Based upon current events and what has happened previously...

Based upon current events and what has happened previously, do you think another Crusade backed by the Catholic Church would be possible? Elaborate on your thoughts

Not with the current pope

>unironically wanting to be some diseased plague ridden crusader
Nope. cucktianity is ded, the future belongs to Islam

>do you think another Crusade backed by the Catholic Church would be possible?
The Church lacks the institutional vigor, and is run by weak old men raised under the effete Bolshevized cultural mores of the late 20th century, where all cultures are equal and violence is wrong.

perhaps if we had some Popes of the Middle ages. Those guys were on a whole other level of God. Back when the Church had the complete power of all say all do, You fuckin bet wed be all be marching to syria right now.

But since the religious wars and Napoleonic wars, the Church has fallen to the likes of country leaders.

But also for a counter as to not going on crusade now. ISIS is shit teir larping jihadist compared to the likes of Zenghi, Nur, and Salah ah-din

No. The reason for the crusades back then are different now. No one is willing to die for some strip of desert.

Back then God moved nations.
Now the rich move nations.

Fuck I hate Nietzsche so much

Seeing how the devout Catholics of today are to be found in South America and the Philippines, any crusade would be a clusterfuck.

the current pope is a cuck kissing the boots of his new Islamic overlords, but hopefully with a new pope you Christians can remove kebab

Good. Religious zealots are cancer.

Yet less cancerous than atheistic zealots.

the dubs will it!
but seriously the flips are the dumbest race on earth, now i cant provide you with scientific evidence to back that up, but as someone who has been there I have real world data that will show this statement is true.
South America is dumb too, but look at how violent these two areas are! Can you imagine a S.A, flip crusade if they actually make it to the holy land. Some drug lords private army chain sawing heads off while the flips release their fighting roosters on the heatherns!
In answer to the question about there being another cursade. Not with this current pope, however take heart in the fact the when a very weak leader is in charge they are more often than not followed by a much stronger and more assertive personality, the pendulum swings both ways as they say. And just from the fact that it has happened before does make it more likely that it will happen again. maybe we will see it before we die, but probably not.

Yeah, no. Even if the Pope were to wake up tomorrow and say "invade the Holy Land", who the hell would answer? LARPing neckbeards?

But lets assume some stupid bastards answer the call. How would these people get to the Holy Land in an organized fashion? Who would lead them? How would standard issue gear be chosen and acquired? APCs and MBTs? Helicopters? Trucks? AT weapons? Gas, bullets and food? Replacement parts? Medical supplies? Hell, who would train these fucks?

tl;dr a modern Crusade won't happen and if it did it'd be a clusterfuck.

A crusade would only be called if there was violent loss of a western state by a foreign religious entity and majority Catholic nations responded, such as Italy or Spain (Such as it is in this time, they're probably the most in position to be considered Catholic states that have both the military strength and religious affiliation to do it. LaAm has the strength, but no projection.). It would probably also require a semi-organized response by Catholic partisans within the state, such as the Knights of Columbus organizing if it were the US.

Assuming those criteria are met, the current incumbent pope, depending on his disposition, may declare a holy war and open up recruitment of all Catholics to volunteer in a sanctioned defensive war. Politically speaking, this is very, very likely to cause a huge backlash throughout the world; Muslim countries would take this as a sign of hostility to the entire Muslim world (Assuming it's Muslim aggressors, which is probably the most likely culprit in our current age.), western nations would decry religious violence coming from other western nations, and other factions would probably get very, very nervous over a new player potentially emerging on the world stage (If there was an armed response once, who's to say China or another power would be willing to take the risk that some of their citizens may side with their religion over the state apparatus if it comes down to it? Or that the Catholic church might decide to intervene in regions where it faces persecution of its followers?). Looking at it like that, a Crusade being called would be very damaging throughout the world to Catholic relations unless there was simply an overwhelming need to host one to survive as a whole (Rome under attack, or direct persecution of Catholics in western nations via government).

So while a Crusade is still in the cards, it's unlikely to happen just because of the ramifications of declaring one within the world itself.

Not to put a damper on things, but don't Italy and Spain have zero force projection?

People are taking this meme too far. No one outside of LARPing faggots on imageboards want a crusade.Not only is that political suicide for the Papacy, but no one is going to believe Jesus just told the pope to go kill some people in buttfuck nowhere for no reason. Also, it would just make Muslims think westerners are out to get them.

i am an american who works with the spanish and italian armed forces, these guys are full retard all the time. they're more concerned about their tans than fighting a real war.
it is infuriating to work with most european countries, britian is the exception and australia/new zealand are really good also (i know not european but western)

Real talk though, why would anybody ACTUALLY want a crusade? It's not like in your fantasies, the "bad guys" can kill you just as well as you can kill them. You won't fight off hordes of people while screeching deus vult, you'll die due to an IED, or bleed to death while you try to hold in your guts after being shot.

Warfare fucking sucks.


I guess people just romanticize that kinda thing. It can't be out of legit religious fervor, if you wanted to save souls in the name of God, you could just be a missionary and skype with people. But it might also be the same reason most religious terrorists are in their early to mid-twenties. War gives you a purpose, and at that age a lot of people want their life to mean something. Fanaticism promises rewards, real or imaginary, to the most devoted.

I was more thinking of a European scenario, in which those two are more likely to be able to have some reach to. The US is more likely to have small areas become Muslim dominated if at all, but European nations run the risk of having some of the major urban centers become de facto Muslim territories.

War may not be very glamorous, but being able to assert one's will, even if it might mean death for the individual, is very appealing. I think if the ability to reinstitute a Catholic Europe was on the table, I'd gladly give my life to see it happen for the benefit of future generations. Things aren't so simple in reality, though.

>i am an american who works with the spanish and italian armed forces, these guys are full retard all the time

I heard italians armed forces carry copious amounts of wine everywhere and constantly get shitfaced all the time.

>European nations run the risk of having some of the major urban centers become de facto Muslim territories

Yeah, and birmingham is a sharia controlled no go zone amirite? Stop drinking /pol/'s kool-aid.

Crusades were mostly just a stream of fuck ups after fuck ups after fuck ups.

With the middle east not having anything worth stealing, support will be somewhere between low and none.

Those few fanatics that do go will likely get killed, starve to death or get lost and try to take over Romania.

they do give wine sometimes as a gift after we do all their work, ive never seen them drunk however they are very inclusive in their compound.