Your country collapses due to a weak government and infighting between several factions

>your country collapses due to a weak government and infighting between several factions
>you can't immigrate to other countries because they've banned refugees

What do Veeky Forums?
>Stay and fight?
>an hero?
>or take your chances and try to illegally immigrate to another country that isn't too anal on refugees?

If you stay and fight, how do you know which faction will win?

I am not leaving my basement under any circumstances.

Stay and fight, obviously.

Syrian conflict references.
Illegally immigrate to Germany obviously.

yeah but fight with whom? how do you know which faction will win?

what if you join a faction which is grossly outgunned by the other side?

So you don't fight for what you believe?
You just join the ones who might win?

that's liberal cuck talk

People don't really "choose" a faction in situations like these. Armed neighborhood gangs form who gradually form a loose confederacy with the average foot soldier only motivated by settling scores and securing food.

Option 1. Starve to death
Optiin 2. Buy a bunch of alchohol drench myself in it someone toss that lighter at me.
Option 3. Doubt i have it in me. Go on a killing spree.
Option 4. Buy so much acid. I dont know the wotld im living in

>t. grunt

If you want to move, or even avoid and come back when it's over, check you family tree for any relatives abroad and initially crash at their place.
Who will win?
The faction USA and Russia (swap out for China depending on geography and investment) agree will win.

I'm curious, where?

>muh liberal cuck

Its pretty stupid to not join the winning side tbqh. Sure fight for what you believe in yadadada...
But if you don't have a death wish you basically have 3 options:

1) Run.
2). Keep your head down.
3) Join the winning team.

I have no idea what I would do, I have no frame f reference because I've never lived in Ann unstable shithole before

if you fight good, eventually you end up in the winning side

good people born in bad places should die just to make a point?

What would "continue with my daily routine of shitposting on Greco--Persian road building site" fall under?

I absolutely loathe people who abandon their families, their friends, and their homeland once things get tough or inconvenient for them. Not an actual war or anything, but 90% of my classmates left my town with nothing but ill-will to it and left for greener pastures, contributing nothing to making the place better for future generations and doing nothing but complaining when they were forced to return for not making it elsewhere.

In the situation OP describes, the only answer is to use the chaotic climate to impose the order you want. A chaotic nature in a country is much like heated iron -- only then can be it shaped easily into one's own design. You must do your part to bring about the change you want.

This is the most retarded thing I've read ever

Most of the time there isn't a good side. And if there is one it often looses.

And for a fuckton of cases you can't really be impartial because you get dragged into it because for example you helped a man who was injured and BAM it turns out he was a person who supported.fought for one faction and now to everyone and to other factions around you are now part of that faction and part of the conflict. Either that or the war comes on your footsteps.

I would grow food, and manufacture psychedelics to be used as chemical weapons, start us a municipality centered around biodiversity conservation and utilization, probably with a mutualist economy if it gets big enough.
What's with these rp threads they are fucking gay, contributton

>good people
Doesn't exist
>bad places
Doesn't exist