Historical truths that are hard to swallow

Brazil and Canada contributed more to the Allied victory in WWII than Britain did.

The British contribution to WWI was equal to the American one, and their true participation only started around the same time America entered the war.

The Chechens were in the right in almost all conflicts they had with the Russians.

British performance in the Zulu wars was sub par, Rorke's Drift was a one off success in a canyon with no strategic worth, causing the Zulus to abandon it.

Samurai armor is actually incredibly viable and strong. The Samurai drove off the Mongols, and the typhoons killed the ones retreating.

Woodrow Wilson is the worst President in the history of the United States of America, and one of the worst world leaders in history alongside Stalin.

The Jewish people being kicked out of every country they settled in at one point or another in history shows that their persecution has some form of unbiased justification.

North Vietnamese were in the right during the Vietnam war, the war was fought only for drug money, and most Northern Vietnamese didn't hold communist beliefs.

The Korean war was an astounding victory for America and one of the most important wars of the 20th century next to both World Wars.

Nicholas II was a likable human being who did nothing worse than any other Tsar could have done in his predicament.

Carlos II of Spain was one of the greatest and most successful rulers on the history of Europe.

laying it on too thick

You best start believing in troll threads


You are right about Woodrow Wilson, but nearly nothing else.

Nice try, fag


Fun game: figure out this guy's political views.

Try and refute any of it. It's all genuine fact.


This entire post was written in English

American English, a fixed version of the failed language that is British English

Alright, I'm bored enough to bite

>Brazil and Canada contributed more to the Allied victory in WWII than Britain did.
Objectively false. Britain's role has definitely been over-emphasised in many areas, but they still played a major role

>The British contribution to WWI was equal to the American one, and their true participation only started around the same time America entered the war.
Pretty much the same as the answer above

>The Chechens were in the right in almost all conflicts they had with the Russians.
Debatable, but defendable. Not necessarily wrong.

>British performance in the Zulu wars was sub par, Rorke's Drift was a one off success in a canyon with no strategic worth, causing the Zulus to abandon it.
It's pretty widely accepted that Britain won the wars thanks to their superior technology. Even the people at the time said that.

>Samurai armor is actually incredibly viable and strong. The Samurai drove off the Mongols, and the typhoons killed the ones retreating.
Don't know enough about Jap history to challenge that, so I'll give you a pass

>Woodrow Wilson is the worst President in the history of the United States of America, and one of the worst world leaders in history alongside Stalin.
Woodrow is definitely overrated in normiedom, but he wasn't the monster he's made out to be in certain areas of the internet. You seem to have a trend of realising that sometimes the history of events or people are oversimplified and misleading in the mind of the general public, but then you've gone and jumped to being equally misleading and oversimplified for the counter argument in response, rather than adopt a middle ground.

>The Jewish people being kicked out of every country they settled in at one point or another in history shows that their persecution has some form of unbiased justification.
Again, same as above. Yeah, there are plenty of areas where Jews were up to some fuckery and got expelled for it. But you're also just being blatantly misleading to pretend unjustified or over-extreme anti-Semitism didn't exist from time to time.

>North Vietnamese were in the right during the Vietnam war, the war was fought only for drug money, and most Northern Vietnamese didn't hold communist beliefs.
I'll grant you a pass for that. You are correct that most of the North were Nationalists before they were Commies, and America misjudged the situation by seeing the conflict only through the prism of capitalism vs communism.

>The Korean war was an astounding victory for America and one of the most important wars of the 20th century next to both World Wars.
Another pass. South Korea is clearly not a failed state (although it was decades after the War before it started to become good). Nevertheless, Korea wasn't a failure for the West.

>Nicholas II was a likable human being who did nothing worse than any other Tsar could have done in his predicament.
Fair enough

>Carlos II of Spain was one of the greatest and most successful rulers on the history of Europe.

The Catholic Church was extraordinarily helpful and important in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, and without it Western and Central Europe could well have devolved into Stone Age conditions.

>The Korean war was an astounding victory for America and one of the most important wars of the 20th century next to both World Wars.

This is something I'll agree to.

