
How come France was unable to permanently establish the length Rhine as her eastern frontier?

It seems like a natural and defensible frontier to have.

Why is everything west of the Rhine not French?

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Because 'Germans' have to ruin our borders, instead they blob with their GROSSGERMANIUMS XDDD

Bad leadership.

They tried with the First Republic and then Napoleon but got rekt.

Because the "natural French borders" meme is just as cancerous as the Großdeutschland one.

How's that?

For a very long time, the Rhine was under the HRE. Also France take WW2 tier coalition every war and tend to win(or draw).

>expanding into land that isn't your
>making enemies in the process
>wagging wars and killing many of your own people
>the conquered lands aren't even that vital

Because the one European state stronger than a Unified France on the Continent is a Unified Germany.

So not very similar at all, you meant?

No, I mean identical, France was "the Germany" of the 17th and 18th centuries.

>what's the HRE ?
>be twice as big a country
>lose 2 world wars

But that Land is ours, Hans

Because they suck


Pick one

>Different dialect
Nothing with having a few dialects, but fear not once we conquer the left bank we will make every G*rmans speak French

>blond haired


Frenchman were large-built, with red beards or blonde hair, until the American media decided to suddenly portray them as gaunt Corsicans or oily-haired Algerians fuccbois, and the women as dark-haired beatniks, exclusively.That must be the most annoying shit in the world, for someone to suddenly decide you're a completely different ethnicity, and, through their mass-media, make it a popular misconception.

>Frenchman were large-built, with red beards or blonde hair

But we never were

And blond hair and red hair are the symbol of cuckery, the more you have them the greater the cuckery

>more common in britain than france
>yet britain has consistently cucked france for centuries

yet again, proof of dark hair colours being inferior

Because French people don't live there. Fuck off, frog.

>Cucking France

o i am laffin

I'd say they did pretty good when it comes to expension toward the East

he types, in incredibly poor English

You can almost smell the anger

>tfw the French will never avenge the Battle of the Nile
>tfw they will never avenge Trafalgar
>tfw they will never avenge Waterloo
>tfw they will never avenge Fashoda
>tfw they will never avenge Mers El Kébir

Poor English is the official language of the current superpower: America
Britain has nothing to do with that

Hows that Anglo Monarchy working out for you?

>Be France
>Dawrf england in population and military for 450 years
>Despite this, England wins the culture war and all your military achievements are reduced to 'lol surrender frogs' because of a single war, while England is given all the credit for ww1


Having an immortal Norman king is great :)

I'm neither english nor french. The anglo butthurt is both palpable and hillarious, however.

I love how Frogs have to go back almost a millennium to dig up dirt on us

Who cares? We still have won culturally between the 2 of us.

What exactly do we have to be angry about? Losing a war 600 years ago?

>Even when your Empire was at it's height your language wasn't the Lingua Franca
That is pretty pathetic.

>Brits still think America is Anglo Culture

While the French were better at war, Brits were cleverer
That's why that war France won over Britain in 1783 ended up creating a country that eventually made Anglo culture and language overtake France's as the most important internationally

I don't know why you are, but you very clearly are. Source: This thread

Who cares? this is applicable to the Russians, Chinese, Mongols, Germans, and Spanish.

The difference is we won in the end.

nice meme response


What's your point/ that our language is influenced largely by French?

No one denies that, if anything, it makes it all the better we culturally dominated you.

American culture isn't English culture hasn't been for at least 100 years

>it isn't because I say so


Thanks for the ((You)), my limey friend.

Only real similarity is the language nowadays.

the level of salt from french on this board is insane

>English language
>Common Law
>Being white
>Democracy that also functions

All British traits

Still not french. I'm posting this from Oxfordshire.

Then feck off senpai

>British trait

lmao you has a queen


What did he mean by this?

>what is a constitutional monarchy

Unlike you, our democratic reforms don't end with another absolute monarchy on the throne.

>the Rhineland and Belgium with the largest coal supplies in continental Western Europe which made for the historically largest (until Asia developed) steel production region outside of the US aren't vital.

It does end with us conquering someone stronger then tribals.

What the fuck has this post got to do with Anglos vs French? Plz keep to the topic at hand

It's almost like we're not all autistically obsessed with military history, Pierre.

Also, you realize Britain had to fight other colonial powers for that land?

>It's almost like we're not all autistically obsessed with military history
probably because you would be laughed at.

