Why did the holocaust happen? It seems to be one of the most unusual projects in history...

Why did the holocaust happen? It seems to be one of the most unusual projects in history, exterminating a race not for material gain, just out of pure ideology. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany before WWII, and Jewish emancipation and public role was only a few decades phenomenon there.
The only opinion close to an explanation I heard was Arendt's, which is basically the same reason why Trump bothers to build a 3 billion wall for little practical use...

Because people can go to incredible lengths for an ideology. Why does this surprise you?

Because of their connection to Bolshevism and the banking elite.

>Why did the holocaust happen?

it didn't

history repeats itself and will repeat itself if these jews don't get their act together.

lolwut. They took races which had tighter connections to Bolshevism and labeled them honorary aryans.

I'm not sure what you're graph is representing or you're asserting. Not an attack on what your'e saying, just not picking up what you're putting down.


leave it to the Irish

[citation needed]

Look at the rates of communist involvement in different sub-groups within the old Tsarist Russia. Jews are disproportionately represented, yes, but less so than other minorities such as Latvians, Poles, Lithuanians, Ossetians, Estonians, and Finns.

If Nazi hatred of Jews was due to their links to Bolshevism, it's either misinformed or dishonest, since groups like the Estonians and Finns were even more involved with the Bolshevik party,and the Nazis treated them like bosom buddies.

Catholic Hitler wanted to finish the work that the Catholic church started, i.e. the genocide of the Jews.

You have obviously never read Mein Kampf.

>not for material gain

because seizing their assets wasn't material gain.

Bolshevism was the German secret weapon in WWI, without Germany's involvement there very well would be no communism.

I accept that, but nevertheless the German people all were in for exterminating the Jews, which calls for an explanation since most Germans never saw a Jew in their lives.

See how pissed people are getting today with immigration and Muslims? Crank that up a few notches and you'd be pushing them into camps. In fact it's a hyper-awareness of where such attitudes go and a desire not to repeat the past that keeps the brakes on now.

For several reasons.
It was enabled due to long standing feelings of antisemitism in Europe, Jewish cultural tendencies leaning towards banking and education creating an almost disproportionate rich upper and middle class.

It was easy to pointing the finger at them when the average german was struggling to get by and Hitler needed their wealth to kick start the economy.

After that, they tried to deport them en masse but simply put nobody liked jews nor wanted a massive influx of Jewish immigrants. So after several different attempts at pawning them off, ultimately it was decided to use them as labor in work camps.

Really it all just came down to political expedience.

Basically Adolph had a very, very small wab.

There actually was some material gain, as the Nazis were critically short on food. Killing off the Jews helped relieve this, and it also enabled the Germans to steal what they had for use in the German war effort.

Of course, it was still an ideological project, and obviously a terrible one memes asides, but it did have some practical value.

>since most Germans never saw a Jew in their lives.

Neither have most /pol/tards. Memes don't need to be based in reality.

That's unrelated since in many countries immigrants are doing all the works the natives don't wanna do.

Your post makes all sort of assumptions. His party was already a totalitarian rule before the war, it doesn't seem like he had anything to gain from it.

So you think creating an ethnic underclass is totally ok, and not going to blow up in everyones faces or anything? I see the nonsense you're spouting far too often. It's folly to ignore the long term consequences.

put down the Hardcore History crackpipe

>political expedience

Only in a tautological 'it happened this way because the conditions for it happening this way were there' sense

It helps to think of the nations involved as they really are composed of ruling coalitions, masses to be kept happy, etc. - liquidating minorities doesn't ever help a state's national security when competing with other nations, but it can do a lot to solidify the elite's grasp on internal power.

People like this will never stop looking for a scapegoat for their own failures.

This is actually the most correct post I've read thus far.

Germany was in shambles and in a pretty desperate state after they lost WWI. Hitler had a powerful ideology that empowered Germans and gave them a scapegoat for their problems.

The holocaust, or absolutely terrible tragedy, happened because the Germans, who were not Jews, believed the Germans, who were Jews, were not doing enough to ensure that Germans will live. So the Germans, who were not Jews, did work of which a human could assess, teach, and force so a German, who was a Jew, would be doing the very actions of which Germans live.

What was the universe of which there was such a need to be so harsh...at risk of being absolutely terrible? Humans accessed technology to live eternal life thousands of years earlier than now...and almost all Germans, maybe all, were not being forced to live eternal life by the ancient humans. The Nazis tried to force a semblance of an opportunity for either the ancient humans to force the Germans to live eternal life, or the Germans would reinvent the technologies of eternal life.

>No material gain

The entire point of the holocaust was living space in the east. The majority of it's inhabitants would be eliminated and those left over used as sterile slaves to extract natural resources to support a continental Aryan empire. Their blood used as metaphorical and perhaps literal fertilizer for new German fields.

If you want legit good mainstream soft core shit , watch pic related

Is this before or after they blow themselves up with V2 rockets and have their factories burned down by fires caused by their tanks combusting?

People compeltely miss the point. Germans didn't want to eliminate Jews because of all those material reasons, they wanted it because of a spiritual ideal, which is what I'm asking - how did such an ideal come to be? It's very unusual, perhaps the only time in history that happened. In conflitcs throughout history peoples hated other tribes, but not on a pure racial or mental basis.

The separation between material and spiritual is difficult with Nazi ideology because to them there was no separation. The Volk and Reich were not merely ideological abstractions but living biological entities no different than your liver or anus. They held that the Party is the rightful subject to dictate world history, by leading its object the Aryan body.

They wanted to conserve German blood in the same way an conservationist might want to promote breeding of a endangered species. With Jews and Slavs seen as an invasive species that had to be euthanized. This was also the point behind their killing of the physical and mentally challenged. Like a prized dog breeder killing the the runts and breeding the "pure".

And you're missing the point that the reason for removing the jews was entirely for material reasons for the people who orchestrated it, and they used the bitterness and anger of the german people to scapegoat the jews into the reasons why their lives were shit.

The entire political apparatus made a concerted effort to pin the hardships of the german people on jews and other undesireables. The people were angry enough to believe it and once the government used that wealth to create an industrial boom and get the economy moving again, it solidified this belief.

Exterminating the Jews in Europe, especially in the east, was like fumigating an old house before you move in.

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