Who the fuck invented smoking and thought it was a good idea?

Who the fuck invented smoking and thought it was a good idea?

> yeah I'm just going to burn these leaves and breathe in the smoke. What do you mean why? Cool people don't ask why, hit this shit, bitch.

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Your mom.

lightning fragrant fauna on fire is something every culture has done. Tobacco just happens to be the big one, because nicotine.

humans have been foraging for hundreds of thousands of years and found a use for just about everything that comes out of the ground

I don't know but it looks pretty cool and anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

Only looks cool when done by upper class attractive people. Not so much when poor white trash does it.

t. poor white trash who smokes

It adds to the grittiness. It's an aesthetic prop that adds to whatever demographic you're in.




You know in the last decades smoking is a scapegoat, right?

Right. Might.

What did he mean by this?

What? I KNOW smoking is shitty for you. I haven't had a cigarette in three months and my lungs already feel much better.

Suppose a 40 year old develops cancer. He goes to the doctor and the first question he's asked is if he smokes/smoked, the guy says I smoked for a year when I was young. BAM the doctor says the cigs caused the cancer.
No further investigation, no linking between unsaturated fat consume, etc...
Anti-tobacco campaigns are a way for the governments see how obeying are the people.

I always wonder, do they actually smoke tobacco on TV shows or it something else?

They now exclusively smoke herbal cigarettes. Actual tobacco has been banned because of workplace safety concerns.

Indigenous Americans. When the colonizers first encountered it they called it "drinking the smoke". Capitalist entrepreneurs are the ones who turned it into a mass industry of factory made cigarettes rolled with paper and before that cigars. Natives knew that if you smoked too much you wouldn't be able to run as much but otherwise used it for treating a variety of ailments and for rituals. Now the legitimacy of tobacco is overlooked over the modern demonization of it which came about because of the problems caused by its misuse.

Also look how the diet of americans changed since the 80s. A bunch of people decided it was better to increase the consumption of carbohydrates while decreasing the consumption of animal fat.
In a few years the increase of fatness on americans was already observed. In a few years an habit (of eating more meat) that lasted since humans started existing was changed in an entire "developed" country.

Can someone explain why ALL cigarette brands have fucked up shit in them? What kind of monopolized economic structure resulted in it being literally impossible to buy pure untainted tobacco?

Yeah, they didn't smoke with filters and indians always spit while smoking (maybe to decrease the amount of tobacco in the mouth). Maybe the filters were added to actually fuck smokers?

Meanwhile marijuana and other drugs are so much more accepted... Logic.

>In a few years the increase of fatness on americans was already observed. In a few years an habit (of eating more meat) that lasted since humans started existing was changed in an entire "developed" country.

Nigga you full of shit, Americans ate more meat than anyone in the world for two hundred years. Europeans' diets were 90% grain until the early 20th century, there's a reason pellagra became an epidemic in Northern Italy when they switched from wheat to polenta.

Each individual process imparts its own flavors, keeps the leaves dry, and helps it burn when you finally open it and smoke it.

I once smoked a cigarette that was exposed to open air for a year when I was tripping acid. It tasted like smoking pencil shavings.

>Nigga you full of shit, Americans ate more meat than anyone in the world for two hundred years.
Until the 80s...

American spirits are supposedly all organic. Check them out.

They smoked with long pipes and maybe crude cigarettes rolled with tobacco leaves. They also had different kinds of strains and mixed it with various herbs. The adding of foam filters to cigarettes was a commercial motive for the appearance of a healthier smoking experience long after tobacco's ill effects had been confirmed.

We just switched to white meat. (And still eat more beef than anyone.)


I didn't know that. But in chicken there are much more unsaturated fat than on red meat.

>organic meme

enjoy shit output and expensive and inefficient pest management practices

What does that have to do with anything? He's talking about using tobacco, not growing it.

Pretty sure smoking has been around in one form or another since the discovery of fire.

Nice bait

Marijuana won't fucking kill you. I'm not saying it's 100% safe and that it'll cure HIV or anything like that (don't smoke it if you're under 21, don't smoke it if you're pregnant, don't smoke it if you have a family history of schizophrenia), but out of the popular drugs, it's by far the less deadly.


because it looks cool, it's like you are doing something interesting and it makes other people want to try it. Like monkeys who imitate each other.

