Developer here. Decided that I'm creating a new pajeet shitcoin to pump and dump...

Developer here. Decided that I'm creating a new pajeet shitcoin to pump and dump. Who's interested in getting in on the absolute ground floor?

You will be entitled to a slice of the premine. You will have the opportunity to mine the coins extremely early when the difficulty is low. You will be able to sell those coins to chumps and make some quick cash.

What is needed:

>People who can market the coin.
>Design skills (make a logo, make an info chart)
>Developers to help building the coin - Crypto development is huge plus
>Web Devs
>Marketers (people who can spam twitter and Veeky Forums)
>Video creators

Post what your skills are, or what you can offer to help grow our new shitcoin. Include a throw-away temporary email (like 10minutemail) to get your slack invite.


Other urls found in this thread:

Count me in, I'm a web dev

Here's a 10 minute mail

Is this the new pasta?

what frameworks you know?

no i just reposted my thread from yesterday

I believe it is, I've seen the same exact thread 2 or 3 times now. Unless this 'developer' is really eager to rip people off.

You also said we had enough people though. And we had a fuckton of people.

stop being butthurt that you weren't let in. maybe we'll send you an invite if you explain how you can contribute

[email protected] here. I was one of the first ones in the thread, and you already sent me an email. I am simply stating we don't need anymore. The team is already huge if you actually contacted everyone who was there yesterday.

Lots of people have been purged in favour of people with real skills, and you aren't in the slack channel. Your invite was revoked last night for taking too long to join.

We only have 10 people right now. Looking for about 5 more.

[email protected]

video creator
few years experience

Fuck everyone is getting rich off ICOs

Video creator here. 4k camera and another 4k drone with all the software to edit. Hit me up
[email protected]

Marketer with Masters degree in psychology

[email protected]

front-end: reactjs, bootstrap, the typical startup memestack
back-end: express/nodejs

Also, new email rofl
[email protected]

Twitter spamm...marketer I mean reporting for duty

[email protected]

Name: Wall Street Coin (WST)

we'll put you on the short list for now

we have a decent amount of web dev, what we need is backend cryptocoin people.


Sick I want in.

I can almost smell the Swifties

Would you need a computer engineer?

perhaps. are you good with C? Can you make GUI programs in Java for example?

I made a living on programming so yeah. I've done Java C++ Objective C python etc etc

GUI isn't my specialty tho. I'm much better backend dev.

I want in.
Video editor and graphic designer here. I can also shill on social media.

Perhaps make some hippy feel good coin for some bullshit cause like a BLM coin.

[email protected]

post an email. I'll invite you to the slack.

[email protected]

I want in.

Video editor and graphic designer here. I can also shill on social media.

Perhaps make some hippy feel good coin for some bullshit cause like a BLM coin. Whatever is fine with me.

Forgot to mention I've been a professional editor for almost a decade and can make you some real slick shit for the website to make us look legit.

[email protected]

Sof eng here currently working on back end dev.

[email protected]

TCL, python, c++ mostly api/db exp

he isnt looking for a software engineer looks like he wants a electrical lol

invite sent

will shill this with my life. put me in, coach.

[email protected]

I am a software engineer, working in java, c/c++, R, postgresql, mysql.
I've got a good fundamental understanding of blockchain and smart contracts.
Email me at: [email protected]

Expert marketer, been in crypto for 6 years.
I am familiar with the systems involved with exchanges and the essential functionalities of a crypto market (Matching systems, valuation algorithms, etc)
I have successfully manipulated prices of assets on numerous exchanges with ad little as $80.
I have been doing web application and networking security research for about 5 years and have successfully dodged charges for illicit pentesting
I have many more qualifications I can discuss with you via email or slack.
[email protected]

invite sent

I'm interested. No programming experience. But lots of marketing and personal relations over the years.

Marketing and content development experience.
Also programming experience.

As well, I have a big list of potential shitcoin names.

[email protected]

how much pajeet crypto would it takes to get me some taylor action.


Add me! No exp or skills but I seriously want to make money if that helps!
[email protected]

Degree in CompSci, best friends and contacts in Software Engineering, Financial Services and FinTech

[email protected]
Let me know if you're interested, it's late here and I'll need to go to bed soonish

This thread was up last night and they already chose a team for a real crypto.

Are you guys just going to do a shit coin? Either way I want in on both so make sure to keep everyone on biz updated.

invite sent

yeah we eventually decided to just make a real altcoin, but don't tell anyone. pajeet scam coin gets more replies

inv me
can do anything
[email protected]

this you?

no i'm not the let-me-be-co-founder-guy who begged to get invited in yesterdays thread

[email protected]

Billybenis still here and still interested.

I can market and design

[email protected]

Hey I suggested it's what you guys do last night instead. Great to see you stuck with it.

I'm next to no help except free marketing.

[email protected]

Are you trying to ICO bro?
Found your other thread

Artist here.
Art side is easy for a P&D coin. Just gimmick it up.

CubeCoin - it's a square emblem instead of a circle.
PixelCoin - Hipster appealing low res art for your coin
MemeCoin - Use a normie appealing meme (been done to death, really)
AnimalCoin - People love animals. Pick the cutest one that hasn't been done. Seal coin? It has my SEAL of approval! ha ha ha. Make the coin look like a real seal of approval to beat retards over the head with this "joke".
SuperCoin - Make it sound really important and classy. Talk up basic blockchain technologies using new terms to make people think you're much smarter than them and that you REALLY know the market. What 90% of coins are doing.


im not a developer but i got a degree in CS

i work in marketing now and my mommy says im a big helper so maybe thats useful.

[email protected]

I know you have a plethora of front end developers or UI engineers by now, but I'll toss my card in this for the boot...

> 10+ Years of Front End Exp
> 3+ Years of focused UI

I've worked on a couple projects, largest unfortunately was bought by WCIU and no longer exists.

Recent side project I had was developing a Web Application for Pokemon Go players to upload in-game screenshots to track their stats (distance, captures, etc...) using image reading technology. Built with Rails for API work and AngularJS for data view.

To be honest I haven't updated it in awhile since the fandom died down, but thinking about updating it (to parse info of the new pkgo app) since it is summer again.

You can email me: [email protected]

I'm also a major shill on various Twitters, and forums.

What algorithm will it use?


Kek approves.

I will be closing this email in 20 minutes. [email protected]

>I have a bunch of social media accounts related to crypto assets (news, announcments)
>I have friends who are crypto wales and would listen to me
>I can market the coin in various forums
>I can give general advice on anything

I can create the BUZZ that will correspond into real numbers.

[email protected]

im a videographer/editor with a lot of experience in editing and crypto as a whole as well as a 4k set up and plenty of gear



Designer here.

- apps
- websites
- branding

can cut videos as well.

[email protected]