I'm not happy

I lost my job in the spring because my crypto earnings have made it so I no longer need to work.

However I'm now having this problem where I feel no purpose in life, buying things doesn't make me happy and I think this is the most depressed I've been in my life.
I'm on summer break right now and even when I go back to college in the fall all my classes are online.

I feel so isolated and alone.

Other urls found in this thread:


How much money you got faggot?


It's all pretty much tied up in 80% ETH and 20% LTC

My rent is only $550 a month so with student loans I can live without worrying about cash

I feel u OP it's hard to get out while crypto is on your mind. But u just gotta force yourself into social situations
Gl m8

you can send all that money to me, then you will be forced to get a job or die, that will surely make you happy. deal?

help me haelp


>He memed bitb
nice wrk
You'll never know if you don't go, you'll never meme if you don't show

Hey now, you're a bitbean, get your sprout on, get big

Hey now, you're a memer, get your game on, get paid

All that grows is beans, like a shooting star through the moon

I would keep my investments growing while aiming my purchases more towards things helping me better myself (ie- books on subjects I WANT to know more about).

Then sprinkle in an acid trip every two or three weeks, explore all sorts of music or the mechanics of rocket propulsion, anything really.

Just make sure at the end of the day you send me some bitcoin, OP


So get a part time job then just to meet people, if you have the time

helping others in need is a good thing

I'm the same as you except I lost money

Is there other ways to meet people without getting a job?

I'm thinking about going to church.

Cyber cafe
Comic shops

Look for events that pertain to your interests hosted at the appropriate venues

you're retiring off 80k? do you live in africa or something

179Ai6tcKZDLe4isbBDNJhmTbAQTZiwhpx send me some BTC, you'll feel good for doing charity goy

If you go to those places alone you still wouldn't make any friends

kill yourself

maybe if you're sober, get some drugs nerd

Go, join a golf club.
Can buy 100 of these with 80k.

secure your money to protect from losses over the next few months (or just let it sit if you've got it in ETH) and go travel for 3-4 weeks in a completely unfamiliar location. Preferably where the majority of people don't speak english.

You'll be forced to engage with people at a crucial level due to the language barrier and you'll also start to see a shift in your psychology as you experience a different way to exist on this planet.

America is enslaved by consumerism and competition. It's engrained into every sociological context. There are more enriching ways to experience life, but they don't include lambos and bimbos.

>when I go back to college in the fall all my classes are online

Then go to a college where your classes aren't online.

Shit get better, hang in there. At least you're not depressed and broke.


you'll feel better helping people (said no one ever)

what broker is that ?

>spending $800 on a shithut
>not doing it yourself


Can I join a gulf club at 22 years old? I've also never went golfing before


You quite your job because you have 80K?!

Goddamn. My portfolio is worth 150K. I would and I would still work. Are you insane? How are you going to survive in the near future when your 80K is depleted?

>what is a resume?

Hang in there fella. And try tinder. Always tinder.

find a driving range that rents clubs, or buy your own set for cheap
it can be comfy to play

I hate people like you I would be living the dream if I had money but you faggots always depressed

Start a business. Instant purpose in life.

Find something you like to do and do it.

what the fuck

you quit your job because $80K?

MY PORTFOLIO IS AT $150K and I'm still sad
the fuck you gonna do with $80k? LOL


what and where do you trade ? i need a teacher

He doesn't trade. He holds.



Play with THE SYSTEM and do lost everethong- it fun

I had more money before I came to biz.

I started dabbling in altcoins and then this bear market hit.

It's been a rough few weeks.

I see the Devil inside you

Submit to the dark lord

Praise Satan etc

>not posting the actual one

Your basic needs are covered, you don't need to work anymore. Focus on your hobbies, travel, meet new people, learn new things, get more culture. Don't brag about your money and don't spend too much too fast. Things like this require a period of adaptation, you'll see that soon you will be a lot better.

As a poorfag I would beg, but I am too ashamed to do it.

Nice trips, btw.

80k and you're talking about retiring?

good luck, you'll need at least 1 mill invested to retire off passive gains in 2017

OP, Just do some shroomzzz, god damn it !

Pay off your student loans and go back to work idiot

get married, then you have someone to annoy you 24/7. you will then regret giving up the paradise isolated life you once enjoyed.