Probly same reason perfumes and shit were cool, get that stank BO smell off you. Also happens to get you high. The later commercial tobacco processing added more aromatics.


>Smoke if you wanna
>Don't smoke if you don't wanna
>Respect children

dubs confirm.

Goddamn cigarettes are so good on acid. I've gone through a pack and a half on some trips

Traditionally among native americans, tobacco was only smoked for religious purposes at communal ceremonies. This might have still been every night, though usually not. They usually smoked a more potent form of tobacco (rustica) that was psychoactive in high enough doses.

Nicotine is of course addictive, although the substance by itself is not really otherwise harmful. Can cause headaches and nausea in large doses if you have low tolerance, but that's about it.

It was colonial settlers who expanded its use.

Because 83.8% of all cigarettes are produced by just six companies.

As time went on, cigarette companies realized that they could put additives into cigarettes to make them better in some way. Smoother inhalation, flavorings, maybe a tingling in your airways, and of course increasing nicotine (which both increases the high and makes you even more addicted so you buy more cigarettes).

The problem arose in that

>Inhaling partially combusted hydrocarbons is fucking terrible and gives you lung cancer along with destroying your lungs.
>The compounds used for enhancement are toxic.
>Nicotine is toxic.
>The compounds used for enhancement are ESPECIALLY toxic when partially combusted and inhaled.

Now, why do they have a monopoly? Government collusion. The old adage of "Monopolies cannot exist in a free market" is absolutely true, which is why Tobacco companies work DAMN hard to make sure they NEVER compete in a free market. It's like why automobile companies pay out the nose to bribe congressmen to keep all sorts of stupid shit necessary for "safety", like digital compasses or backup cameras: It's a cost that the oligopolists*, can eat but smaller competition cannot. The only difference is that the they have gotten so large that they aren't confined to one country anymore. Instead of a free market, killing them would require free markets.

*The situation is a big fucky because China Tobacco accounts for 31.7% of the market share and they hold a government backed monopoly in China. Even foreign brands have to go through China Tobacco except in the case of premium foreign made cigarettes which are only 3% of cigarette sales in China. That's still 51 billion sales per year however. Ultimately what this means is that, not counting China Tobacco because it doesn't export to the US/Europe because their product is literal poison, FIVE companies control some ~80% of the tobacco market in the 1st world.

Well if you don't know or think its bad for you then there is no downside really. Other than addiction but tobacconists were literally everywhere.

Chinas fuck for it, they all smoke there, but they can't be doing too well in all the countries where every pack of smoking has a picture of black lungs screaming SMOKING KILLS

They must know they are in decline in Europe at least.

Those pictures do not affect smokers at all.

It's not true that ALL BRANDS have additives. There are additive free brands, and additive free options from the main brands.

American Spirit still uses pesticides to control their crops, like any grower, they are not organic. But the tobacco itself inside the cig (or pouch) has nothing else on it after being picked and dried.

I smoked Javaanse Jongens (hand rolled, the white pouch) for years. It's also an additive free brand. The white is the mildest one they have. I also smoked American Spirit before that. If I went back to a standard brand packaged cig, I swear you could taste a chemical note and I'd feel nauseous in a way I never did with additive-free cigs.

Of course, it's still gonna kill you. I quit a couple years ago. Still miss it sometimes, but if I smoke a spliff, then I still use a pinch of the same tobacco (I

Only the organic pack is actually organic. The rest are just additive-free during production.

The packs with the pictures does affect smokers and discourages smoking, but not because of the pictures. It's because the packs are otherwise blank and standardized. You don't get to pick out and enjoy seeing your favorite brand, you just have to feel it.

>tfw whenever smoking and kids walk by I hold my smoke in and my cig up
Except the fuckers that wanna rudely walk through the SMOKING SECTION and start a scene when I'm smoking. Fuck yall

This. I grew up poor, and most adults smoked; now I just associate smoking with trashiness.

