Starting off right

Young person (18) here. Is there anything you wish you started doing at my age? What should I be doing with my money?

We're not going to give you advice.
Go out and learn from your mistakes, because if you were like me when you were 18, you won't listen.

Get a job as fast as possible.

Stop playing video games.

Stop watching porn.

Stop eating junk food.

That's all.

Why make mistakes and lose what little I have when I could learn online and not make beginner mistakes?

Because you won't learn if you don't make mistakes

Because learning online is a farce.
You learn from failing, not acting like a pompous ass. Trust me.

Are you saying i should quit everything i've been doing my entire life?

Sorry if I came off as an ass that wasn't my intention. I just don't have much and am scared if I start investing without a clue of what to do I'll screw myself for the coming years.

I'd tell you that once youre 20+, underage girls will literally want to fuck you on spot and you have moneyz for whatever you want

I'd also tell you to not get a girlfriend. This was my mistake. And no drugs or useless alcohol. The sooner you dont, the never you will.
Life starts to git gud lad.

Eat good
Take better care of your teeth
Make business connections
Hustle on the side
Invest small amounts in high risk plays
Learn to hold despite losses
Remove the "poor" mindset and learn how to become rich

Generic as fuck, but it is true

A smart man learns from his mistakes
A genius learns from the mistakes of others
A fool never learns

Sup, also 18. r8 how I'm doing Veeky Forums lords.

10.5k in stocks, 3k in savings, 1k in shitcoins

Casual kfc manager (pays $200 a week normally)

Studying CompSci/Laws at uni.

When did you start investing, the minute you turned 18? Did you invest with the money you have from your kfc job?

Oh, that's also in AUD, forgot to mention.

All good advice except I would add run for 30-45 min every day for maximum mood and mental gains and also use your free time on PRODUCTIVE side hobbies/projects/hustles

I've been working for 2-3 years now. I only started saving/investing about a year ago. Before that, I spent mo/all/st my money on PC parts and other dumb shit.

My first investment was in AyyMD using my dad's nabtrade acnt., I put 2k in at $2.20. Sold when it was $4.50. rip right? It went to $13 or so.

Regardless, took my gains and saved up. On my 18th b-day, made a CommSec acnt. and started trading by myself. Best returns since have been A2M 90%. Overall only up a few hundred tho.

Now that cryptos have become the latest meme idk wtf to do anymore. I put in $100 2 months ago, and now it's 10X'd. Not sure where to go from here.

Currently holding everything in Ark btw.

Don't become a shut-in.

What is this crypto meme I keep seeing? What makes it different from the usual investments?

Also yes, I earned that from kfc. They honestly pay pretty fairly in Australia. I'm on $18.70 atm; when I officially become a shift supervisor in a few weeks it'll be a few dollars more.

Can't complain, works easy. Everyone takes food and drinks, fucks around on shift etc.; higher-ups don't care as long as we do our job at the end of the day.

13K ark here
I hope we make it

It's incredibly volatile and rooted in baseless speculation. But because of how bullish the markets been it hasn't been hard for the average aut to make a killing off it. Maybe just throw in $100 like I did and see what happens.

Oh shit, me too bro. What'd you enter at? I was lucky and bought at 14,000.

I can't believe how volatile it really is. You sort of have to watch it constantly but it must be so hard with things like Eth. Eth dropped like 40% in the last week, If I watched every hour of that I'd give myself a heart attack.

Channel your inner jube

Are you even over 20 yet?

Yeah it's fucked. That's why I wouldn't put more than you're willing to lose in it. Also it doesn't have off hours like the stock market. So it'll fuck with your sleep for sure.

Start lifting
Get good at social skills
Actively try to meet people

Got some at 11k and more above 20k.
Heres hoping

How long have you being watching porn?

Get an internship in college

I would buy a ton of Antshares but that's just me. Don't listen to me.

Figure out what career you want to pursue and work on it asap.

Otherwise you will end up as an accountant and die of boredom every day for the rest of your life

>. Is there anything you wish you started doing at my age?
Learn how to program.
Take BTC seriously.

