Why did the Persians invent so little compared to previous Mesopotamian civilizations?

Why did the Persians invent so little compared to previous Mesopotamian civilizations?

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Why did the Mesopotomians invesnt so little compared to Chinese civilization?

Why did the Christians invent so little compared to the Muslims?

Why did whites invent so little compared to blacks?

Can we get rid of the "muh inventions" meme?

Chinese civilization didn't end in 550BC

But the chinese didn't invent as much as the mesopotamians...

they invented more.

No, they didn't.

yes they did

Prove it.

Why do whites invent so much fewer memes than the Japanese?


>What's Cyrus Cylinder?

Not an invention

Half of that list is just variants of previous inventions.

still more

And less important.

lasted a lot longer with seemingly more impact today than some city states in Iraq.

>listing inventions that go well into the AD period
>using "Chinese" as a whole sum of modern territories, not just ancient China
Oh I see what game you're playing.




Nah. Literature, writing, maps, law and civilisation are more important than gunpowder, compasses and dominoes.

>multiple civilizatiins cant create the same things due to be excluded from the other


im not sure if hes trolling me or if im trolling him desu

But that logic makes your argument even weaker, since inventions in China were still being utilised in distant regions thousands of miles away by people who never even made contact with the Chinese. If you want to say that Mesopotamian inventions don't count because other people thought up their own versions, then the exact same thing applies to Chinese inventions.

ok and one is still around

Not really. You think the China today is the same as the one of a thousand years prior? It wasn't even China back then.

after it ditched all of its traditions and copied western ideologies and modes of production to become relevant again

chinkposters are literally reaching new levels of wewuzisms

why wouldnt you adapt

By that logic white and japanese people invented nothing, which is true.

Seriously though I can't think of a single Persian invention

Persian cats

Do the Persians have any great writings on par with Homer or Virgil? Do they have great historians?

Persian rugs

peanut butter is a recipe

They were really good at administration
But yeah, more innovation rather invention

I know this is a shitpost, but really, what DID the Japanese ever invent that's actually useful to the world?


Had to look it up but a lot of engineering and robotics inventions in more recent years, also meth

So, nothing.

>When the Persian capital of Ctesiphon in province of Khvârvarân (today known as Iraq) fell to the Muslims during the Islamic conquest of Persia in 637 under the military command of Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas during the caliphate of Umar, the palaces and their archives were burned. According to an account in Tarikh al-Tabari by Al-Tabari, the Arab Commander Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas wrote to Caliph Umar ibn al-Khatta-b asking what should be done with the books at Ctesiphon. Umar wrote back: "If the books contradict the Qur'an, they are blasphemous. On the other hand, if they are in agreement, they are not needed, as for us Qur'an is sufficient."[23] Thus, the huge library was destroyed and the books, the product of the generations of Persian scientists and scholars were thrown into fire or the Euphrates.


I think it's simply the fact that the majority of Persian records were likely destroyed as a result of the destruction caused by the Arab and Mongol invasions.