Why is the Anglo world so f*kn obsessed with Russia...

Why is the Anglo world so f*kn obsessed with Russia? They can't view Russia through the lense of anything other than "the great evil". Look at all their culture and publications, England throughout history has bent over backwards just to fuck over Russia should the opportunity come up. And Americans seem to love to blame every single one of their ills on Russia and have so much Cold War propaganda that tells people Russia is the evillest thing ever. Why?

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I think you now.

25 year rule

America is a gigantic human zoo user, its populace is oblivious to how they are being trained like cattle to obey mindlessly.

For britain at least back before ww1, tsar russia was a danger to their imperialist intrests in india. Russia kept showing they had intrest expanding that way.

its full of resources which are yet to be used or very cheaply exploited
however russians have a tendency of not selling their mothers which is very offensive to the anglojew

This goes back to the 19th century.
British balance of power doctrine. Russia was just too big of a threat to it. You need some sort of bogeyman to unite people against. Russia just gets the short end of the stick.

>why is a once large empire triggered by a large contemporary empire

>le americans are stupid lol xD
success breeds jealousy

we are though

I know, I just said you were jealous

Americans are really fkin stupid

another jealous foreigner no surprises here

captcha related. the rest of the world is just america's regina

>Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States. In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence.



>The Grand Chessboard in .pdf form

Where's the mystery here? They've been consistently hostile (for historical reasons, I'm not saying it's because they're villains, it's just how it all shook out) first to England and then to the entire western world for most of the past couple hundred years.

A fucking huge country that few anglos have visited where it's snowy and they speak and write funny and we can't quite understand their perspective on things, and they have a very powerful military and historically have been aggressive/expansionist and hostile to our interests ... gosh, I wonder why anglos don't like them?

Because Russia is a powerful barbaric nation, hellbent on annihilating Western hegemony, and it has been like that since Peter the Great.

>soviet union
>not worthy of revulsion
Can this meme die?

But the United States has been best bros with the Russian Empire since almost the beginning.

The Bolshevik Revolution was the unfortunate breakup to a long friendship.

Too powerful.

>best bros with the Russian Empire
Supporting Japs in R-J war that caused first revolution wasn't very friendly

The Anglos are a naval nation and were successful because of all the trade and fast growth, but the Russian heartland is the true fulcrum of world power. It kind of weighs heavily on their egos that in the distant future it will be some Gopnik who rules the world, that all their efforts are for naught. It contributes to their fatalistic nihilism.

your russophobia is worse than your islamophobia, judeophobia, afrophobia, sinophobia

>American bankers giving japan a loan because of the pogroms means US actively supported Japan

American firms can do whatever the fuck they like, because this is a free goddamn country. End yourself.

Because Russia is the closest link to the old Aryan spirit of Central Asia.

The anglo kikes tremble before it.

But the US supported Russia at the peace negotiations

>Because Arabs are a powerful barbaric nation, hellbent on annihilating Western hegemony, and it has been like that since Mohammed.

Ruskies need to get over the fact that before 1945 they were nothing more than a backwards secondary power and before 1991 they were merely the last surviving superpower. Now it's 2017 and they have nothing left apart from fetal alcohol syndrome and a handful of client states in Ukraine and Georgia

>implying both of these statements aren't right

There's a reason you don't see India or France getting this kind of shit.

>Because Africans are a powerful barbaric nation, hellbent on annihilating Western hegemony, and it has been like that since General Buttnekked.

>Because Chinese are a powerful barbaric nation, hellbent on annihilating Western hegemony, and it has been like that since Sun Yat-sen.

The Russian people and culture aren't the problem.

It's the shady dealers behind the power structure that are the problem.

>that pic

who would want to destroy what is objectively the best system of government? (referring to liberal democracy not liberals themselves)

>who would want to destroy what is objectively the best system of government?
Liberal democracy is corrupt shit and you being too much in a brain coma of high fructose corn syrup and piss beer to realize it doesn't change it.

you cant declare war on all your enemies all at once, germany lost with that strategy

the globalist empire targets russia, then china, then india...france is a vassal of globalists

>The Russian people and culture aren't the problem.
Nothing wrong with culture that allowed the ruling class to exist?
Your average Russian is a nationalist that wishes USSR would come back - they care more about their countrbeing relevant in this world than about actual living conditions

>muh HFCS conspirraccyyyyyyy


t. /pol/

Yeah corrupt oligarchic one man state with a petrol station for economy is much better than that

>Your average Russian is a nationalist that wishes USSR would come back

This just isn't true, and I wouldn't trust a survey that said as much.