>English language
We speak American, a better language
>Common Law
one of the few things we do share, should use civil law really
France has juries too, and they've varied over time.
France is the one with liberty.
So says the country that originated the imperial system of measurement, one of the few things America has that actually is anglo.
Roman catholicism is our largest denomination
>Being white
France is whiter than the English will ever be
>American democracy
doesn't function any more

We're a French country, Nigel

Because real life wasn't EU4. Louis IV tried to conquer the German lands West of the Rhine and got fought to a standstill by the rest of Europe in coalition.


>all these meme answers like 'We speak American' and 'France is whiter than the UK'

You're trying really hard, i'll give you that.

>25% Catholic
>22% Episco
>18% Baptist
>15% Adventist
>10% Morman
>One Catholic Pres
>Couldn't even serve one full term
>We is Cathlic

pic related thanks for the free royal land

>90% of the rest of fucking naval

The all powerful redcoat

>Naval victories are less legitimate because I say so


Just hide on your island like always, leave the real wars to non-inbreds.

Holy shit, these meme-tier responses

You're just moving the goalposts here, Pierre.

I mean, you clearly can't handle real wars either.

When your allies run away and hide on their island at the first sign of trouble you can't do much.

Anyone can post random battles
Try to post a war you won by yourself against another european country
Or better: against a coalition of european countries

What's funny is the whole meme about France surrendering in WWII is actually a compliment to France.

No one makes fun of Luxembourg or Belgium for being overrun by the Germans. France gets mocked because it actually had an impressive military history and was a great power.

You're mocked because we expected better from you.

But I thought we were just stupid inbreds? surely big old France can handle a few upstart dictators on her own?

Who cares? We entered every war with allies. that just makes us smart.

Also, revolutionary victories are entirely based on Napoleon (An Italian) and Levee en Masse.

>But I thought we were just stupid inbreds? surely big old France can handle a few upstart dictators on her own?
You autists wouldn't give us the peace deal we wanted after WW1. You caused the autistic blob that was the Reich.

>cowardice means you're "smart"

That might be true, but that's still inglorious

England won the Western Front in WWII against a coalition of all of continental Europe, with only its colonies to help.

>waaaaaaaaah give us all this land with no ethnic or linguistic french living there so we can have le epic rhine borders

French Autism knows no bounds. No even alsace-Lorraine was entirely french.


Frogs btfo.

Also, Napoopan was Italian.

Stop listening to Sabaton.

>Also, Napoopan was Italian.
Well then all of Englands accomplishments for the past 900 years aren't English.

>yet again, proof of dark hair colours being inferior


from the French word couleur


From the French word inférieur
Daily reminder that your nobility is still French, and you will forever give your money to your French overlord like a Britcuck

Don't worry if your culture an dlanguage is 30% anglo-saxon you somehow still win, can't expect more from cucks.

>England won the Western Front in WWII

Pretty sure America did that
Until the Americans arrived in 1944, Britain's experience on the Western Front was limited to fleeing at Dunkirk

>Having to twist and redefine nationality this much to be able to call our nobility french

sad tbfh

Stop being butthurt that you were the first French Colony, I mean by your standards of Colonization all your accomplishments are now ours right?

>Be French
>fuck up command so hard that within 6 weeks you get your ally's army encircled and lose your capital
>blame your ally for this
>your ally realizes they can't break the encirclement since you've already begged for an armistice and lost 200k men, so retreats and rescues your soldiers too
>call them cowards 70 years later

I guess romans cuck everyone, even when they're dead

Can I ask one thing? How come the Normans influenced Anglos in their language very strongly but the same didn't happen in Southern Italy? Were Anglos just more beta and subservient?

Pic related

>French identity before the end of the 100 year war
WEW lad

No, as our culture diverged from your's post conquest

Literally everyone acknowledges the French created England and the language

The point is England has surpassed France.

>Welsh are suddenly English

reminder that this is what germany should look like

>French created England
Nope, you can thank the franks but not the French for that

What do the free city charters say?

I'm not French and I'm not particularly mocking the British for Dunkirk
I'm just saying that, before America arrived, Britain did nothing on the Western Front other than Dunkirk


Oh, I don't deny it.

Though when the Americans did arrive, the British made significant contributions to the WF


Glad my post from yesterday has stuck

The Frankish Empire ended in the 9th century

By 1066, the Franks were part of the past, and their fomer empire had been divided between the French on the West, and the Germans on the East

I know you bongs are butthurt about having been conquered by the French, but, as a German, I demand you dont create misconceptions about Frankish (=/= French) history to justify your mental gymnastics

It say that the Anglos should submiit to their French conqueror and that the French conquerors should not bully their Anglo subjects

>the franks

Which mean the French