Watching Reddcoin prices today, someone out there is pushing the market down with 50 BTC, scarying away buys...

Watching Reddcoin prices today, someone out there is pushing the market down with 50 BTC, scarying away buys, then when the price is low buying up everything. The price has gone from 77ish sat to 63 due to this person. Surely this is a crazy game? is this what some of you do?

no shit that's what people do

just hoping it touches an ATL at around 57 songokus so I can join in on the easy money train

At this point it could go either way, I'm wondering if the person with the 50 BTC will now switch sides and push it up the other way?? Its already a pretty low price coin. It cant go much lower surely? I'm guessing this is because of Red-ID being in beta testing, and people are trying to get in low? Fuck knows

its a 56 now

Is this the turn around point??

I'm getting in if it hits 55ish sats

This is easy money if you just hold

Idiots, all idiots. Its all down. All of it. Doomed. So just buy buy buy all the fudging coins

only thing sadder than DGB bag holders are the RDD bag holders. at least with DGB you can blame the memes. with RDD you're just retarded.

Are you watching>? 30 BTC jumped on the bids said, all the asking money just vanished up to 66 sats. wtf is going on

Manipulation lol. Somebody is doing a lot of accumulation before Redd-ID comes out.

it's just manipulation, ride the rubber bands when you see them

Smart folks accumulating while dumb fags fud. Pushing price down for cheaper coins, then raise it to sell a chunk to regain funds + profit + extra rdd to ride it higher for more profit

dgb bagholders are trying to cope by fudding rdd

no lie i wish i had money to dump on this.

I currently have 70k SIA and i want to dump them for this but I believe in SIA so i might pass on this one..

i will always be poor ;(

Im in sia too but not as deep. If ypu feel like you really want to pull out and make back whwt you lost

So after accumulation this will go up roght? How long do pumps take to start

I'm still profiting with SC got in at

i was watching this ages ago when the price was around 5 sats, I made a thread on it. Everyone was like, nah this wont go anywhere, i decided not to buy, then a week later it went to 100. Wanted to kill myself.

Theres a lot of unrest within the SC community so i wouldnt stay in there too long. Idk im kind of new but if i were you i would take my SC profits and move to something else

do any of you even know about redd-id

what do you mean by this

Hell to the yeah, its in beta testing right now, should get the go ahead towards the end of the year when everything else is in place.

Do you know that it had to come out in fucking 2014, that the dev made lots of promises and they have only lied? Did you know it had to be released in q1 2017 and now it is expected in q3? Blind not to see the reality?

set for chrome release in 3rd quarter of 2017. That's days from now.

they have videos showing it up and running

Devs are talking about late this year, I think they are making sure everything is 100% working and integrated before it kicks off