What is to be done about shitty, immoral people?

What is to be done about shitty, immoral people?

Leave them to their own devices? But this is unsafe.
Attempt to rehabilitate/re-educate them? But this is wasteful.
Punish them? But how?

>Attempt to rehabilitate/re-educate them? But this is wasteful.
How is it "wasteful" if it has an effect and the alternative of not doing anything is even more damaging?

>Punish them? But how?
You forgot to also say "but this is wasteful". Also, same as above.

How can it be done without wasting inordinate amounts of time and money on people who may not be willing to change?

Punishment is efficient. They could take off limbs like they do in Saudi.

>How can it be done without wasting inordinate amounts of time and money on people who may not be willing to change?
It creates capital for private run prisons. However, one should discuss wether throwing people in jail is actually effective. Also, this leads to a lot of potential for abuse, since law enforcement can be in cahoots with private prison owners and send them more "prisoners" while they get a share of the profit

Dunno but if you can "fix" completely a murderer then go for it. It's not like anything can be done to bring people back and executing the killers as some states do is even worse in my opinion. This is sincerely a touching topic. I'm aware that generally mentally ill people are prone to do this, normal people don't think about killing others.

Now I don't think you can competely give a "cure" to a mentally ill person against their will like in the movie A Clockwork Orange but I might be wrong.

Daily reminder that objective morality does not exist.

>you want to get rid of "shitty, immoral" people so that you can create a better world, and get rid of the suffering created by said people
>Genuine belief in that possibility of a better world only makes sense if you believe in an objective truth from which suffering could be non-arbitrarily evaluated, independently of social constructs.
>However, an absolutely materialistic understanding of the universe leaves no room for concepts like a "better world" or "morality", except in the context of delusions and emotivism.

Life is too short to be spent wasted on shitty ideas, use the time that you have to enjoy it!

give them a chance to do good, don't give them a chance to do bad

A better world would be one that removes needless 'suffering' at the hands of the deluded, mean spirited and selfish.

Reducing life to purely materialistic understandings is part of the problem, not solution.

So you're a utilitarian? I'm guessing you'd agree with John Stuart Mill's rule utilitarianism.

I made the assumption before that you were a kind of conservative, Natural Moral Law kind of moralist simply because it seems like most people on Veeky Forums are for some reason.

Capital punishment isn't a sign of mental illness, it's more a sign of righteous indignation.

I've wanted to kill people before. Not that I ever would, but it's a reasonable response to meeting severe injustices.

>Natural Moral Law

Such oxymoron, and to live by reason is laughable.

>because it seems like most people on Veeky Forums are for some reason

Veeky Forums has a shitload of different people and ideologies within it, /pol/ is just much more vocal about it. You'd be surprised at the kind of people you'll find in threads.

This is an acient question, but unlike many of them, looking at the lives of great men will tell you have to deal with the 'bad' peolle everyone eventually encounters. Do this and you will find legit your answers.

Have you even read Adam Smith?

I don't know, but I am a woman who wouldn't have a black man if there were no white men left on the planet! He looks like an ape to me.

>Attempt to rehabilitate/re-educate them? But this is wasteful.
It depends. Some criminals can be rehabilitated. Others can't. They should at least be given a chance to be rehabilitated. And if they refuse, just jail them or kill them.
Obviously this doesn't apply to rapists and murderers, they can't be rehabilitated.

>righteous indignation
AKA mental disturbance

Your defective mind will attempt any justification in order to defend its warped perspective.

Just say niggers OP, enjoy the catharsis.

>Obviously this doesn't apply to rapists and murderers, they can't be rehabilitated.
Hello resident utter clueless dipshit, just stopping in to educate you that both rapists and murderers have the second lowest and lowest recidivism rates of released prisoners out of all crimes.

Calm down, is one of your loved ones a rapist or something?
Anyway, I didn't say anything about recidivism. The thing is that one can't be spiritually redeemed after raping or murdering. Also, I'd reckon that a very low percentage of rapists and murderers even get paroled.

>The thing is that one can't be spiritually redeemed after raping or murdering.

So other things that are just was worse or worse that aren't murder or rape are spiritually redeemable?

Most crimes are opportunistic.

They are the superior humans.

Moralfags are the anachronistic dross which must be expunged.