Everyone likes to talk about how the Chinese made the Americans fuck off when they entered the war. Nobody likes to talk about how the Americans then counterattacked and fucked over the Chinese. In addition to securing a divided Korea, the Korean War was important for getting America and China to both be wary of messing with each other, which contributes to the present peaceful detente.

jet fuel can't melt steel beams

>Brazil and Canada contributed more to the Allied victory in WWII than Britain did.
How so? Can you give us any evidences on that?

>Loses wars
>Wins memes

>Brazil and Canada contributed more to the Allied victory in WWII than Britain did.

Brazilians and Canadians do not get enough credit for their contribution to the war, and Britain's role may have been overemphasized. But without them Western Europe would have been completely lost.

>The British contribution to WWI was equal to the American one, and their true participation only started around the same time America entered the war.
Objectively false. Even if you want to argue about the weight of their contribution, saying it only started around the same time as America is objectively wrong.

>British performance in the Zulu wars was sub par, Rorke's Drift was a one off success in a canyon with no strategic worth, causing the Zulus to abandon it.

You can have a subpar performance when your technology vastly overpower's your foes.

>Samurai armor is actually incredibly viable and strong. The Samurai drove off the Mongols, and the typhoons killed the ones retreating.

Desu baka senpai

>Woodrow Wilson is the worst President in the history of the United States of America, and one of the worst world leaders in history alongside Stalin.

I wouldn't know where to place him as far as US presidents go, but comparing him to Stalin is ludicrous and you know it.

>The Jewish people being kicked out of every country they settled in at one point or another in history shows that their persecution has some form of unbiased justification.
There's no doubt that Jews have done some seedy shit to make anti-semitism rise but you can't judge a people on past sins and you can't judge the average deli owner for the sins of an international banker.

>Samurai armor is actually incredibly viable and strong.
Incredibly compared to what? It was viable for them, and indeed, breastplate etc. would protect at excellent level against various attacks, but armour overall had major flaws. Shitty helmets, butted mail, or even nothing at all protecting joints, and ironically it was really heavy. For European standards it would be hardly considered viable (well, maybe it would, but only if you consider "it's better than nothing" as viable).
And that's considering very late samurai armours, earlier versions were utter shit.

>The British contribution to WWI was equal to the American one, and their true participation only started around the same time America entered the war.

Nah, the British real participation started at the Somme in late 1916, few months before the US entered the war and a year before the US started to really contribute

While it's true that Britain did contribute much less than the French, they still did more than Americans

Also, Britain made up for its lack of a major role in the west until 1916 through participation in 2 other theaters

t. butthurt frog

Canada, sure, maybe... but Brazil? What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about.

t. butthurt bong

OP can't be a frog since he also cares about things that have nothing to do with France (while France are self-centered)

How did Canada have a larger role than Britain?

Canadian Casualties: 37,000
British Casualties: 200,000

From what I have seen, there was some huemonkey presence in Italy during the war.

Rubber probably, after the Japs rolled over SE Asia. That's a bit tenuous though, remember to sage in shitpost threads.

Nice try, Pierre.

>Carlos II of Spain was one of the greatest and most successful rulers on the history of Europe.

This is true, he developed one of the most succesful deflations in history, idk how this is not teached in schools

Peronism gave birth to the thousands of slums in Argentina

There are serious arguments against the 30000 desaparecidos in Argentina

During the english invasions, Rafael de Sobremonte didnt ran away with the gold, the main goal was to secure the gold in Tucuman or Cordoba and return with the Hussars

Most of the indians deaths in Argentina happened due to inability to adapt and not because genocides

Genghis Khan and Timur are the main reason for the low populations around Middle East and central Asia

Canada trained the RAF far away from the war, giving the pilots hundreds of hours of uninterrupted practice and an edge of the Luftwaffe pilots who had to train far less.

Canada more or less ran the North Atlantic Convoy system, ending the war as a major naval power.

They were used as Guinea pigs in Dieppe, took Caen, had to clean up the gaps in Italy because the Yanks and the Brits were wiggling their dicks trying to get the glory war prizes. They didn't call the Battle of Orntona "Little Stalingrad" for no reason, they did the shit clean up work in Netherlands post Montgomery's kekworthy """Invasion""", together with their based buddies, the Poles, they closed the Falsie gap.

Okay, I can get that


Never forget what true brotherhood looked like.

I understand that. Doesn't mean they did more than Britain.

