Will we ever get real communism?

Will we ever get real communism?

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Marx predicted it would happen after we got real capitalism.

Communism doesn't work.

Thank fuck Marx was not right about a single thing.

We will when we convince over 50% of people to vote for communist parties.

It's going to take a while but we are up to 2-3% where I am from.

But I have hope that the whole "robots taking our jerbs" thing will bump that percentage up.

Eventually, it's inevitable due to material conditions

>Thank fuck Marx was not right about a single thing.

He predicted that capitalism would increase living standards universally and erase economic and political inequality, he predicted that Statists, big 'C' Capitalists, would not win against the general population. He was wrong.

This is really oversimplifying it but we would be a lot closer today if the moron Lenin didn't screw up the Soviet Union so badly.

>Class, State, and Property are all abolished and all the people of the earth live and labor together in a truly free and equal society.

Seriously this better be bait. All of communism is just bait. Even if the implementation of such a society was remotely imaginable, it wouldn't be desirable. You get to "labor together" for all eternity, that's not to be "free". That's eternal slavery and subjugation. And if all classes are abolished and equality is achieved, how fun is that? Everyone is the same, like bacteria. Fuck. I only responded because i am under the impression that there are people out there who take this picture seriously.

I predict it'll be a moreover subtle chance than one singular "communist uprising" event like every young millennial commie wants. So far, we're moving industries from the private sector (electricity, hydro, municipal waste collection for some examples) to state-run institutions. I can't say how long this will take, but it needs to be a gradual process for the entire thing to not completely collapse on itself.

I'll predict that universities will begin to be state run as opposed to being their own bourgeoisie institutions next, most likely followed by heavy industry and transportation.

Why do you assume communism is the endpoint?
I would argue communism is just a precursor for transcendental transhumanism

It'll all be seen as a lame joke as the robots and the virus wars destroy us all.

>material conditions
>he still believes the post-scarcity meme

Did marx actually have any evidence to back up his assertion that communism is coming?

>So far, we're moving industries from the private sector (electricity, hydro, municipal waste collection for some examples) to state-run institutions.

citation needed

Yes. He saw that productivity was increasing, maybe exponentially, and that this would mean the end of poverty. He assumed wrongly that big C Capitalists wouldn't have been able to sequester most of that productivity for themselves.

>le evil capitalists exploiting the poor

I'm in despair! Despair about the international proletariat!

>surplus extraction is not exploitation

>socialist republics
this is stalinist revisionism, fuck outta here

Maybe if we started importing arbitrarily large amounts of natural resources from Space to a small number of Humans, such that there is no substantial difference between the resources and what you'd need to be post Scarcity

>electricity, hydro, municipal waste collection

Wait, are you telling me there are countries where those vital services aren't run by the sate?

>ask friend for help with pushing cart to the market
>he agrees
>you sell the goods at market and give your friend 5 out of the 20 coins you earned
>friend is happy

Public services are literally communism.



this is a great post

>Even if the implementation of such a society was remotely imaginable, it wouldn't be desirable

a century and a half of uprisings and resistance to capitalism globally says you 're wrong.

where did the good at the cart come from?

Not as long as the Right Wing Safety Squads are out there desu

Commies are like little kids playing with fire

We must put them all out

Doesn't matter to my example. Why am i even responding.

you 're the one who's baiting and obviously ignore history

Your English sucks or you are drunk. Crucify yourself citizen

>Crucify yourself citizen


When you can post a complete sentence without fucking it up you can talk shit cupcake

>implying that people are forced to work else thy will starve
if it is at a flat rate of 5 coins then yes


what is hegel servant/master dialectic?

hoof in hell /pol/ny

>real communism hasn't been tried before
Here we go.

>"I'm forced to eat or else i will die. I'll blame capitalism for this."

Communism is like a Dyson Sphere.

The amount of energy you'd need to construct a dyson sphere would equal to or out strip the energy that one would be able to collect.

The amount of cooperation and peace necessary for communism to come about would make it redundant.

you 're literally contradicting yourself.
Whoever has the power to decide whether a person eats is a ruler. It's not like it's a physical procedure, to have to work for a business to get to eat. It's a process mediated by currency.