What was the biggest meme you fell for?

What was the biggest meme you fell for?

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The United Kingdom of David and Solomon meme borders. it's doubtful Jerusalem was the center of a state controlling all of Judah and the Ephraim highlands in the 10th century B.C. let alone this.


>the great

Alexander the Pretty Cool Dude

the one about all of Christianity being united against the Turks and plenty of Christians not having it better under turkish rule than their fellow others

I guess my meme was pop culture distractions.
In all seriousness, I never learned a shred of history growing up, it's only in my early thirties that I am now getting the most basic world history timeline together from reading wikipedia articles, lol.
>mfw I never even heard of the Holy Roman Empire until last year


Same here bro. I just happened to stumble onto Veeky Forums about a year ago with only the barest knowledge about world history. Now I'm ordering about five new books off Amazon every couple weeks. I can't get enough.

>my early thirties
>I never even heard of the Holy Roman Empire until last year
America: the post

Europe has a real problem with immigration

Not him but,
>I'm so smart and educated please pay attention to me
Fuck off dude, we're all just hear to learn and discuss history. Stop bringing your politics bullshit into this.

I'm not even going to deny it lol, I never learned anything about History, school was just daycare for teenagers.

The other day there was a guy who though NYC was in New England.

I work with a girl who doesn't know who George Washington is, nor can she point out the United States on a map. We work in the United States military.

Property ownership

Greeks being the good guys in the Persian wars. Greeks winning the Persian wars and not immediately becoming whores for Persian gold.

Well @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president!

Ooga booga if if if uhh uhh ahh ahh if if if if

Okie doke!

I used to think New England was a state.
But I'm from Arkansas and if the yanks can't point to us on a map then fuck them too

Redistribution of wealth

The Spanish conquest of America.

"the Myth of exceptional men" — the idea that the Spanish Conquest was enabled by certain outstanding individuals such as Columbus, Cortés and Pizarro and their personal courage and innovative strategies. Restall shows that instead, the techniques of conquest and colonization used by the early Spanish explorers had been developed throughout at least a century of colonial expansion by Spain and Portugal and were in fact mostly standard procedure. Restall draws on scholars' published work for this conclusion.

"the Myth of the King's Army" — the belief that the Spanish conquest was undertaken at the behest of the King of Spain and that the conquistadors were Spanish soldiers. Restall claims that in fact the conquistadors did not necessarily see themselves as Spanish but rather identified as Andalusians, Castilians, Aragonese, Basque, Portuguese, Galician, and even Genoese, Flemish, Greek and Pardo (half-black). Nor were they acting under the command of the Holy Roman Emperor who was also the king of the Spanish realms. And they were not soldiers in a formal military sense of the word but rather a group of feudal lords with their respective footmen, servants, pages and mercenaries.

"the Myth of the White Conquistador" — the belief that the Spanish conquest was accomplished by a small number of white Spaniards. Restall claims that much of the actual military operations was undertaken by the indigenous allies of the Conquistadors, outnumbering the actual Spanish forces by many hundreds to one. He also shows that there were several conquistadors of African and Moorish descent — dispelling the idea of the conquest as a victory of the "white Europeans" over the "red Indians".

"the Myth of Completion" — the belief that all of the Americas were under Spanish control within a few years after the initial contact. Restall claims that contrary to this belief pockets of indigenous peoples living without having been conquered subsisted for several centuries after the conquest - and arguably to this day. For example, Tayasal, the last independent city of the Maya, did not fall under Spanish sway until 1697. In other areas of Latin America, Spanish control was never complete and rebellions were continuous. He shows that the colonization of the Americas did not happen as one fell swoop, but rather as a historical process starting centuries before the magic years of 1492 and 1521 and ending several centuries after.

"The Myth of (Mis)Communication" — the beliefs that the Spaniards and natives had perfect communication and that each group understood the other's words and intentions unhindered, or alternatively that many of the crucial events of the conquest were a result of the two groups misunderstanding each other's intentions. Restall claims how communication between the groups were in fact very difficult at first, and that the rendering of passages of speech made by one group to the other in post-conquest sources cannot be understood as having been recorded "verbatim" even though it is understood and interpreted that way. But he also shows that the natives cannot be said to have crucially misunderstood or misinterpreted the Spaniards' intentions, but rather that they had a good understanding of how the Spanish worked at a very early stage in the conquest.

Can someone explain why figuratures were banned in Islam?