The only people I ever hear that talk about how cool it is are edgy high schoolers and people who grew up in environments where not a lot of people smoked (usually middle class suburban people who just saw smoking in movies).

>Nicotine is of course addictive, although the substance by itself is not really otherwise harmful. Can cause headaches and nausea in large doses if you have low tolerance, but that's about it.
Nicotine is poisonous, just not enough to cause any real harm in doses you'd get from cigarettes.

thats true of basically anything though, that isn't really an argument against nicotine. Water's poisonous.

Go to bed Phillip Morris.

Gave up smoking a long time ago, but I still remember pic related.

It's not "healthy" regardless of whether it causes cancer. Kills lungs like nothing else - I mean, sure, they grow back, but meantime you're still getting less oxygen than normal to your brain. I suppose if we lived in a world where strenuous physical activity was regularly a matter of life or death we wouldn't see a lotta folks smoking death sticks on a regular basis. Works alright in a sedentary society where you don't have to move much - but so does being a fat ass, and the number of unhealthy side effects aren't all that dissimilar.

it was invented by native americans but it was made popular by jews. Gotta milk them goy vices.

>The first explorers and colonists were jews

JIDF revisionism strikes again. Fuck off.

keep shilling them smokes jew, can't fool me.

anti-smoking is literally the biggest astro-turf ever.
The fact is smoking is over-estimated. Smoker lungs are just as viable for transplant.

you can't resist can you schlomo, I quit a year ago, can't trick me. I'm onto you.

you should vape though, Chaim want to legislate it out for cutting into both the cigarettes and their fees as well as other medical quit smoking products such as gums and patches. Vaping is less infiltrated.

Vaping helped me quit, now I just have a tiny cigar once a week if at all.

almost everyone needs some kind of vice but tobacco is fucking stupid, cigarettes barely do anything, it's just an infinite feedback loop of addiction feeding addition
other substances at least have notable effects but once you're hooked on cigarettes they serve no purpose other than looking cool and filling the need they themselves gave you

Smoking is pleasant and provides nicotine and comfort - they are perfectly fine reasons.

Smoker's lungs are used in transplants, so those lungs aren't that fucked up like we are meant to think.
Even though oxygen is required by aerobic cells (very "few" organisms have anaerobic cells) it is toxic. It causes aging and death of cells.
Tobacco and its components are stimulants just like coffee. I prefer having my brain working and being stimulated than to be able to do some percentage more of exercises than a non-smoker.

Also, why since people in general stopped smoking the cases of ashtma increase? Alzheimer and parkinson too.
About the current rate of 75% deaths due to heart conditions and cancer in USA they can be atributed to the increase of consumption of unsaturated fats and carbohydrates. Anyone else have another hypothesis?
Why more people are getting cancer while they are smoking less?

Define addiction.

You sound like a junky, I smoked for almost 15 years and it fucked my sinuses and lungs so hard. Grow up. Stop spinning magic tales about how nicotine "helps" you think. If you were smart you would quit and manage with a single cup of coffee each day.

>he doesn't set deer and other animals on fire for fun

What are you some kind of fag?

The real question is: why does smoking look cool even though it's a phallic image? I agree that it makes one look more masculine, but in theory sucking on a little white stick should evoke the exact opposite image.

You are your own person, user. Smoking comforts and helps some, harms and kills others.

C'est la vie.

You are just coming up with retarded rationalizations to keep your ass smoking. The reason more people get asthma and cancer as smoking becomes unpopular is because there is a bunch of smokers turning fucking 80 and dying. Jesus christ. My father in law is almost blind from fucking cataracts, he loves smoking. Just quit.

this is why female smoking was associated with prostitution or promiscuity for women. Solicitation is a large part of being smokers and that is the major reason there is a crackdown on the organic social formations that are else not allowed.

Why? I know what it does (I actually work in the pharmaceutical industry) and I still enjoy it. As long as my enjoyment of it harms no one else, so what?

Because some people actually care about others user. I would tell you to suck on a shotgun smoothy, but I'm telling you to quit because I have actually seen what it does to people. I know a guy who is 52, he had to get the veins in his legs unclogged from fucking blood clots. Don't be a fucking gaymosexual.

