Why nobody cares about this? what is happening?

why nobody cares about this? what is happening?

relevant to my interests

what am i looking at here

This is an attack. The exchanges are working on it.


DDOS attack on ethereum network.

Is this a DDoS, or did someone figure out how to spam empty transactions?

wow sell your eth boys

Is it really this easy to fuck up ETH?


If it's driving the price of eth down, I'm thrilled.

You only need to own a few hundred thousand of coins, spend a few thousands on a FUD rumor campaign and coordinate it all with a ddos attack on the network. Yeah, anyone can do it.

Someone messing around? Maybe to test their ddos strategy. It isn't fast enough right now to cause problems though. Reddit said it was someone's smart contract for an ICO. Was on r/ethereum but idk

dump dump dump ETH to the ground. 0.1 cents incoming !!!!

Somebody is doing it already.

And do you really trust a coin where someone can just dump 39000 ETH and basically cause massive panic in the market?

And why the hell people even try to own a coin where the owner owns 25% of the supply?


A fix is in the works

Polo was hacked

>Polo was hacked
tits or gtfo

How much ETH do you need to do this 24 hours?


No sense wasting my time with the likes of you. Go ahead then, have fun driving the price down. I'll just buy more when it bottoms.

They are draining the eth righ now

What proof do you want?

Links to the transactions

>They are draining the eth righ now

What u see in OP's image is almost worthless amounts of ETH being transferred to congest the blockchain, aka a DDOS atack

What "draining of eth" are you talking about?

Can someone explain exactly what is happening and then the bigger picture in a very detailed way please?

>it just shot back up to 0.099.

Just fuck my shit up

Look at 6. in pic related. The blocks are being filled with 0 eth transactions.

So it this the flippening?

too many requests for just one please

You are literally getting DDoS'd by the whole fucking reason bitcoin had a hardcap on block size in the fucking first place. Now you will feel the full power of the dark side of the force.

No. This spammer is simply giving money away to the miners and causing little to no damage to the network.

Some guy trying to make headlines.

I am? I'm not eth lad.

holy shit did you ever miss the point hahahahah fucking neets man.

yeah dude, sure, the flippening is coming


why would miners pick up a block transaction with no value? and im assuming no gas either.

If all the big miners actually got together to do this, they would not lose any money, and would force the price of transactions to skyrocket.

Pretty nice theoretical attack.

No, it's the dippening.