"The Myth of Native Desolation" — the belief that the indigenous peoples of the Americas resigned to their fate, included themselves in the new European order and ceased to exist as ethnicities. He also argues that many of the indigenous peoples never felt "conquered" but rather that they had formed a partnership with a new power to both of their advantage - this for example was the case for most of the allied forces that helped Cortés defeat the Aztecs.

"The Myth of Superiority" — the belief that the success of the Spanish conquest was due to either the supposed technological superiority of the Spaniards or a kind of inherent cultural superiority — and that Spanish victory was therefore inevitable. Restall claims that such technological advantages as handguns, cannons, steel armor, horses and dogs weren't of great consequence in the actual fighting since they were all in short supply, and that the Aztecs were not daunted by this new technology for long. He also refutes the notion that the Indians' lack of alphabetic writing constituted a major drawback. Nor were the Indians childlike, naive or cowardly in comparison with the Spanish such as many early Spanish sources have painted them. Restall argues that the factors behind the success of the conquistadors were mostly the devastating effect of European diseases for which the Indians had no resistance, the disunity between indigenous groups some of which allied with the Spaniards early, the technological advantage of the steel sword, native battle practices that were not upheld by the Spaniards — such as killing non-combatants and civilians, and most importantly the fact that the Indians were fighting on their own ground with their families and fields to care for, which made them quicker to compromise.

Because I liked the winners edition of history taught around me that I was going to have a good through just life.

Instead turns out I'm an aboriginal bastard of Hitler himself that never should have been born and am being tormented to my death. Woohoo

I refuse to believe this is true

I knew some guy who thought Peru was in Mexico, and someone in class corrected him that it's actually in Africa. This was high school.

>"the Myth of the King's Army" Restall claims that in fact the conquistadors did not necessarily see themselves as Spanish but rather identified as Andalusians, Castilians, Aragonese, Basque, Portuguese, Galician, and even Genoese, Flemish, Greek and Pardo (half-black).
That's nothing new, and basically it's more easy to say that they were spanish than castilian, aragonese, andalusian etc.
>"the Myth of the White Conquistador"the belief that the Spanish conquest was accomplished by a small number of white Spaniards.
Who believes that? The conquest couldnt have been possible without the help of the other natives.
>"The Myth of (Mis)Communication"
Again, who the fuck thought they could communicate perfectly
All those paragraphs are totally unnecesary.


I fell for the "Irish and Italians weren't considered white" meme until I learned better.

desu I live in europe and it was never mentioned in school
I'm sure most people on the street wouldn't know about it if I asked

my mom asked me what the first amendment was and also if ww2 was "the one with the nazis"

Early on before all you faggots came here, the male-dominated userbase spread around the notion that giving girls on the internet shit tons of attention and spending all your time trying to make them like you made you a beta orbiter.

Now that the dust cleared, it's pretty clear that wasn't what was happening. Those were normal boys with normal testosterone levels doing normal things that I should have well. Women are dumb, you have to give them attention. That's the whole thing.

She is a woman, user.



I've fallen for a lot of memes
>Edward Fesser
>The Democratic Party
>Spooky max stirner
>Irish nationalism
>British Unionism
>Chinese folk religions

Not the guy you responded to and I'm not having a go at you but it is odd that the guy wouldn't have heard of the HRE. He may not be European but it's something that I would think lies within most people's common knowledge in terms of them having at least heard of it if not knowing anything about it.

>in Europe
Whereabouts? It was mentioned a ton in Hungary.

found the white buddhist

I used to think that people wouldn't clash and parry with swords.


Believe me, I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't hear it myself. She also had no clue what the Cold War was.

>being needlessly insecure and spouting le funny America jokes


falling for petty emotions ago. i go in and out of phases youre outdated af if you didnt know

I will kill you were you stand for this.

>The British Empire was huge and powerful during the US Revolutionary War
>American Revolutionaries won against all odds


this myth is worse than the obverse desu

muh jesus didnt exist, muh christian dark ages, muh west africa was just just hunter/gatherer before europeans, muh nordcuck memes, muh egyptians were black/white, muh ancient greeks were nord


negative rights

To be fair the other countries didn't join in until they could actually see us winning

Trump was going to make America great again. I should have voted for Hillary.

The "Islamic Golden Age"

Secular judaism. I know see it as a completely fabricated modern identity

France supplied the rebels from day 1
Had it not been for them, the rebellion wouldnt have lasted a month
