Modern Egyptians are actually Arabs

>Modern Egyptians are actually Arabs
>there is actually 0% Roman dna in Italians
>Modern Greeks are just Turk rape-babies
Why is there so much butthurt over other people's heritage? is it because it ruins the romanticized fantasy that ancient people acted differently than normies today??? ?

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If the Hannibals and Caesers you autists obsess over were alive today they'd be out doing normies things not obsessing over dead people they have no relationship with

it all goes back to nordicism. white frail anglo americans like to pretend every ancient people were blonde haired blue eyed.

yeah my dude all the million romans in italy just disappeared
also all egyptians
and greeks
suddenly millions of turks somehow crossed the bosphorus in a proportion of 5 to 1 greek and bred them out of existence.
you must be one of those retards who think modern day frenchmen descend from the franks.

This is mostly right, except Copts are only legitimate Egyptians. The Arabs are colonizers.

>tfw Italians don't need to play the "we wuz Romans" card because the history of the northern and central Italian city-states is just as good

Yeah because Copts look SOOOOOO much different than ordinary Egyptians.

So who's an Arab to you?

Everyone who speaks Arabic as their first language? Then Copts are Arabs.

Muslim Arabic Speakers? Then what about Christians who identify as Arabs? And what about people of Turkish and Circassian descent who speak arabic as their first language?

This. Nordcucks can't admit they accomplished nothing without Mediterraneans and were no better than a war obsessed eskimo.

They are called Chuckchi, the murder-Eskimos I mean.

>there is actually 0% Roman dna in Italians
Are you saying that modern italians are actually germanics?

>Nordcucks can't admit they accomplished nothing without Mediterraneans
>Mediterraneans literally needed Nordics to keep their empires together

The difference between Arabs and Egyptians of the past is not bigger than the difference between Italians and Greeks of the past. If the latter could call themselves Roman for a long time, it's ridiculous to say that Egyptians can't be Arab.

Genetically they are not that different. Arab Egyptians have more Arab ancestry and a little of other various ethnicities as Egypt was home for lots of migration from Muslim world. Copts have more Greek ancestry. But they're very similar and look the same.

>there is actually 0% Roman dna in Italians

How can you even tell the difference between a native Egyptian and an Arab, seriously. Both of them were brown. Egyptians were more shitskinned than people of the Levant even.

>mediterraneans needed nordics to keep their empires together
more like an asset to the empires, lmao

Egyptians, Berbers (who aren't descendant from Iberian Moors that left Iberia before, during and after the reconquista or from European slaves taken by Barbary pirates) and Arabs look identical.

Take an average Berber from inner Atlas in Morocco, an Egyptian and a Yemeni and people look exactly alike.

egyptians have a certain "look", i cant explain it

>implying they were normal
>implying history didn't exist when they were alive too

lol those aren't copts. copts =/= egyptian christians

>just as good

okay I keep fucking see this exact picture
is it always from you

>implying the Romans were northern

Sounds just as extreme as we-wuzism tbqh
Is OP implying both the romans, greeks and egyptians got literally genocided?

everyone is misunderstanding OP, hes mocking those beliefs

>and central
not even him and ure a dumbo

>there is actually 0% Roman dna in Italians

Wait what? Bullshit, I'm calling bullshit.

I know this, modern greeks are pathetic, aren't they?

At least Italy still relevant today, unlike the shithole called Greece.

Italy is barely irrelevant. It's the" functioning" drop dead alcoholic of Europe.

it's the #8 world economic power
>drop dead alcoholic of Europe.
source needed

The redpill is realizing the Romans accomplished very little on an individual cultural level and that the Italian city-states were undoubtedly superior in that area. They were akin to Ancient Greece.

Don't care either way, but the capitals of the late WRE (Milan and Ravenna) were both in northern Italy.

>an individual cultural level
What the fuck does that mean?

What is Livy, Propertius, Virgil, Ovid? Do those not count on an 'individual cultural level'?

Well, let's just say "Roman culture" wasn't very impressive since Greek culture overshadowed it in every way. They were just good at being expansionist warmongers like the Macedonians (who also accomplished almost nothing on a cultural level compared to real Greece).

>Greek culture overshadowed it in every way
I don't know about that man. Seems like you have a skewed perspective, over-glorifying the ancient Greeks a bit. Admittedly over glorification of Greek cultural accomplishment is a characteristic of late Roman and late antique culture and has been written deeply into western historiography.

>Modern Egyptians are actually Arabs
The majority are probably, copts definitely not. Regardless, those "arabs" are obviously still descendent by pre-conquest peoples.
>there is actually 0% Roman dna in Italians
No such thing as "Roman DNA" (You fucking idiot). Both Italians and Greeeks have ~95% neolithic genetic origin of early farmers who occupied the modern land. Roman empire was built on identity, not ethnicity, I can't believe I have to say this on a history board of all places.
>Modern Greeks are just Turk rape-babies
For fuck sakes. Give me a study that says Greece carries significant Turkish genes, when in fact Turkey is actually slightly influenced genetically by the Greek population exchange of 1912.

