Why is it that the Jews keep getting repeatedly smacked, left and right, throughout history?

Why is it that the Jews keep getting repeatedly smacked, left and right, throughout history?

And I know this is like asking a dog to not shit on the new carpet: but don't turn this into a /pol/ thread. I'm not here to make accusations or assumptions. I'm just genuinely curious.

The fact they keep being treated as victims of prejudice and discrimination puts me more in the mind of how people who grow up in abusive households have a likelier chance of meeting more abusers when they grow up.

Other urls found in this thread:


Rich dudes who culturally distinguish themselves are easier to target, it's far easier to kick somebody out if you see them as a cultural enclave.

Middleman minorities tend to inspire hatred.

This is also true for Chinese in Southeast Asia and Indians in East Africa.

This being said, systematic antisemitism was really only a big thing in Europe after the blood libels and the Middle East after Hitler and the Wahhabists.

It's because they wouldn't assimilate, and because their religion was superior (more organized, older) than their hosts' (Egyptians, Christians etc).

Back before America, if a group wouldn't assimilate they were usually heavily taxed, and then eventually killed.

In three instances Judaism has held mankind hostage in the most tormenting manner. First, with the Mosaic Law. Monotheism is the least natural thing in the world. When the ancient Greeks say there are 10,000 gods, it’s natural, logical, delightful; they inhabit the world with beauty, reconciliation. The Jew responds: ”Unimaginable! You can’t have an image of God, you can’t have a conception of him other than an ethical, moral one. He is an all-powerful God; he avenges himself to the third generation, etc.” The Mosaic Law, the morality of monotheism, is terrible: That was the first act of blackmail. The second instance: Christianity. You have Jesus, the Jew, who enjoins people: “You will give everything you have to the poor. You will sacrifice for others. Altruism isn’t a virtue, it’s the very duty of mankind. You will live humbly.” This is a fundamentally Judaic message: The Sermon on the Mount is made up of quotes, you know, from Isaiah, Jeremiah and Amos. And the third time you have Marx, who proclaims, “If you have a fine house with three empty rooms and there are people all around you who have no home, you are the basest swine.” There is no possible defense for human egotism, greed, the lust for money, success. What did the revolutionary Saint-Just say? Happiness is a new idea in Europe. What did Marx say? Justice, a new idea in Europe. Enough of these terrible inequalities. Beggars are increasing on the sidewalks of our capitals — in Paris and in London. Three times, Jews have demanded, “Become a person. Become human.” It’s frightening.

This pretty much. The fate of the Chinese in America and parts of south Asia in particular really mirror the experience of Jews in Europe.

And then as a side note, Freud comes and takes away our dreams. He doesn’t even let us dream in peace. As for the great prophets, Isaiah declared himself the one who wakes us in the night, the one whose cries will awaken the city. Jeremiah pleads, “Wake up! Stop sleeping!” But it’s really mean to deprive us of our petty bourgeois sleep. Sleeping well is the luxury of the bourgeoisie, the middle classes. People who are starving never enjoy a good sleep. And Freud comes along and takes away even that. No, really, when Hitler declared in his Table Talk (Tischgespräche) that “the Jew invented conscience,” he was right. Absolutely. It was actually a profound statement from that evil man...We can be proud of this, or we can deplore it. But anti-Semitism is a kind of human cry, “Leave me alone!” It’s a cry against the moral pestering Judaism represents.

well, they rebelled against the romans, while being on the periphery of several titanic empires before that.

outside of that they live a very insular life in other countries, they seem to hoard resources from their neighbors, this isn't a meme, this is literally what their orthodox communities do

it's not suprisging that this leads to suspicion and resentment no matter what country they're in

Lol wtf we have like 4 threads asking this exact question

You wouldn't reference whites in Rhodesia?

No, because they weren't a middleman minority, they were the oppressive minority in top. Indians in East Africa are a much more relevant example from that region.

The Jews are an insular and insufferable minority at the best of times, they really and truly believe themselves to be better than everyone else. And due to the stupidity of early Christianity and its ban on usury the Jews developed into a well connected and wealthy minority, with a disproportionate amount of influence.

>they really and truly believe themselves to be better than everyone else
Everybody does.