>Your average Russian is a nationalist that wishes USSR would come back

No they don't, this is a myth spread by the stalin studies who stated russians didn't mind Stalin's legacy but they would invariably never want to live under him (this latter part is ignored by you communists because you love pushing selective interpretations of data when you're proselytizing)

haha okay well I'll just sit over here and enjoy my high GDP, HDI, and secure government and civil liberties. By the way, how's that AIDs epidemic going?

This is a myth on the same level that a white American nationalist wants literally hitler back.
Protip - the vocal minority isn't the silent majority

Because Russia as it is geopolitically positioned can't practice Western liberal democracy, but strongman oligarchy, like many other countries which do not have a Western humanistic and Enlightenment tradition. They rely on brute military force and feudalizing the various Siberian and Turkic republics in the East, which they must control to secure their Eastern border.

Since the end of the Soviet Union, Russia has pretty much practiced pure power politics without much regard for international opinion or the opinion of its electorate.

Russia is the international bad guy because Russians are too autistic to realize that bloody reprisals and illegal invasions makes you no friends in the international arena except other bad guys who would love to play by the same rules.

fuck bush, fuck soros, fuck rockefllers... fuck the oligarchy

I think he's referring to the Russian Federation - you know, the actual oligarchy? The one dominated by criminals and mafiosi who were in the right place at the right time to buy the USSR's industry? And who now dominated the decision-making process of Vladimir Putin?

Western nations aren't 100% perfect but if you want to see a real honest to god oligarchy look at Russia. Rockefeller is positively a declawed kitten in comparison

>Russia becoming a strip mall for American business since the 90s
>Russia has pretty much practiced pure power politics

can you name any russian brands/companies dominating burgerland?

russia is a whore to corporate west

since the fall of the USSR, the russkies have complied with all of the wests demands... mcdonalds, coke, pizza hut, porn, faggot ceos... its all american

putin calls the west its partner since day 1. so did yelstin. putin pushed to integrate with the EU and US. even pushed for visa free travel between US, EU, and Russia

everyone knows russians are the biggest imposters of american culture and yearn to be seen as western

and even when russia transformed itself to a rapeable prostitute for the west, the west still treats it like some major threat

no matter what russia does, the plan is for balkanization as Brzezinski outlined

now at the same time, china has firmly kept a distance from the west and maintained it's image, control, and dominance. china has been less friendly to the west and more aggressive in its domination efforts, but the west is not applying the same aggressive treatment towards china as it is towards russia.

This is textbook what-aboutism and you should really stop using this if you want to make an argument about morality. It's not a valid defense for imperialist actions, it's just an ad-hominem attack and puts you on the same level as the Eternal Anglo.

sorry, just more pre-occupied with the criminal oligarchy closer to this planet

fighting the enemies (scapegoats) of your enemy isnt top priority when your own house needs cleaning

>putin calls the west its partner since day 1. so did yelstin. putin pushed to integrate with the EU and US. even pushed for visa free travel between US, EU, and Russia

And it had us going for a while, too. We were on the verge of accepting them into NATO before they started carrying out hybrid warfare against their neighbours in 2008. Right now Russia is happy to accept US corporate dick because it's the only sector of their economy which isn't tanking right now, but all pretense of greater integration with the west is out of the window and Russia's left scrabbling to hollow out a meagre sphere of influence in its former border regions while it still can

do u know what that word means

>fighting the enemies (scapegoats) of your enemy isnt top priority when your own house needs cleaning

The West definitely isn't perfect and our own house does need cleaning but we also need to focus on staying ahead, and that means keeping rivals down. Russia and China share neither our values or our interests and therefore whether we like it or not we will be forced to view them in an adversarial manner.

Because Russia is a petrostate and it doesn't have strong institutions that defend property rights.

Russia has recently engaged in hostile military action against a Western buffer state, and then repossessed Crimea from the Ukraine. If there's one thing, the post-war international order doesn't like, it's redrawing borders.

Democratization and introduction of capitalization to Russia was a mistake. It should have been phased in. Instead of being productively run by competent or innovative people, state enterprises were given to political cronies as rewards for their support for Tsar Putin.

Russia has been acting violently and irrationally, trying to make up for their diminished international prestige, power, and ultimately relevance. This makes the great Western powers apprehensive and paranoid, because the Crimean situation is eerily like Hitler's Sudetenland annexation.

>the verge of accepting them into NATO
>started carrying out hybrid warfare against their neighbours in 2008
weak b8

do you really think Veeky Forumsfags are that historically illiterate

Shakashvili was part of Soros' global empire. the color revolution to gain control of pro-Russia Georgia and transform it to a American vassal to attack Russia (which was proven by the UN)

>Russia didn't have the Enlightement tradition
>who was Peter
>who was Catherine II

>Because Saudi is a petrostate and it doesn't have strong institutions that defend property rights.

why the fuck are you sucking Saudi dick then and flooding the west with jihadists that kill innocent white citizens?

can you frame Russia for this too?

surely we are lead by humanitarians with great intentions

all the corporate wars, false-flag terrorism, slavery, impoverishment of domestic citizen, genocide, race replacement is all for the better

what to westerners get from supporting their treasonous criminal leaders? more jihadist race replacement? more poverty? more white genocide?

