Where my Digibros at?

Where my Digibros at?


inb4 posw guy

Currently filing for bankruptcy

Putting pens up their anus.

hodling 260k reporting in

the FUDposter is late.
we need his stale memes.

Here with bags in tow. Happy to hold.

Right here. I unironically bought some more this morning at 1090. It immediately goes up.

Digichan has blessed me.

Gone, I just sold for 20% gains after buying at ATL yesterday. Can't wait to profit again off of the misguided optimism of my fellow Digibros next week.

Big night ahead.

commencing with operation moon

Ready for 10 cents in a two weeks or less.


Just happy to hold. The devs haven't mysteriously disappeared and so neither shall I

Besides, the nonstop obsessive fudding tells me that someone has a vested interest in acquiring these coins

mostly hodling but have a sell order at 3k to get all my crypto investment back so I can just playwith house money. Hodling the rest til who knows when.

Gone up cause ur the one buying lmao

Need DGB back at 1792 so bad. Hopefully this shit ramps back up in July when Shiti bank announces the winner of their gay contest.

lets think for a moment, did anyone really think people wanted POZ wallets?


I bought 3btc worth at 2400 sats lol

Sold the last of my DGB today, for x2 profits.

Why are you still here?

It's over.

Go home.