How many of you mouth breathers actually think the West is dead...

How many of you mouth breathers actually think the West is dead. Is that a handful of Trumpsters shitposting about the "decline if the west" or am I really missing something here?

Who gives a fuck either way, and what are you Betas gonna do about it?

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No, it's more powerful and culturally relevant than ever. Millions of people from across the world are getting a Western education and being force feed Western values.

Ironically, the main force against western/enlightenment values are trumpsters and other reactionaries.

Depends on how you consider "the west".

Many consider its heyday to be 19th century colonialism, and this more overt power naturally appeals to /pol/tards more than economic and cultural hegemony.

I don't think it's dead, personally, but I also think the west will get eclipsed by the east within a century or two unless something goes terribly wrong in China/India.

Nick Land is the single greatest threat to Western Civilisation, aka the legacy of Rome.

Tbh the West is dead and it was killed by Anglos&Teutons and buried by Americans&Russians.

> legacy of Rome

You mean the socially conservative empire that was ran by a dictator?

This. The whole world will be like Europe.

Me. We exported most of our industrial capacity to Asia. In Europe up to 50% of youth are unemployed. Mass immigration is irreversible. Most European armies are pathetically small. Censorship laws just keep stacking on top of each other without being repealed, outside of the US at least.

The US is stuck with a ton of insurmountable problems, including collosal household debts and college costs, a completely broken court system, a political system that has long been infiltrated by corporations, and an economy that keeps declining. Western fertility rates keep falling.

It's not even just that either, after Brexit and Trump many western intellectuals are openly criticizing representative democracy as giving to much power to the plebs. I wouldn't be surprised if they were more satisfied with a Singapore-style autocracy, and the people are so apathetic that they'll just let it happen.

It's all ogre now.



To add a bit more, financial collapse is almost certain. The fed has already started increasing rates so expect shit to hurt after six months as businesses realize that free money is over. Add to that the instability of banks as shit debt piles up and you'll discover governments having to bail them out and cut more and more social services to keep anything in some sort of balance. Deutsche bank is currently the bank to watch out for because its big and so many things have gone wrong with their investments and its getting worse. Riots and global economic depression are a given. The non-west can survive simply because they're already shitholes and it'll be business as usual

Among the west, the US might survive but Europe is too multicultural for its own good. Instead of hanging ministers or bankers, they'll be blaming the other: the illegal aliens. Just as planned.

>many western intellectuals are openly criticizing representative democracy
>and the people are so apathetic that they'll just let it happen.
if the people just stand by, isn't that an argument that representative democracy is in fact shit?

>To add a bit more, financial collapse is almost certain.
I don't think so. It would've collapsed by now if that were the case. If a collapse does come it will be because something happens in China

Are you honestly this retarded?

America is far more multicultural than Europe. You have like what 60% white population?
Here you go senpai


How? Please explain to me?

No, Europe, Canada, Australia is doing better than ever and is the safest, most stable part of the world

Only the United Shits of Amerifuck are divided and collapsing, and that's because America isn't Eestern and shouldn't be considered Western. It resembles an African country moreso than glorious Europa

>What is Brexit, Eurosceptism, Naarau crises, workers riots in France and Germany etc.

The whole world will be like America*


OP here.

America and Europe, because of their highly advanced economies, educational institutions, and open society has fostered the most unprecedented level of human growth in the history of man. (If any of you biblical-literalists fucking post about the world being 4000 years old or some faggot shit just leave.)

America and Europe are both situated because of labor needs, stability for immigrants and refugees, intellectual appeal, and social mobility is also situated to have multi-multiculturalism develop in the coral reefs that their society are. (To be American or European is an agreement with said governments and citizens of those societies. Race and whether you are born in those countries has a lot to do with it, but ultimately will be left to crumble as said identities are superseded by that social contract with the "Western Society"

•To be Western, to be American is beyond destruction. You cannot kill and idea as powerful as the Bill of Rights without a social upheaval beyond our ability to understand or predict.

•The West has come to represent everything that ensures or tries to ensure social safety, independence, and government/civic involvement. Functioning religious and irreligious institutions in America especially, waxing and waning side by side with each-other is proof of this. No muslim sect conflict retardation here.
•Get educated. Question the law. Question your government. Work with your government. Work with your law. Lobby to change it if you can work the system. Help your fellow man. Be allowed to do those things safely with people on every spectrum (mostly autism). •These things are the West.

•We might be poor, we might be rich, we might kill each other, we might love each other, we are doing the same things as people all over the world, but things are working better here than everywhere else.
>Who is going to fuck us Veeky Forums?

>When was the last time you bought Russian shit?

>When as the last time you were afraid of terrorists?

>When was the last time you bought shit made in China, and the time before that, and the time before that? Did you like your cheaply made widget?

>When was the last time you were afraid of a drive-by or a free-shooter coming into your favorite restaurant trying to show the world his deepest pains and sheets of insanity?

To be honest, myself here, I like Mexican food and the people I met from there. To be honest I never bought Russian shit in my life. My cousin bought a Chinese made AK so I guess it's just a Russian design. I am not afraid of terrorists or random acts of gun violence in my rural state. The West is fine. If anyone else here thinks the conspiracy to undermine us all here is working, then how come I can live in comfort beyond most peoples grasp............??????????????

Just wanted to say good pic, but could be better. I'm thinking keep the red lines going untill they mold into the red on the right.