One could say the Afrikaners were middlemen to the British ruling class above them.

>right-wing discriminates against you
>be forced to go to another country
>agitate against right-wing there
>right-wing gets pissed
>starts discriminating against you

Not sure who started it, but this seems to be the pattern

Of course we all know antisemitism in the Middle Ages was based on religion and later antisemitism was based on ethnic identity instead of religion.

The real question concerning antisemitism is whether or not it existed in ancient times and if so, in what capacity. I really don't think ancient near-Eastern peoples would have viewed Hebrews any different than they would have viewed Phillistines, Moabites, Canaanites or any other people who lived in that area, though I could be wrong. Of course whether or not any group of people had a good or bad relationship with the Hebrews is entirely different from whether or not they were "antisemitic". I wonder if there are any writings on this subject.

Religion in the middle ages was just code for ethnic identity.

Protestants split from Rome because they were Germanics and wanted a "Germanic" religion.

>Religion in the middle ages was just code for ethnic identity.
No, that is wrong.
>Protestants split from Rome because they were Germanics and wanted a "Germanic" religion.
No, that is wrong.

1) Moneylending and ursury
2) They refused to assimilate
3) They're easy targets for conspiracy theories because of their higher intelligence
4) The fact that they had no nation and no loyalty to anything but Judaism. This isn't a bad thing, but because of this the Jews could get kicked around easily because they didn't have anything to defend themselves with

I assume it has to do with them being considered "outsiders" due to their religious/cultural ties. Other people see them as an other, and it's easy to treat people like shit when you see them as fundamentally different from you.

>The real question concerning antisemitism is whether or not it existed in ancient times and if so, in what capacity.
The Romans fucking hated the Jews, but that was mainly for political reasons

>their higher intelligence

Where did you hear this?

Jewish migrants to America performed well on a particular set of tests in the Fifties. Today, there is no discernible difference in intelligence between Jewish people and any other white people, though there is still a different in outcomes.

It's a fact.

Ask yourself why most Germanic nations are Protestant. Ask yourself why the Irish are catholics (Italo-Celtic family). Ask yourself why are there national orthodox churches.

Why did half of Germans remain Catholic?

Literally nothing wrong with this

they inspire hatred because they are organized, which naturally creates an us vs them attitude on both sides, and they are usually involved in businesses that are predatory.

You see when God called them the "chosen people" he really meant something like "chosen punching bags". I don't know if they mistranslated or misheard him or something but that's how it is

One decent criticism is the 'master race' stuff.

>Why did half of Germans remain Catholic?

Go to /int/ with your misinformed self

Then why did over a quarter of Germans remain Catholic, and under a half of Germans convert to Protestantism?

>implying you didn't know what I meant

everyone gets it, they just don't die off from it.


Learn the difference between Germanics and Germans, /int/ tard

>Then why did over a quarter of Germans remain Catholic

Germanicized Italo-Celts, obvi

Wow. You really don't want to talk about this, huh?

Let's talk about imprecision in language instead.

What is a 'tard'? What does 'obvi' mean?

My friend, this (Pic-Related) is the Germanic race, this is what one means when one says "Germanics" and when ancient texts say "Germans". Over 90% of Germanics are Protestants.

What an oddly specific definition.

I guess technically you're right. A hundred years ago there was a more even split, today it's mostly Protestant.

Judaism doesn't condemn usury, and encourages the subjugation of non-Jews through trickery. The vast majority of Jews, of course, are not usurers and don't want to subjugate anyone even if they could, the same way that whites catch a lot of shit in America because the so-called 1% are all old white (or Jewish, but pointing that out is anti-semitic) men, despite most whites being poor fucks subjugated by the system as well.

But in the past, when most of the civilised world had little usury because other religions condemned it, some Jews would fill the niche of bankers and lenders and make their profit off of usury, which earned all Jews the reputation of being tricksters and swindlers that target non-Jews when they are at the lowest point in their life, pretending to be helpful so that they can own their target financially for the rest of their lives. Even now that usury is common among non-Jews, a minority of Jews form the majority of those that control the media because they got their foot in the door on that, and they are regarded with suspicion as a result. It doesn't help that some orthodox Jews openly espouse the idea that non-Jews are inferior and meant to serve Jews, or that many Jews use the Holocaust as condemnation of anti-semites (which, from the perspective of an anti-semite, is like a thief saying "you cannot be suspicious of me, I've spent time in prison for theft!")

