I work at SOFTWARE COMPANY. SOFTWARE COMPANY has been in business for 7 years, has ~15 employees...

I work at SOFTWARE COMPANY. SOFTWARE COMPANY has been in business for 7 years, has ~15 employees. SOFTWARE COMPANY has developed HARDWARE A a year ago, and it has been a disaster so far. SOFTWARE COMPANY has developed HARDWARE B recently, but has yet to deploy it although 15+ have been sold. SOFTWARE COMPANY is changing locations shortly, and employees will be "terminated" and rehired under the new company name.

I started a few weeks ago. My first paycheck came later than expected, but factoring in the weekend I let it slide. I was to be paid yesterday (bi-weekly) but the money didn't come. And it didn't arrive today, either. Thursday of last week the boss pulled me into this office and said that I'm doing great, he welcomed me to the "family", and then said that the transition to the new location was having some problems, and that money was tight, but we should be fine "within a week" (he did an hourglass shape motion with his hands as he said this). He didn't explicitly state that we wouldn't get paid, or that checks would be delayed, but that seems to be the case.

First: because he's opening a new LLC for the new company, can he be shifty and file for bankruptcy with the old LLC and somehow fuck over his employees in the process?
Second: Doesn't it seem likely that the new LLC might be fucked if the deployment of HARDWARE B ends up a mess?
Third: What should I do? GTFO immediately?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't need any details other than you're not getting paid the agreed upon amount in the agreed upon time frame. File a claim immediately and document every single fucking thing. An employer can make all sorts of mistakes and I'll forgive them, but not paying me for my precious time is unacceptable.


I'm a simpleton. What exactly do I file?

Also, I'm located in one state with my employer living in another state. How greatly does that complicate things?

Why the fug is a software company making hardware. Isn't that huge red flag

based on what I've seen so far, yes

Look for new work.

you file a lawsuit for breach of contract bro. talk to a lawyer unless it's a small sum of money.

Dude if you work at github please tell me my code is safe.

It's two weeks of pay, but to a broke fucker like me that's a lot of money. I pity the employer - he seems like a nice guy, everyone here is family, but I'm a new hire and so he's an employer, not a friend. I haven't found a business that accepts friendship and loyalty points as currency. The guy might be legit in denial over his business possibly being on the path to bankruptcy. Another person knowing what the company president knows might see the end drawing near, but to the guy whose livelihood is the company, he might lie to himself and say that he can get out of this mess.

> GitHub
> 15 employees

are you retarded?

Hey like I said I don't need all these details. either talk to a lawyer or a department of labor representative. Please don't just wait and hope they pay you.

It's like a couple of html pages and some amazon cloud storage m8.
Maybe some pajeets for customer service.

I am the 12th pajeet in this company

Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna


you got nudes?

I'm a singleton. What exactly do I file?

>he did an hourglass shape motion with his hands as he said this
Your boss sounds like a massive faggot. I would continue working there but doing as poorly of a job as possible. Set up crypto mining on all their computers so at least you'll get paid while you're there.

typical pajeet

no, there were no misspellings