What do you think is the most important historical event?

What do you think is the most important historical event?

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Great Fire of Turku.


Battles of Salamis and Zama.

The creation of nuclear weaponry, mankind at that moment now had te potential to anihilate itself.

The French and American revolutions of the late 18th century

Battle of Kosovo

Which not only saved Europe from Islam for a century, but also set forth in motion the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914 starting WW1.

The beginning of the universe.

Defeat of the Athenian Empire.

Also the creation of faggotry, mankind at that moment had te potential to shut your cunt mouth and grow up.

My birth.

Battle of Hastings

The invitation of William of orange

The german invasion of Poland

>Most Finnish archives, including practically all material from archaic antiquity, was destroyed in the fire.

creation of warhammer40k universe

The big bang.

>not FW making the heresy line
Where were you when heresy rhinos were mad with credit cards and sprue

Homer's Iliad being written
Shakespeare writing Hamlet
Cervantes writing Don Quixote
Dante writing Divina Comedia

the crucifixion

Imagine if the black plague had never happened and the Mongol reign was never weakened as a process.

Yes, this masterplan against the legacy of the Ancient Finns. Never forget.

Creation of the printing press

Russian masterplan to create the new capital to have more control over the finns, because Turku was too close to the old friends in the west.
Great fire gave them the excuse to move the University of Turku to Helsinki.


Mongolboos are just as bad as /pol/ itinerants

To crush your historical enemies under your feet, to see them driven before you, and to hear the historical lamentations of their women.

First cell division

Imagine if everybody who sucked Mongol dick actually read books instead of recycling memes they learned on TV and youtube videos.

and me writing my diary

Tbqh hes probably not wrong, now that nukes exist history will either have a nuclear war or will lack a massive war until we colonize planets or fight aliens, then we will fire nukes at each other and ayyys like nobody's business. Until then, enjoy probably the greatest part of human history user, 21st century is cash money. Nukes are probably the single biggest game changer in history since fire.