Psychology of a Panic Seller

Can some of you guys that dumped all your coins explain to me why you did it?

What made you think that was the best course of action?

i bet they invested what they could not afford too lose so they sold at a level at which they could still maintain their lives

>What made you think that was the best course of action?

Fear. Most people see something red and stop thinking. So instead stting a stop limit / stop loss order and having already cutting the loss short, they SELL SELL SELL and everything goes bonkers.

Probably to buy back lower.

It's a good strategy if you can do it before everyone else, but doing it now... Man

Now is the best time to buy, not sell..

You think this is bad, wait until BTC crosses under $2,000 that is when the fun will really begin. Everyone is acting like it's end of days when BTC is still 24% up in the last month.


I panic sold in the last dip.

I thought we were going way lower so I sold. I had to buy back in at a loss. Now I don't care. In fact I would love BTC to crash completely

Minimizing losses, BTC is only down 5-6%.

Altcoins are down 10-20% against bitcoin, so that's compounding losses against fiat.

Better to put it into BTC or even fiat and buy back in once it stabilizes.

Invested $ 5000 I'm up 30k so all good, but I'm thinking about cashing out my initial investment 5k which I'm holding in BTC. Is that recommended?

they like getting cucked OP
like those richfags who are into financial domination.. except they will always be poor

they are literal cucks

Yes that is smart, I did the same.

I did that too, now I never stress because it's free money.

do you guys think it'll go back up to 2600+?
or is it a good time to buy now?

I dumped because it clearly has a ways to go.

>do you guys think it'll go back up to 2600+?
>is it a good time to buy now?
It'll keep falling for awhile and could take months to return to $3k, wait for the bottom which will either be a bit over $2k or well inder $2k, that is the line that will change everything if it's crossed.

It looks so much like that meme graph that always gets posted it's not even funny.

Probably because that graph happens in literally every market.

It's not showing how things are properly valued, it's showing human psychology of markets. We're very predictable dumb animals in certain scenarios

>Made sweet gains off ans
>bought other shit
>other shit went down
>panic dumped and tried some new tactics
>new tacts are working with slow stable gains
>panic sold other dropping coins to other stables to try and guarantee slow recovery
>currently hodling slow gainers
Stressful a lil bit, but thats the game, gotta keep going and learn from mistakes

It's crazy, I've been watching it happen simply on Veeky Forums here. The posting of the graph almost contributes even more to it happening.

Like a self fulfilling prophecy.

It comes from the dow theory

Done it a few times.
main factors: price dropping below round number BTC amounts and an irrational fear that it was all over and never returning
whenever I HODL I win.

t. iron handed XMR for 6 months then it x10'd

I didn't dump all of it. Only LTC.
It was at a price where I could still make a profit off of it ($60 including the fees). This way if things get better I will have some foot in the market, and if not at least I won't lose as much.

It causes them pain. The market dropping is like having your fingers slowly twisted back. When they can't take it anymore they scream uncle and sell. Then the market heads back up, they buy back from the guy they sold to and the cycle repeats.


Of course it will, but it might take some time. Or not.
You should decide if it's a good time to buy yourself though. You are going to be all alone with your decisions, don't let places like Veeky Forums fool you into thinking otherwise.

But you didn't FOMO rebuy at ATH. You might just make it.

So TLDR; we fulfilled the meme graph prophecy, eth is crashing and is bringing everything else down. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to recover and doesn't do too much damage to my non shitcoin alts.

that's good advice, thanks

Psychology of a Bag Holder

Can some of you guys that baghold all your coins explain to me why you did it?

What made you think that was the best course of action?

Significant portion of my portfolio is Ark. should I sell it all and split it to BTC and ETH? Is this a shit coin ?

Please, theyre all shit..

Unless you brought over 30k sato ARK have been safe so far, whales are still fighting holding the price steady.

Don't get me wrong, most are shit. But there are maybe a dozen or two that have a bright future. Still hedged pretty good in btc because I'm not a mong though. Network effect & first mover advantage very strong.

Hey they're not the ones losing money, you are. I'd be more interested in your thought process and why you convinced yourself to hold.

I suppose I will hodl.

Shit like this separates the men from the boys. Learn and move on and don't give way.

>learn from mistakes

This is what is needed to survive in this industry.

i havent sold yet. to be honest i havent really put a lot of money in. I was in ans for quick profits which was happening but i got too greedy when the price stalled so now im in the pooper. lesson learned 2bvhmf

im just going to do this and earn back what i lost. unless you see a reversal coming you should just get rid of the shit coins and move into better option.

Imagine HODLing stocks in Enron.

>Its going up or down

Thanks a lot faglord

I sold to filthy fiat without panic a few days ago to take some profit and buy back lower.

>"fucking panic sellers!!! just HODL you retards!!!"
this is the kind of thing you hear being yelled at the top.

I have bills to pay and losing $500 isn't helping those real world problems.

then don't invest in crypto you fucking poor piece of shit