Apart from that, momentum. Jews have been really strongly hated almost everywhere they've been and that hatred has never really gone away, even among people that don't remember why it's there to begin with.

tl;dr: People suck. Jews suck, goyim suck. Everyone wants a scapegoat who sucks the most, a minority of Jews usually fit the bill.

>What an oddly specific definition.

It's nothing new.

Modern day "Germans/Austrians" are genetically and phenotypically the least Germanic of the Germanics/Nordics.

>They refused to assimilate

this is not really true at all. they were forced into ghettos and segregated, not allowed to own any land. the jews who got expelled were mostly impoverished jewish tailors with nothing who all they did was study the Torah.

yes, since they banned christians from moneylending and also barred jews from doing a lot of common occupations christians did (an important point) jews were the only moneylenders. it was a smart move economically. once you owed the jews too much money, you expel them all.

these people who assume it was "greedy" jews who led to them expelling them are ignorant. the majority of jews were just poor scribes. a lot of the massacres were over petty shit like "Host desecration," Catholics crying because they heard a rumor jews stick knives into holy bread to hurt Jesus. It's what makes the /pol/ kids flocking in here so funny to me, when you read the details of some of the massacres they are for the most obscure reasons to slaughter thousands of random poor villagers. Yet some will insist these were the result of some moneylender ripping off the people.

life wasn't all bad for them, they were actually one of the most literate group in Europe while being one of the poorest, and them being segregating saved so many of them during the plague. Although then they blamed the jews for the plague and slaughtered thousands more of them.

>banned christians from moneylending and also barred jews from doing a lot of common occupations christians did (an important point) jews were the only moneylenders. it was a smart move economically. once you owed the jews too much money, you expel them all.
>these people who assume it was "greedy" jews who led to them expelling them are ignorant. the majority of jews were just poor scribes. a lot of the massacres were over petty shit like "Host desecration," Catholics crying because they heard a rumor jews stick knives into holy bread to hurt Jesus. It's what makes the /pol/ kids flocking in here so funny to me, when you read the details of s


Jews who were allowed to assimilate, did. (Jews in Italy/Sicily/Greece all assimilated)

It was the Jews that were discriminated against by the state that weren't allowed to assimilate, that didn't and became the Ashkenazis we all know and love. Those Eurocucks created their own mess.

>implying there was ever a such thing as "right-wing" back then and everyone wasn't just religious nut cases

if it wasn't for the crusades who knows if jews would have ever not assimilated

fuck off neckbeard

>Rich dudes who culturally distinguish themselves are easier to target

If you think even a large minority of Eastern European jews were rich, you're insane. The only jews who were rich back then were the Sephardic jews, who were among some of the first settlers into America. The Ashkenazim who came to America in the 1880's were ghetto dwellers who had literally nothing.

I'm not denying they are probably the richest minority at this point, but historically they were immobilized by ghettoization whether they were in the mellahs of Morocco, the corners of Eastern Europe, or if they were Ethiopian Jews being enslaved by their christian neighbors.

it's kinda the "immortal curse" their civilization lasted from the Bronze age until now whereas most civilizations at that time have long been destroyed. Especially when those civilizations, like the Hebrews, had their state destroyed which is usually a death sentence but not to them.

so it was just that they lived long enough to take the damage where other ethnic groups either died before or lived after most of them.

Why mostly because of religion. ie for christians jews are christ killers and for muslims they are imposters

But noone is more two faced about it when it comes to jews. Nobody tries to make their host rot from the inside by advocating for one thing and then act the exact opposite in their own country.

This thread gives a lot of great reasons why but here's another one I haven't seen. When you are a guest it is wise to never outperform the head of the household, many feelings follow jealousy, none of them positive. Most everything else needs to be understood about the Jewish people in Europe can be found in Nietzche's writings.

the greeks are still around, and got their country back first

greeks confirmed for the ultimate race

Name one Jew who acted one thing, and did another. I promise you you are confusing two Jews as being one.