Cigarette smoking has become the last vice people can universally criticize you for and get away with it for whatever reason.

Cigarettes are an absolute waste of money and your health. I understand a nice cigar and expresso once in a while but not 5 times a fucking day. I bet you wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning to piss and then go have a smoke. Get a vape you junkies.

Fuck off vapecuck, my body my rules

Everything they say about smoking is true, the only reason you aren't fucked yet is because you are young. Now is a great time to quit before you cuck up your shit. Fucking tabacco nigger. Just think of how much money is going to the government and jews just so you can kill yourself. Wake the fuck up.

Fuck off vapecuck, my body my rules.

Fuck off tabacco niggers, stop funding israel. Remember me in ten years when you can barely jack off without running out of breath.

Like the other anons said, before the thread got derailed by the Surgeon General. People have been smoking things since forever.

Hallucinogens have had a HUGE factor in human history, with shamanism and early religions. But yea it's crazy to think who was the first dumbfuck that picked through every plant in the jungle and lit it on fire till he found the best one that made him trip

Greece and japan and longevity and ashtrays. Granted there are several factors at play
>hereditary but race don't real
>overall lifestyle and fitness
>better filters
>better tobacco (ie polonium-free)
the whole virtue signalling of anti-smokers has cost so many lives by preventing the spread of less hazardous cigarettes. fact.

Fuck off vapecuck, my body my rules.

Little fucking tobacco babies, not man enough to quit.

"Manning up" is bullshit invented by feminists to convince men to die in foxholes countries while they fuck the mail man. My body my rules, vapecuck.

the kid is obviously in the D.A.R.E. section of his health class, he's too blue pilled to understand

I smoked for so long I know how it is. You are watching t.v. everything is cool. Buddy on t.v. lights up a smoke, suddenly you gotta have one too. You probably smoked like 4 smokes while we were talking in the last 10 minutes. STOP BEING ADDICTED NIGGER.

>wake up
>have a smoke
>take a shit
>have a smoke
>brush your teeth
>have a smoke
>drink some coffee
>have a smoke
>take a shit
>have a smoke
>wash your bum
>have a smoke
>do some laundry
>have a smoke
>waiting for phone call
>have a smoke
>in your car waiting for a fat slut
>have a smoke
>finish fucking
>have a smoke
>eat some food
>have a smoke


My body my rules vapecuck.

Then get a fucking vape ciggycuck, atleast it's healthier. You afraid you won't look cool because of some 4chun may may. Jesus christ, only little girls care about coolness.

My body my rules vapecuck, I will continue to smoke and you will continue to virtue signal about my health.

who the fuck am I virtue signalling to? It's a fucking dumb dirty habbit that costs way more than vaping. Vaping is superior in every way. Atleast fucking try it you retarded ass faggy homosexual.

What is this meme that smoking makes you look cool? I think it makes you look like white trash. Almost no one at my university smoked, and then being back in my hometown all the non-college townie people smoked constantly. Plus cigarettes just look like mass-produced poor people thing; cigars would be the cultured thing to smoke.

My body my rules, vapecuck.

With the vape you can choose your nicotine levels and slowly ween yourself off your fucking gay baby dick electronic dildo. I am telling you man, I wouldn't have quit unless I saw what it was doing to the people around me and my own fucking shit. Just try vaping for 1 week I guarantee you will enjoy it more.

I'm going to take a fat shit, and then wash my bum. I just shave off all my pubes and it's all sweaty and nasty. Good luck FAG.

My body my rules, vapecuck.

To be fair, anything Don Draper does is cool. Even when he's having an emotional breakdown he looks cool.

As the other user said, almost anything in high enough doses is poisonous. The amount of nicotine in typical doses found in even an entire pack of cigs is itself not really harmful. It's like a more addictive caffeine.

What's harmful is all the chemical residues used in industrial tobacco, and of course all the combusted material you're inhaling when you burn it.

>why does smoking look cool
100 years of pervasive marketing. Cool is subjective.

Kill yourself in the most gruesome way possible.

That assumes it was intentional. First time ever was probably accidental or incidental ingestion.