It failed to take root. Russian society was horribly organized and not conducive to Enlightenment ideals.

Again, what-aboutism, and now you're bringing up non-issues and issues that aren't relevant. Learn to argue from an objective geopolitical point of view. I wouldn't even object if you just said flat out, "We want to take over these places." Your justifications are intellectually dishonest and disgustingly transparent.

The US and Russia are friends now so why all the asspain in this thread? It's the western Europe that is still hostile to Russia and frankly they deserve to burn.

>moving the goalposts

>enterprises were given to political cronies as rewards for their support for Bush, Soros.

sounds eerily similar to US

how about the elites go fight themselves while the citizens lay down their arms and sit back and grab some popcorn

or do you plan on another moloch sacrifice?

That post was a response to the dearth of Russian companies in the West. You don't hear of Russian companies because Russians have terrible property rights and the business environment is not conducive to investment and development. Idk why you're bringing up the Saudis.

ofcourse these issues dont concern you
these issues concern the sacrificial lamb that are led to be slaughtered for the interests of a corrupt and treasonous elite

>Soros' global empire

and you call me the b8er

You mean the common Russian people being sacrificed for the Russian mafia elite?

I'm talking about the enlightement. First you claimed there was no enlightement in Russia, now after being confronted with the fact there were indeed enlightened absolutist monarchs in Russia you move the goalposts and say it just didn't manifest. But whatever, the enlightement is cancerous Jew shit anyway.
Also it's interesting that westerners in the late 1800s said Russians are naturally anarchist (anarchism was invented in Russia to start with) and now they're saying Russians are naturally attracted to dictatorship and tyranny, top lel. I conclude that westerners have to be naturally retarded.

>Russians have terrible property rights and the business environment is not conducive to investment and development

tell that to 1000s the American companies that swamped Russia: McDonalds, Coke, PizzaHut, Dominos, Subways, KFC Nike etc..

they seem to be profiting pretty well at the expense of impoverished foreigners with convenient property rights and generous business environment

or did you just want Russia to surrender all their property, territory, and wealth? since the current business environment is just not conducive to your greed

>But whatever, the enlightement is cancerous Jew shit anyway.

that'll be why the European nations which managed to democratise are now the most prosperous and those that didn't range from dirt poor to petro-oligarchy paper tigers riddled with corruption right

1. Russians are descendants of mongols (up to 50% mong DNA)
2. Alcoholism, drugs and HIV will finish russians in 15-20 years
3. Their culture hasn't produced anything of note
There's plenty of reasons to hate Russia and russians, but you're going to pretend that it's a plot by the eternal Anglo

? Yeah and it was promptly crushed by the boyars as soon as they possibly could. Serfdom solidified into quasislavery. Then the Romanov czars embraced absolutism and destroyed democratic institutions. Don't act like attempted reforms are the same thing as enduring movements and institutions.

>enlightement = democracy
Now you pretend like the 18th century never happened.

Prosperity has nothing to do with democracy. The most prosperous nations on Earth are those "petro oligarchies" as you call them in the Persian Gulf and Brunei and they sure as fuck are no democracies.

Because Russia can't seize those assets without driving off foreign investors and creditors, hard foreign capital reserves that it desperately needs.

This is the type of shit I'm talking about:

Why build anything if Daddy Putin will just take it?

I feel sorry for modern Russia.

In 1917 they at least had the prestige of the Romanov dynasty and old muscovy

in 1927 they had the unrealistic but lofty goals of communist utopia to aspire to, however far the USSR was from achieving them

in 1947 they controlled most of eastern Europe via ideology and puppet states and were one of two surviving superpowers

in 1967 they had put the first satellite in space and the first man in orbit

in 2017 they're a pseudo democracy ruled Tsar Putin and his oligarchs desperately using their ageing military to carve out puny client states in the land they once controlled, now occupied by hostile pro west governments who are quite rightly trying to escape the sinking ship of the Russian sphere of influence while Russia proper has a population about 60 million people lower than it should be by now and a life expectancy about a decade younger than those of western nations

Shit bait

you sound like an assblasted megalomaniacal midget who cant get over the fact that Russia is bigger than you will ever be

you are separated by an ocean and should direct your focus to your own failed rogue state and to your neighboring failed states mexico, haiti etc..

whatever issues you raise about russia are miniscule when compared to your own domestic issues

fix your shit
fix mexico and fuck off


>The most prosperous nations on Earth are those "petro oligarchies" as you call them in the Persian Gulf and Brunei and they sure as fuck are no democracies.