>As for the Jews, the people who possess the art of adaptability par excellence, [my line of argument] suggests immediately that one might see them virtually as a world-historical arrangement for the production of actors, a veritable breeding ground for actors. And it really is time to ask: What good actor today is not — a Jew? The Jew as a born Litterat [‘man of letters’], as the true master of the European press, also exercises his power by virtue of his theatrical gifts; for the man of letters is essentially an actor: he plays the ‘expert,’ the ‘specialist.’

Actors, Journalists and activists are all cut from the same cloth, and Jews cover all these grounds, this why they have been involved in several political movements in the western world despite being a minority group, but there is no overlap for instance, in the ethno-nationalist zionist Jew crowd and the post-modernist marxist globalist Jew crowd.

George Soros is the overlap

I don't think he has any obligation to either groups. He said it himself in his autobiography that he pretty much reveres himself as a messiah-like figure. I do wonder though, about the supposed Kushner connection that just came out.

They are uniquely nationalist and hipster as a group. Instead of, like pretty much every other ethno-religious group in history, assimilating and merging completely into their home region of origin, they have deliberately cultivated a faith that exists solely to mark them out as unique and forces them to engage in practices like circumcision to differentiate themselves from the people around them. Even Hellenism had trouble assimilating them like the rest of the Near East.

It's unnatural for a group to have survived thousands of years as one entity. It fosters distrust since they are seen as incredibly nepotistic.

There need not be an overlap of one person (although after searching I'm sure you'd find them). It is enough to merely point out the fact how the liberal and progressive jews only focus on the western civilization and have no quarrel with how their own Jewish state has become the very embodiment of what they fight against.

Such blindness can only be willful and it does not take much to see behind it.

The jews should understand that if you start treating an entire civilization/ethnicity as one collective that must answer for its crimes then it must also include them and any argument for individuality will be thrown out the window.

> duh goyims so dumb n brutish dey attak us jews (who dindu nuffin, honest!) cuz dey jealous of our money
> 100+ times
> it had nothing to do with our behavior though!

> libel

> the gentiles all across Europe made it all up every time! we dindu nuffin, honest!
> take our word over your ancestors!

>culturally distinguish themselves

>antisemitic people wrote about it so it must have happened exactly as they describe
>still including Little Hugh of Lincoln

It's an interesting observation that while Jews promote individualism in public, they practice extreme collectivism in private.

What great lengths to slander the Jews! And some of those victims are even canonized to this day... occuring so sporadically and randomally through out Europe... pure coincidence!

>antisemitic people wrote about

Did antisemitic people write the Torah?

>God telling Jews to randomly slaughter people every chapter

Jealously of wealth, perceived undermining of society, stereotypes are based on one or two events and remain, unlike black stereotypes where the majority are like the stereotype

>Of course we all know antisemitism in the Middle Ages was based on religion

True in Spain and Germany, not really true in England or France. That had everything to do with them doing usury when it was against the law for ANYONE to do so (England) and for trying very hard to dodge Tax on usury (France). They challenged royal law and did so as commoners. The kings of both of those lands could not back down from that.

you're clearly misinterpreting nietzsche friend

this isn't an argument. go back to /pol/ please. if you think "their behavior" is why they expelled a shit ton of poor jews who weren't moneylenders then you're an imbecile. they built their whole economy by leeching off jews, when they owed them too much they would seize their property and expel them all.

it's funny how you guys point out how many times they got expelled but don't mention the actual reasons they gave at the time. unless you're as autistic as your ancestors and truly believe they were the real cause behind "the plague"

>Jews promote individualism in public, they practice extreme collectivism in private.


the funny thing is even if every single one of these was true, which I don't believe, it's still one millionth of the amount of crucifixions and murders done in the name of Christianity and Islam. there are massacres alone that outnumber the whole death toll on that list. It's kind of funny actually how some of you want jews to be responsible for every action of a jew but you aren't responsible for every action of whatever group you fit in. Also, you like to blame every jew for every action while not giving every jew credit for every jews action.


What source?

