Why are conservatives always on the wrong side of history?

Why are conservatives always on the wrong side of history?

Because they're stupid.



they seem to be doing well so far

No we're not.

Kek, only two of your six suggestions weren't mentally retarded.

You know exactly which two as well, they were the only ones you didn't lie about.

Conservatives don't belief in retarded whig history

>wrong side of history


only faggots would even considering un-ironically using that phrase

They're fundamentally anti-progress and all of history is a march towards progress.


>Not a spook

Pick one.

I'm not conservative btw, just find this stupid.

Like to progress in the USSR and the Chinese Revolution?

Sometimes the left pushes a bit too fast no?

Because Hegel was right

Their goal is to delay change. How do you measure the victories or defeats in that? We don't have a handy timeline available to let us know how we would be a bunch of gay communists in spacecars by now if it weren't for the 19th century Tories.

>progress is always good
Hi Leddit, still trying to legalise pedophilia?

>dude the status quo is always the worst thing possible and nothing we achieve is ever good enough and PROGRESS PROGRESS PROGRESS LOOK AT ME IM DOING A THING PROGRESS PROGRESS PROGRESS lmao

are you suggesting that the vast majority of non-conservatives/liberals are retarded?

?? they won the 20th century...

No, I'm not him but it's fair to say conservatives are all of those things, explain otherwise please.

progressivism is literally a cult at this point

I guess I would say that the nature of history is that things always change, whether for the better or worse.
Therefore, we can look back and retroactively call this change 'Progress', and those that resisted it conservatives.
And also


>things always change, whether for the better or worse.
>Therefore, we can look back and retroactively call this change 'Progress'
How retarded are you?

there comes a point where everyone says "woah those progress guys were fucking retards lets go back to that thing that didnt kill everyone just for the sake of a (((greater good)))"

I don't know. Are you trying to say I think progress is a real thing?

What do you mean by that?

That was Liberalism

and now liberals are considered "racist misogynistic islamaphobic anti-progress"

American powerhour is in full swing I see.

be careful what you say ahmed, thought police might knock down your door for not having a tv license

Because we live in democratic capitalist societies where liberal ideals are celebrated.

If we lived in a feudal monarchy, Islamic caliphate, or socialist republic we would take a different attitude.

That's the opposite of progress. It's traditional to fuck really young teens and early feminists pushed age of consent legislation.

By socialists, sure, but they've been a pretty insignificant voice since the end of the Cold War.

if you want to narrowly define socialists and be a dense pseud sure

Progress isn't necessarily good though, it's just change for better or worse.

Conservatism as a force retards social change. If society is altering course into a stupid direction (communism, SJWs, etc) it becomes absolutely necessary.