Why do Africans have such well defined features in general whilst Europeans have amalgamated and shapeless features...

Why do Africans have such well defined features in general whilst Europeans have amalgamated and shapeless features? Is it because of the way Europeans live nowadays?





Google "nutrition and physical degeneration aus PDF"

Africa was the original people, they was kings
White people are created by Yaqub the evil scientist

Did you know ancient europeans had perfect teeth and never needed braces or their wisdom teeth pulled? But now people mouthbreathe, don't keep correct tongue-posture, and eat to many soft foods.

Mouthbreathing kills (your sexlife)!

Srsly tho people in traditional African societies look like how people are meant to look, they look like they developed properly

How does mouthbreathing effect your teeth. You can be born with crooked teeth. I highly doubt your claim. Also, most of the autists that are obsessed with niche things like mewing are ugly virgins themselves.


I thought Augustus Giovanni killed all the Cappadocians.

>that contrast
what a lovely picture

"Growing your face" by mike mew on yt.
He is a medical doctor, who notes first generation immigrants from third world countries have perfect teeth, and then second generation have way worse teeth. A large parth is nutrition, from the earliest age.

If your food is western and you're an adult, only way to save your teeth is correct tongue posture and no mouth breathing. (Mouth breathing mostly causes weak chins)

>inb4 our bodies are somehow perfectly ordened to live in modern societies

>he hasn't taken the niggerpill

Us blacks are GENETICALLY SUPERIOR to you little cuck whitebois. We fucking RUN the media, pop culture, and sports.

Whitey literally cannot compete.

It's called being skinny you fucking retard


He's still fugly brah

Chewing soft foods in childhood is what creates undeveloped jaws that your teeth cant fit into and thus crooked teeth.

Give your kids rare steak.

Yeah but he went from Chris Griffin to well presented normal guy

Mate it's very rare I see anybody with a severely recessed chin like your image. It's an overplayed issue that's pushed really hard by people obsessed with race on this website. Weird.

That's an extreme example. Race has nothing to do with it, it's been recently proven that modern diets don't allow jaws to fully develop. That's why we have such a problem with wisdom teeth.

Hats the problem with wisdom teeth?

or maybe when people weren't keeping their teeth in good condition and were constantly losing them they had more room in their mouth

In many people they don't fit causing much pain and they have to be removed.
That makes no sense