when the bucket got full.

If Luther lived a couple decades beforehand, he would be burned on the stake and forgotten. Likewise if Wycliffe lived later, he could've been remembered as a major player and starter of the Reformation.

it makes me sad that the average history book on the reformation gives all the credit to luther and ignores all the others who spoke out before him and died