Neither compare to the glory of Rome or Heaven

>To be Western, to be American is beyond destruction
LMAO how fucking naive and exceptionalist can you be? If history can teach us anything it is that the vast majority of governments don't even make the 200 year mark and most constitutions are trampled upon by the states that succeed them.

ty senpai.
but imo two of those are by pundits, who by no means represent all intellectuals. anyway the clickbait titles are misleading. the idea of the first article is that technology has ruined individual deliberation of the polling booth for internet forums where echo chambers reinforce one's views and create a mob mentality. This makes democracy shit, but it doesn't mean that this can't somehow be reformed. In the second article, the implication is that irresponsible demagogues took advantage of the democratic system to manipulate public opinion. I do suppose the articles similarly think that democracy showed some major glitches last year but these criticisms have been thrown at democracy since Socrates. They're perennial problems in that political system, just like monarchism has the faults of a hereditary ruler being sealed off by advisers and court favorites to public opinion and the true state of affairs in the realm. As for the last article, i have to wonder about sample size and the demographics of those surveyed.

>The whole world will be in Europe.

Luckily there is a nationalistic backlash in Europe to prevent that from happening. Brexit was the first step and others are following suit.

Not those guys, but I think it's a matter of the standards by which you judge decline. If you judge decline by racial miscegenation, the decline of western popular culture and mass media and the rise of tolerance for diversity (of all kinds), then the West will indeed seem like its in decline. On the other hand, if you judge the West by the diffusion of its ideas to the rest of the world, then Western values are here to stay for a long time. Western economic, legal, educational, financial, political and scientific systems are used throughout the world. Europeans still dominate the world economic system through its financial centers. They control global governance through the UN, IMF and the World Bank. You can't even say Japan and China are "beating" us because all they have done is imported Western ideas en masse to develop along Western economic lines. It's all a matter of whether you believe Western is defined racially/genetically or if its defined intellectually/socially. I think the latter is more accurate. I think what's happening now is analogous to how Roman ideas have continued to infatuate their successors until today, despite the fact that many of these successor states and peoples don't share any territorial or other similarities with the Romans in many ways.

Americans aren't Western. Stop associating yourself with Europa to make your shithole country look better you hideous burger fuck

America is a perversion of everything that makes Europa powerful and prosperous, and Americans are subhumans who were outcast from Europe because of their backwards beliefs.

Now "enlightenment values" means "universal" values (economic, educational, financial etc. etc.) that is applicable to everyone at any point in time. While this is nothing but an ideal, it holds powerful sway over the modern intellectual mind. Economic values, rationalization, states, law codes, the individual, the political individual, the economic individual what have you; all of these are now held as universal standards by which to judge other countries, cultures and even historical things against. They are universal tools of analysis by which anything can be rationally examined. On the other hand, you have the "reactionary" who promotes particularism over universalism. Particular values, some would say, are only applicable to a particular people because of their unique cultural or racial characteristics. Or perhaps, these characteristics can be learned but only through generations of evolution. When these particular values come under threat, the reactionary believes that the only viable option is restrict or destroy the threat, using legal, economic or military means to pursue this end. In those user's examples I suppose they mean that Trumpists, among other reactionaries, want to remove alien influences brought by immigrants, illegal immigrants especially, and restrict those economic forces that are "destroying" their cultural, social and economic status. The paradox of this, arguably, is that in carrying these policies out, you put what I might call the "universalist" project at risk, whereby individuals, markets, firrms become interconnected the world over in a global economic system through which ideas, culture and organizational forms move with rapid speed. This movement, in the reactionaries' opinion, leads to an intolerable mixing of ideas, the fear being that one's unique identity gets demolished demographically, through shifts in popular culture as promoted by media and the general homogenization caused by globalization, so that (cont.)

(cont.) so that I and an Indian living in Mumbai live nearly identical lives, wearing the same fashions, learning the same things in school, traveling to the same places, watching the same TV channels from the same multinational broadcasters, using the same furniture etc. etc.

It's far from dead, but it's under assault as of now and the next 20-30 years are critical to how it'll turn out.

The West is not dead by any means, what is clear though is that the days of "the West" being the leaders, rulers and controllers of the planet are severely numbered, other cultures and ethnicities will come to control their own spheres and assert greater dominance globally.

I think it's to be welcomed.

Yeah, have fun when the chinks enslave your ass and put your children to work in the mines.

as opposed to them being enslaved by white folk and put to work in factories you men?

Same diff. but with a better selection of interesting food.

The West never forced them to open up their economy, or to underpay their workers.

What's you point?

Chances are you've bought russian oil or gas.

>Me. We exported most of our industrial capacity to Asia.

Lol that's a good thing. Europe and America shifted their dirty and pollutinh ndustry to the developing nations and that's a good thing.


Shit bait senpai

>50% of youth are unemployed
The fuck are you on about?

Up to 50 percent*

The West isn't declining it is just becoming less special as more regions catch up to it. The process is slow but at some point in the future the west will be but one of many regions.

This basically. And much of the butthurt we're seeing currently in the West is generated in snowflakes who are upset about no longer being special.

And butthurt that can't be socially sanctioned to other nations people due to some arbitrary reason.

People get jumpy when their inferiors start to have a backbone and instead it taking shit can dish it back or just say "fuck you".

Not in all of Europe obviously. But yeah that's pretty bad.

>I am pretty sure there was, at one point, such a thing as western civilization. I think it involved things like dancing around maypoles and copying Latin manuscripts. At some point Thor might have been involved. That civilization is dead. It summoned an alien entity from beyond the void which devoured its summoner and is proceeding to eat the rest of the world.