>Take BTC seriously.

Define "seriously"

Get a Job
Make a budget as fast as possible and assign every dollar to something.
Don't take loans
Don't get a credit card
15% into retirement
Save money
Start investing money

You'll be buying cars for cash in a few years if you do this.


I wish I bought Bitcoin when I was 18.

He needs to get a credit card. If he wants to move out of his parent's house one day, then they will be checking to see if he has good credit.
Don't buy shit you can't afford, and you will be fine.

make friends that can get you a job in the future or you will be a lonely unemployed virgin loser well into your thirties

your degree means jack shit. your grades mean jack shit. nepotism rules the world.

t. 34 yo kv neet, mech eng 5 years unemployed, valedictorian, zero friends, living at home.

dont get into music unless you have friends and can socialize.

get into investing or follow the money. hookers and drugs exist for a reason and have a price. you dont need to be a rockstar to live like one.

if you are really feeling creative, think about the struggle an artist goes through but realize 99% of the time they are either not getting laid, have no money, or gay. dont become an artist.

if you have friends and pussy, its likely you have money problems, just like everyone else here. its not really a problem in that regard.

if you do have friends and money and no pussy, its probably because you aren't hanging out with the right people but there are ways to buy pussy if you are careful.

if you have money and pussy, its likely you dont have much family or friends. good people are hard to come by and a much harder problem than money. this is the worst of the worst in regards to getting help for because everyone feels like a stranger.

If you are making investments, you need to have this chart ingrained into your brain.

Start lifting. You'll find all you need to start at

bro, are you me?

literally exact same minus engineering

work and never stop
aim for promotions or better jobs, but take even a shit job and just work. work 40 hours at least. work.

work work work

ignore the wagecuck memes, fucking work

scenario 1) you're a sad, penniless, 30-year-old faggot
scenario 2 where you take my advice) you're a sad, 30-year-old faggot with 50k in the bank

open a roth IRA and max out your contributions

do investment and meme coins on the side or as a hobby

following up:

do nofap/infrequentfap
watch the most vanilla, ned flanders porn you can possibly find, and nothing else
gym 5 days/week early in the morning, 5 am, 6 am, whatever you can swing, do a bit of cardio because it's healthy, lift too but ignore the bodybuilding memes, cardio is good
solid sleep schedule with no exceptions, get 7-9 hours a night, whatever you need to feel good throughout the day, don't skimp on this

get a fucking job

How do I get a job user :(

>I'd tell you that once youre 20+, underage girls will literally want to fuck you on spot
This 13-16 year olds hit on me a lot more often than girls my own age and dozens have messaged me now and I have nothing form girls my own age (I am 22)

>Make a budget as fast as possible and assign every dollar to something.
Also have a consistent schedule. Sleep 10pm-6am, have breakfast, gym, work, lunch, read, dinner, relax, sleep, repeat.
Have a to-do list for the week, and make Sunday (or whatever day) your "catch-up" day. If you're all caught up you enjoy the day as a reward for getting shit done.

>do nofap/infrequentfap


by not masturbating you'll get hornier and thus distracted with everything

- start programming
- learn to balance your expenses ,
- learn about rough financial times , go and look for those places where people give free food to homeless people and look at their expressions when they get a warm meal.
- learn about regrets , go to a retirement home and talk to old people about their regrets
- buy clothing in bulk , if you like a certain clothing producer (my personal favorite is fruit of the loom) find your right size and order clothing with a discount that are as plain as possible , shit that you can wear everyday.
- learn to cook (focus mostly on simple dishes , steamed potatoes(/rice/pasta/yams) with some beans(/tofu/tempeh/lentils) and a vegetable dish(cooked or a salad dish). Keeps your cholesterol low and your dick working properly. There are guys out there having impotence problems because of high cholesterol intake (meat , fish , eggs) .
- don't get a girl pregnant until youre at least 30+
- don't isolate yourself , make a network with meaningful connections

also, learning basic things like using a drill, changing sparkplugs on your car, setting up a LAN and other shit. this will save you tons of money and you can even charge your friends/family to do these easy jobs for them