Temporarily prosperous, but once the oil's run out or the rich democracies have transferred to alternative energy sources (probably some time in the mid 21st century) they'll be struggling to make ends meet. Not that it'll make much difference to the average Bangladeshi migrant building Qatari football stadiums for a pittance

>whatever issues you raise about russia are miniscule when compared to your own domestic issues


oh wait, you're serious


this desu

Modern russia is a weak, pathetic shadow of its former self, trying to convince its people that they are still relevant by swinging its military out and about. Meanwhile, the USSR was one of the scariest and most powerful states on Earth economically, socially and militarily.

Go USSR or go home.

I can guarantee the petro wealth will be less "temporary" than the fictional wealth created in the City of London, Hong Kong, Frankfurt and other bullshut financial centers.

>WAAAAAAAA russia bad, slavs r ebil
>WAAAAAAAA Bush Co. needs Russian property rights and oil business
>goys ignore our own corruption and rogue state
>WAAAAAAAA Russian laws are shit lets go to war

if you want to satiate your megalomania and pick on another country how bout you start with your ally mexico:

>literally invading the US and engaged in hostile military action against US
>literally a drug mafia state run by cronies
>literally have terrible property rights and the business environment is not conducive to investment and development

and then you got your ally saudi which makes russia look like a saint

This and this .

It's potentially a challenger, one that has refused and continues to refuse to submit to the anglo, like a serf to his master.

Therefore, the recollection of demonizing views, cliches and propaganda narrative, known as '''''History'''''' in the anglo world, needs to be created and spreaded.

As a general rule, just disregard historical works written in english or by anglo authors as nothing more than a memes and propaganda effort that has nothing to do with a serious, educated and professional attempt at building a historical narrative, whatever the topic.


t. paid RT poster reliant on direct injections of putin's seed for sustenance

Russia always was and will always be a backward poor country.

>t. Appalachia, Detroit, ghetto urban centers and the rest of 3rd world USA

when you look at a mirror you see Russia

>If I cherry pick small parts of a country, they look my country look less shit

"some times i like to wake up in the morning and just

yell at russia on the internet"

t. nsa agent, hillary shill, interracial tranny cuckold, brainwashed gay millennial from /utg/

"we need to declare war on russia so based jews like toby fox can finally permacuck their country with gay SJW communist globalism and interracial tranny cuckoldry and mass islamic rapist terrorist immigration. we also need to give more money to israel so they can make missiles"

t. same

t. Louise "Unter" Mensch

The Enlightenment was a restructuring of the old political order which threw divine right out, promoted egalitarianism, and championed individual liberties. This diminished the importance of landed nobles, strengthened the middle class, and put into motion the social pressures which would result in the democratization of Western Europe. The second deposition of the Bourbons basically spelled the doom of absolute monarchy in Europe. Peter and Catherine's reforms, while impressive, was too little to overcome Russia's massive structural problems that prevented it from becoming as developed as the rest of Western Europe. Nicholas II's autocratic autism closed the door to peaceful reform.

Rus cav arch of thenorth west

Russian oligarchs are bitches to putin unlike the west where politicians are the bitches.
not even Putins critics says that he is an oligarch puppet anymore.
also when was the last time a western politician jailed an oligarch?

Why are Russians so dense? The average Russian skull can probably be used for radiation shielding.

>anglos don't like a competitive powers, especially if they're almost completely landbased and thus are largely immune to blockades and other shit like that
>russia is pretty much the largest landbased power there is

I sure wonder why anglos hate Ivans.

>objectively the best system of government
maybe it's good for america, but that dosen't mean it's a good system for other countries

not an argument

Russia is cold user of course its gonna be poor, the cold is the most powerful natural enemy to humans.

>The one dominated by criminals and mafiosi who were in the right place at the right time to buy the USSR's industry?
that was during the Yeltsin era, you know that period Russia actually tried being a liberal democracy, didn't work out well
>And who now dominated the decision-making process of Vladimir Putin?
no they don't. give evidence.

>Russia has recently engaged in hostile military action against a Western buffer state, and then repossessed Crimea from the Ukraine.
and why did Russia do that? because the west financed the euromaidan, so why do the west feel the need to decrease russian influence and increase nato influence around Russia?
>state enterprises were given to political cronies as rewards for their support for Tsar Putin.
Putin wheren't in power during the 90s

>Because Germans is a powerful barbaric nation, hellbent on annihilating Western hegemony, and it has been like that since the foundation of Rome.

>kremlbots have now finally arrived on Veeky Forums

>americans are not stupid

because its a 3rd world shithole pretending to be european

t. cia