Sometimes I wonder if people who say this shit are just nordcucks, niggers, anglos, slavs etc. who are projecting or if you really are retarded.

Egyptians were black.

>Greeks are Turkish ra-

>there is actually 0% Roman dna in Italians

you forgot about ashkenazim being pretty much half southern Italian and half arab LARPERS according to genetic research

>be roman woman
>get raped by arab
>pop out baby and call it a jew despite there being strict rules about jewishness being paternal
>change rules to being maternal

being a jew at this point is based on nothing other than state of mind, they flip flop from paternal to maternal and the jews around today are just italian people LARPing and have nothing to do with actual ancient Israelites

the only jews that can even claim ancestry are sephardi

>turks come from asia
>conquer an empire of about 10 million greeks
>nowadays western turks look mediterranean with no asian features
>eastern turks are more arab-like

>eastern turks are more arab-like
The whole rest of Turkey is "arab-like" lmao

Those are literal Copts you fool



Copts are Arab boy is Muslim Egyptians are.

Do you understand what an ethno-religous group is? If you convert to Christian orthodox you are not a copt, you are a Christian orthodox. Coptic Christians have a common ancestral lineage. Read here

Straight from wiki as well:
>The scientists suggest that this points to a common origin for the general population of Egypt. They also associate the Coptic component with Ancient Egyptian ancestry, without the later Arabian influence that is present among other Egyptians.

southern italy has been more under normans than under arabs
this meme is ridiculous

That actually looks very much like a modern Egyptian. They haven't changed all that much.

Try being under Ottoman occupation for 400 years and see how that works out for you.

Greeks today still look like the ancient Greeks.
Egyptians today still look like the ancient Egyptians.

Populations dont magically stop existing when they are invaded.

Religion, culture and ruling powers can change. But the local population will almost always remain the same ethnically.

The only rare exceptions to this is the Native Americans who got wiped the fuck out and replaced by Europeans.

t. Aleksandros Popoulos Kartostratoss

t. John ``Yellow Teeth´´ Smith from England

Your argument is meaningless:

Find me a single study that says Modern Greeks have Turkish DNA. Hell even Cyprus (Like a half Turkish half Greek territory) has a population of pure Greeks. They are ~95% neolithic in genetic origin (that means pre-antiquity).


That Libyan looks Veeky Forums af

You can also compare the people from the Ionian islands to the rest of Greece to see if they look too different from the rest since they were never conquered by Turks. They are almost never included in genetic studies though. I fucking hate that. I'm curious as fuck about their genetics.

I never once fucking implied that the Turks polluted the Greek DNA, I just said that because Greeks were under Ottoman occupation for so long they were kept down instead of progressing like the rest of Europe.

Oh I thought the guy you were replying to was being sarcastic though, my bad lol.

The thing is american blacks are very insecure about the fact that they are decedent from slaves to the point of making up an Egyptian mythology about the origin of blacks.
Do not get mistaken, there were blacks in egypt, but egypt was a multicultural society, there were whites and arabs and others too.
As for black americans, they are gigantic retards who cant read a history book about the slave trade and realize their ancestors came from the west coast of Africa in places like Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria etc, nowhere near egypt


>muh culture
There's more to a society than that, and the Romans already had plenty of that, and were, at large, arguably more influencial than the Greeks.

You think that's bad? Yeah, there were black dynasties in Egypt. I think everybody has already established the fact that African-Americans who claim this shit are retarded and should be treated specially. Especially when they claim that Cleopatra was black and then complain about whitewashing - shut the fuck up and read a book. But here's what's worse:
The author who's an afro-centrist:
>can say without a doubt that Afrocentrists do not spend time arguing that either Socrates or Cleopatra were black
Fucking. Socrates.

Really? I feel like the Roman empire mostly just expanded on what already came out of Ancient Greece. To each their own I guess. Not that it matters who was more influential considering they would conglomerate to form the Byzantine empire not to soon after.

The Romans were utter failures.

>be military driven like the Macedonians and adopt everything from Greeks
>conquer Greece and MENA
>Greek culture starts to dominate the Eastern half because your culture is shit and inferior
>Western part of the empire turns into a shithole while the East remains prosperous
>Western half collapses
>Eastern half survives for a thousand years

Sorry but it's da truf.

>I feel like the Roman empire mostly just expanded on what already came out of Ancient Greece
They have, but it would be ignorant to assume that's all that came from the Romans. Western Civilization was built on the bones of the Roman Empire.

real Arabs are in fact half Egyptians.
Modern Egyptians are only speaking Arabic but not Arabs by race.
Every Arab has ancient Egyptian DNA but not every Egyptian has Arab DNA in them.

Doesn't that depict circumcision?
>Blacks literally taught the Jews how to mutilate themselves

>these retards missing the point of the OP

Brainlets gtfo of Veeky Forums.

Because Italy achieved little besides the renaissance post fall of the WRE, oh and starting ww1
Greece achieved nothing under the ottoman yoke and after
Whilst the English and French created identities from nothing and conquered the world

read up on the plague

>YouTube genealogy
>negrocentric reality check
>they look the same!

