Sieze the means of production do it now!

>Sieze the means of production do it now!
>no more private property

Okay, but what happens if someone wants to keep their private property and calls you a silly LARPers?

Checkmate reds. Communism falls apart without 100% participation 100% of the time.

Why do capitalists only ever discuss communists who favor revolution? Most modern day communists aren't in favor of "seizing the means of production" through revolution.

Then the government takes the tax revenue provided by the citizenry and makes their own means of production, with blackjack, and hookers, unable to compete with a nationalized industry that is funded by everyone your private property becomes worthless.
Or at least that's how i'd assume it'd work.

All right I'm a young middle class liberal pants on fire for some good old red communism. Capitalism is straight oppression and slavery too.

I'm down comrade. Sign me up.

How do we destroy capitalism and dethrone God?

Private property =/= Private property

> what happens if someone wants to keep their private property
hope he grows his own private food

Private property is theft. My women's studies professor told me so.

You owning anything is stealing from me.

>modern day communists


communisms been dead for over 20 years.

What about socks?

Are my socks part of the collective?

Do we have separate toothbrushes or is that theft?

>Okay, but what happens if someone wants to keep their private property and calls you a silly LARPers?
Then you fucking seize it again, presumably.

That's just what a capitalist slave would say

>How do we destroy capitalism and dethrone God?
start by advocating for social democracy

>Okay, but what happens if someone wants to keep their private property and calls you a silly LARPers?

Tough, we're taking it.

They don't need your participation. The Bolsheviks were almost never the majority, despite their name.

The only possibility of socializing anything is land. Just implement a mass tax, then boom, land is effectively public property. Even though you still have the physical property rights, that doesn't matter.

Private property =/= Private property

There will never be another communist revolution again. How's it feel?

If the gun totin' rednecks itching to legally shoot someone don't stop you skinny college dorks, the largest military force on the planet will.

>crossed out swazzie
>burn Israel burn t-shirt

Poor manlet doesn't know what to think

>Okay, but what happens if someone wants to keep their private property and calls you a silly LARPers?
Well memed my property.

Those rednecks will fight for socialism.