I'm Canadian and I'm proud of Canada's contribution, I think we definitely punched above our weight, but "more than Britain" is pushing it.

It's why I indicated maybe, rather then an affirmative. I think OP is just a mad frog because his counties's primary war contribution was made by their women.

>Brazil and Canada contributed more to the Allied victory in WWII than Britain did.

I'm a leaf and this isn't true even if we are overlooked, besides I think we shined more in WWI than WWII

I doubt he's a frog, there's too much additional material there to make him one.

It isn't like anti-Anglo views are all that lacking on this forum, you don't have to be French to hate the British

Hey OP, if communism has been terrible in every country that has tried it, can we say that it does not work with unbiased justification?

LGBT contribute far more to spread HIV and sexual degeneration than normal people, they're literally the cancer of humanity.


>It isn't like anti-Anglo views are all that lacking on this forum, you don't have to be French to hate the British

Brits of Veeky Forums fail to understand that due to lack of flags


unfortunately true.

>it's this guy posting these 2 threads again like its an argument

russian solider

Yes because that's true

>Basing a country's worth on shitposting by some autists on a containment board of an Vietnamese hieroglyphics appreciation site

Damn, the cringe. Frogs are really desperate for any praise and attention. I guess it's related to being a joke for the last 200 years

Africans before contact with Arabs or Europeans never created their own civilisation.

>The Jewish people being kicked out of every country they settled in at one point or another in history shows that their persecution has some form of unbiased justification.
pol pls

Canada worked through Britain for the most part though.

Germanics before contact with Mediterraneans never created their own civilization.

>gets proven that frogs arent the only ones who despise Britain
>still rants nonsensically about frogs each time a post criticize Britain

I think at this point, nothing can save Brits from their ibsession anymore

>You're obsessed not me

>Brazil and Canada contributed more to the Allied victory in WWII than Britain did.

>only posts with flags show an American and a Belgian flag
>still irrationally whine about France

I don't. i respect France. it's my 2nd favourite country after England.

You just attack England, and when we attack back you call us obsessed.

>Lists things that the Canadians did in the War
>Doesn't explain why this makes them more important than the British

What are you doing?

Carp, vodka & ammunition. Looks like a nice summer day.
Who says war is hell?

The Brits had everyone involved during the Second World War,even children watching for planes.They would study pictures & outlines of them. Look at the photo.
Canadians didn't have the home front involved.They weren't going to be invaded or bombed

This. Britain was literally ready to give up half its population to defeat Germany. You must remember before June 1941, they believed they would have to fight the entire war alone.

Is that a spear with a sword grip?

Yeah he's a beaver

Holy shit, do I need to spell it out?

Training Program:

Britian: Oh shit, the Luftwaffe is coming in on us hard. We need to train pilots fast

Canada: Not a problem


Britian: Oh shit, we're going to stare
Canada: We got you!


Britian: We need to show the Soviets we're being serious. Can you attack occupied France
Canada: .... ahhh sure


Britian:... oh it was good training for DDay!


Britian: Say old chap, we're leaving huge pockets of resistance because we're racing the yanks can you-

Canada: Yeah.


Britain: Those Hitlerjugends were a nasty lot, weren't they? They were executing your wounded boys? Tough break.Thanks for doing that!

Canada: ...


Britain: Good work Canada...Poland, you and the plumber really locked up those Jerry Bastards. Now I got a war winning plan to devise.

Poland: I fucking hate the English...
Canada: Starting to see why...


Britian: Oh shit, it all fell apart and the Germans are mad as fuck. Look, I'm just going to go south do you got this mop up job? Weather won't be too bad, I promise!

Yeah, Britian lost a lot of lives, but imagine how much worse it would be if the Commonwealth wasn't there every step of the way. Kiwi's ad Aussies aren't strangers either to the whole "UK WON THE WAR" meme.



Autism was the only language I figured someone like you would best understand. It's a little rusty though.

i'm not the guy you're replying to lmao

I didn't think it would be much of a stretch to assume it was you. Veeky Forums is composed primarily of autists.

Not me though, I'm a normie.

Yeah sure. A normie who typed out that autistic piece of text.

You're either underage and belong on r/polandball, or have legitimate aspergers.

Not seeing a joke or taking a social cue is a sign of Asperger

England is a french colony

Hitler was the good guy