>Whilst the English and French created identities from nothing and conquered the world

Could it be maybe because both of those nations had free access to the Atlantic and were able to industrialize much more effectively than the rest of Europe at the time?

A-These things will only get less mysterious with time because of all the DNA tests being performed on the remains of older populations.

B-I am pretty sure modern Greeks are whiter than Ancient Greeks because the Slavid migrations were the greatest demographic change endured by Greece.
Ancient Greeks will appear as more similar to Cretans or even the Cypriots.

Anyway, we know now much more of how the populations of eurasia have changed since the neolithic, and we will know much more in the next years.

>and were able to industrialize much more effectively than the rest of Europe at the time?
France didn't.

Economic development was also dependent on institutions which had risen out of culture and religion. It's not a simple case of geography, although it was necessary. Yes England needed coal to industrialize, yes access to the Atlantic aided this, but these are just obvious, and no more profound that stating "19th century nations without access to the sea did not become naval superpowers". The implication you are making is that access to the Atlantic meant that it was INEVITABLE that these countries should become Atlantic trading powers, that geography is a cause rather than simply a prerequisite.

But ancient greeks actually migrated from the northern balkans

We've already done SNP analysis on ancient roman remains, they're Italian.

This is a troll thread and will quickly be filled with MUH HAPLOAUTISM by retards who don't understand human genetics but really wish they did.

>France didn't

Why not? It's not like they were lacking in coal like Italy, Portugal or Greece.

You're getting a little too triggered here. The video shows that they look the same, which is the point of the post. Don't get too angry because your kind got wrecked. Whether they're afrocentrist or nordic centrist, it doesn't matter. You're not part of a group of people with ancient history.

the point is cultural heritage.even if u were the descentant of augustus and u were a normie looking fag then we could only lament you for ur misfortune

>Copts lack the influence found in Egyptians from Qatar, an Arabic population.

That article is a farce. Qatar was never the center of Arabian migration, it was Yemen. Qataris have lots of "Ajam" (who are Persians living in the Arab countries of Persian Gulf) and the difference between Ajam and non-Ajam is hard to tell, in fact no one really knows the real number. However estimates show it to be quite large. And they have integrated as Qataris almost perfectly.

The problem with determining Arabian influence is that, besides Yemeni Jews (who are Yemenis who just converted to Judaism), Arabs mixed with lots of people despite the high cousin marriages and intratribal relations. They had slaves of different origins also.

I expect a difference in Copts and Arabians but you cannot gauge the difference by using Qataris or other Gulf countries.

They look like Greeks.

surplus of labour -> 'high labour - low capital' production choices

also, centralized anti-market institutions

This is nonsense. Byzantines had Greco Roman texts for over a thousand years and had more access to those things than Western European and later Norther Europeans. Yet they didn't reach the Renaissance or the Enlightenment, which was reached under a short time after the Western and Northern Europeans had serious access to Greco Roman materials.

Greeks were never ever going to achieve what the rest of Europe did, precisely because they were different even wtihout Ottoman rule. Greeks would have need to been conquered by Northern Barbarians and expect a similar fate to the Italian peninsula: Disconnect from Greco Roman civilization, reborn a new under Western culture and re-interpret Greco-Roman culture in order to follow the same trajectory the West did. Blame the Constantinople centered Roman empire for not submitting to the West.

>culture heritage is more likely to survive intact rather than genetic heritage over the course of thousands of years
>hurr durr bringing cultural heritage in a thread largely about genetic ancestry

You're quite dumb desu.

Daily reminder that Byzantine immigrants to Italy kickstarted the Renaissance.


And yet, here we are conversing in English, a largely nordick language.

Also, anglos have never pretended that all ancient people's were blonde haired and blue eyed. Perhaps Hollywood did but that's mostly always been Jews.

>they flip flop with matrilineal and paternal
>implying it's not in the fucking bible they're matrilineal
>not understanding why a king would want to further de legitimise his bastards

>Atlantic being useful implies the Whig view of history that everything is predetermined
You do know both china and the romans knew fuck all about the Americas right, and it's more so the development of a middleclass that makes the Americas so wealthy,originally to get materials from and then sell into

No that was finding some Roman orator and traitors letters

I guess these are Copts from the south/center and these are from the north: That's how Egypt works. People get lighter as you go north and darker as you go south.

>muh 'roman' dna

Why are Veeky Forums posters here so obsessed with hoteps?

Fact: Southern Egyptians always have and still are black

I was in Aswan and the Valley of the KANGZ last year. I am black and was lighter than most people there

Or that people in the North were more likely to experience the Sea Peoples migrations (who could very well be European). Further the North experienced Greek migrations later.

>Modern Iraqis and white with some west african admixture because of the US invasion.

>The fact that such a thing as "hoteps" exist
That's why.

>what are Lombards

do you think Hungarians dont look racially central europeans and instead look like an uralic-siberian people?
East Anatolians have spoken hurrite languages, indo european languages like hittite, greek,armenian or kurd, and now speak turkish.
But archeological remains show they were always hooked nose middle easterners.

Yes, indo european migrations happened, but most often it just means a change of elites and language, not a population replacement. Similar to what happened in England in 1066.