Who was Ronald Regan

I want to learn about Ronald Regan but every source about him I can find is biased to a comedic point. The Democrats/Liberals talk about him like he's the devil who started the wasteful drug war and did a bunch of shady shit like the Iran-Contra deal. While the Republicans/Conservatives talk about him like he's the second coming of Christ. With a single blow he defeated the USSR and obliterated Communism, as well as breathed new life into the republican part and was the true conservative. Both perspectives are equally outrageous, can you guys either give me some good sources or give me some unbiased opinions.

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He's a pretty shitty president. Mostly a puppet. Every president in the 20th and 21st has been shit though.

Imagine a man who just does what he believes is the right thing to do. He doesn't really "think" about anything at all, like you or I do. He doesn't scheme. His mind is empty of things like philosophy and the nature of man. He just has a will to do something, and so he does it. Which means that when he fucks up, he fucks up big time, but when he scores, he scores big time, also. A small mind attached to a large hand.

>he believes is the right thing to do.
*what his wifes astrologer believes is the right thing to do

Details, details!

This interview Conan did with a historian stuck with me on Reagan: teamcoco.com/video/edmund-morris-serious-jibber-jabber

>"In private, Reagan was dull, hollow."

>"His eyes went opaque, his voice changed, and for the next eight minutes he disgorged this speech in a voice that was not Ron Reagan's voice, he was possessed by the memory of this man that he'd heard... in 1933. ... It was like a recording mechanism. ... His nature was to perform."

>"Reagan was the sweetest man ... but he was strangely savage when he talked about his predecessors. ... [on Johnson] 'How can a president have that sort of moral cowardice, and fear the start of a war when he's in office?'"

not that great actually he gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants which helped change the countries demographic, armed the forerunners of isis and al queda, and created trickle down economics which in my opinion has lead to the collapse of the us economy

>the forerunners of isis
Okay I actually hate Reagan but this meme has to end. He armed the mujahedeen who had absolutely nothing to do with ISIS other than being islamists.

>president has strong views on how to act as president
whoda thunkit

He presided over a time of general prosperity, though he made some mistakes and the era also saw the emergence of serious issues like AIDS and mental illness. Most of the people I know who lived during that time say that he was overall a good president though.

He upped defense spending and was very aggro to the USSR, and the USSR responded by upping its own spending. However, soviet economy was already screwed up, so this accelerated the eventual collapse of the USSR. Did he do it single-handedly? Hell no, he did accelerate the process of collapse.

Tl;dr Guns and butter but foreign policy

>movie star has strong views on how to act as president

and that's why America is the way it is today, because a movie star with zero (0) intellect thought it was a good idea to (arm Afghan fighters, seek a Soviet collapse in favor of Russian despotism, listen to his wife's psychic when it came to domestic policy decisions, ignore AIDS while simultaneously ramping up drug arrests leading to overcrowded prisons and a vast pool of unhirable felons, sell missiles to Iran in direct contravention of his own arms embargo, etc.)

That's not strong views, that's hubris.

>ignore AIDS
Total reddit meme, gay men were full blown denial damage control mode in the 80s and refused to connect the dots between gay orgies and all of their friends dying like flies, Reagan should be given shit for the things he did but the aids crisis was not one of them.

>With a single blow he defeated the USSR and obliterated Communism
We realy loved him in communist occupied Poland. Him and Iron Lady ware the only western leaders who had the balls to stand up to the commie scum, the only ones that gave us some hope that communism will end in our lifetime. The rest of the western leaders ware just cucks who ware eager to suck commie cock. I was a kid in the 80's. It was a really grim time for us, we felt defeated, no hope, economy in ruin, rotten everything...


Hi plebddit

>alleged Pole
>giving credit to Reagan instead of Jan Pawel
kurwa mac

Yeah. Stand up to evil gommies, when his actions lead to people flying planes into our buildings.

I mean oh those "freedom fighter mujahadeen!" just like those moderate fighter sin Syria.

Look. You support the moderates, the Jihadists take over.

I mean the least he could have done was get George Bush to support the Northern coalition after the communists left, but nope, didn't give a shit after evil communists left and then the Taliban took over and gave the go ahead for Al Queda to fly planes into our buildings.

Thanks Regan!

>With a single blow he defeated the USSR

They were already going to shit in the first place.

>when his actions lead to people flying planes into our buildings
>blaming a single person for almost a hundred years of American foreign foreign policy
You realize that the event chain leading to 9/11 began with Wilson and not Reagan, right? Reagan wasn't even the one to start funding the fucking mujahideen. Carter was. Reagan was just public about it. Jesus Christ, pick up a book some time. 9/11 wasn't even the first hijacking by Muslim terrorists nor the first Muslim terrorist attack on American soil. Shit, it wasn't even the first Muslim terrorist attack on the Twin fucking Towers. Please educate yourself.

scumbag fucked up my blood country of el salvador fighting communism and funded the death squads now there is alot of immigrants here in us and ms13s leaders in the usa had its training by us intellegence

scumbag fucked up my blood country of el salvador fighting communism and funded the death squads now there is alot of immigrants here in us and ms13s leaders in the usa had its training by us intellegence

Ronald Reagan was an alien fetishistic submissive tranny. But so kawaii

>communists overthrow government before Reagan is President
>therefore the civil war is Ronald Reagan's fault
Jesus Christ

This is a myth perpetuated by Reagan's supporters. The USSR was already cutting back on its military spending before Reagan came into power and called him out on all of his bluffs to drawn them into an arms race. He did absolutely nothing to accelerate the USSR's fall, the Soviets were already collapsing from within because their political system stifled economic, cultural and technological growth.

Who says I don't.

> (You)
>Yeah. Stand up to evil gommies, when his actions lead to people flying planes into our buildings.
Look guys, an idiot....

>The USSR was already cutting back on its military spending before Reagan came into power
Can I get a source showing Soviet military spending before and during the Reagan years? This doesn't sound like common historiography.

The last good president was Teddy

He's lying, notice how Soviet funding began to faulter when Raegan took office?