Where are my dgb bros at? Whos ready for 3k sats next week? Rally up faggots...

Where are my dgb bros at? Whos ready for 3k sats next week? Rally up faggots, lets swing our big digiDicks around and let these faggots know whats up. DGB FOR LIFE, HODL FOREVER. 1usd in 2019.

BTFO RDD and Ark/Ant cucks. We will not be stopped.

Just stop

give me one thing dgb does that every other crypto does not do allready and i will buy 100k of them right now

Ark and ant hurt too much? Kys. Digibyte to the moon and beyond.

No I didn't buy any of this faggot shit, you fucking moron.

Jared Tate

da fuck is that will he suck my dick?


Its only a matter of time before all other altcoins die and btc, dgb and ltc take over.

Dgb will rise from the depths of this dip. CHECK IT


>buying the ATH



you digilosers are adorable.



I'm ready for the reverse moon to 3 sats

Just hold user, it'll go back up.

tfw still holding 600k


Bought 500k @ 80 sats
Bought 400k @ 120 sats
Bought 200k @ 300 sats
Bought 80k @ 1600 sats
Bought 150k @ 1200 sats

I would like to buy some more now, but no free btc left, guess I have to wait for dgb to go up again.

Not fucking selling before $ 0.50 or maybe even $ 1.00.

I will die with my bags or become a millionaire!

Why the FUCK did you not sell at 2000+? You would have made more money than I've ever even been close to dreaming about.

Fucking DGBtards man, I made 2.5x profits off this coin and then dumped it off. This coin is DONE.

>Finally released my iron grip and sold at 800
>Still came out with a little profit
it's not 3x gains like I could've got at 2000 but it'll fucking do.

fuck DGB

I took a GIANT shit today and it was kind of painful coming out. I looked into toilet and DGB man look back into me.

lmao look at these retards

>mfw digicucks still trying

Face it, you bought at an ATH that will never be reached again. Take your losses and move on.

>it's been at 1000sat probably for a week
>he sells at 800sat in a brief crash
literally what the fuck are these people thinking

im not holding your shitcoin any longer amigo

>iron grip
More like bitch grip

The definition of lowtest faggotry.

Currently hodling 1078 and 754 sat bags. Fucking save me senpai, tell me everything will be alri

ill be buying back it once it hits 100 sats don't worry

All I'm holding is Sia, LTC and ETH.

I wouldn't touch DGB with a twenty-foot pole, unless the plan was to have some whale steal half of my pole.

I don't even own bitbean but shitting on DGB is my favorite sport. I'd rather have my entire stake AND life savings in bitbean than even own the smallest fraction of a digibyte.

You will all jump back into DGB when it moves to new heights.
And it will, it's only matter of time.

All you shitposters will "suddenly" love DGB...
I hate you right now for that.
Fucking winning team joiner....

if you put the rest of your savings it might blip for a moment

we warned you repeatedly, you wouldn't listen

This. I hate digibyte so goddamn much