It's a fact that most of the civil rights advocates, liberal media etc are Jewish, and we both know those same people preaching individuality to non-Jews, go to Shabbos on friday and break bread with other Jews talking about "the Tribe".

you can't fight for equality and also identify with an ethnic group? please explain how. almost everyone identifies with whatever ethnic group they are. there are paddies who talk about Celtic pride and Iranians who talk about Persian pride. You're not even making a good point. There are liberals in every part of the world (Bassem Youssef) that also have pride in their roots.

>you can't fight for equality and also identify with an ethnic group?

The "equality" they're fighting for are usually individual rights, like Trans, Gay and women's issues. Meanwhile they don't criticize their Rabbi's orthodox wife wearing a headscarf and being a submissive baby machine.

The Irish, Persians and other groups aren't on the forefront of the Progressive Liberalist gravy train as the Jewish community is. So bad comparison.

If an Irish/Persian/Indian/etc etc is a nationalist, they're socially conservative. But if a Jewish person is a nationalist, they're often socially liberal. That's the two-facedness.

>The "equality" they're fighting for are usually individual rights, like Trans, Gay and women's issues. Meanwhile they don't criticize their Rabbi's orthodox wife wearing a headscarf and being a submissive baby machine.

Your first mistake. Thinking these "liberal" jews even have rabbis. I lived in an area with a lot of jews and barely any of them knew anything about Judaism or believed in anything. The Haredi will treat jews who aren't religious just as shitty as they treat everyone else.

>The Irish, Persians and other groups aren't on the forefront of the Progressive Liberalist gravy train as the Jewish community is. So bad comparison.

Not at all. Jews are a non-factor population wise. There are 5 million jews in the US. There are almost 10 times as many African Americans who vote democrat at a way higher rate. Your issue is thinking some jewish journalist really is affecting anything in the world.

>If an Irish/Persian/Indian/etc etc is a nationalist, they're socially conservative. But if a Jewish person is a nationalist, they're often socially liberal. That's the two-facedness.

You're simply wrong. You can find hundreds of examples. Literally look at anybody in the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, wherever that was locked up for being too liberal. They all still had pride in their Persian/Saudi roots.

If you think it's impossible/immoral as a principle to fight for equality or be a liberal while taking pride in your roots I don't know what to tell you. What is St. Patricks day then just a bunch of conservatives? Saying that all persians/indians/irish who care about their people are immediately conservative makes no sense whatsoever.

>Your first mistake. Thinking these "liberal" jews even have rabbis. I lived in an area with a lot of jews and barely any of them knew anything about Judaism or believed in anything. The Haredi will treat jews who aren't religious just as shitty as they treat everyone else.

Oh you have personal experiences? I do too, I've been to plenty of Shabbos' and have attended Jewish Federation of Los Angeles events. All outwardly liberal/SJW Jews who automatically become right-wing fascists when discussing "the Tribe" within four walls.

And these aren't "religious" jews. These are Jews that keep kosher by not eating pork but then will have a "cheat day".

>Not at all. Jews are a non-factor population wise. There are 5 million jews in the US. There are almost 10 times as many African Americans who vote democrat at a way higher rate.

That's the common myth Jews tell to escape accountability.

5 million Jews in the US, but they're more consolidated than any other ethnic group and located primarily in the most influential cities. 2 million in NYC and 1 million in LA.

Voting democrat is not what's important, it's the lobbying, media-influence and civil-rights movements where the jewish community is the most involved.

>Your issue is thinking some jewish journalist really is affecting anything in the world.

A journalist with a million readers is much more powerful than "voting democrat". And it's not "just one", Jewish writers are a clear majority of the writers of all the mainstream publications digital and stamped. The Jewish community is in bed with the mainstream status-quo.

>Literally look at anybody in the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iran, wherever that was locked up for being too liberal. They all still had pride in their Persian/Saudi roots.

I doubt gay bloggers in Iran go to the mosque and pray to mecca after they write an article advocating gay marriage.

>to fight for equality or be a liberal
fight for equality =/ liberal

Because it is an ethnosupremist cult that actively tries to exploit non members wherever they migrate to? It is not really that hard to grasp, google some Talmud quotes.

They have a different religion and only mingle among themselves. That makes them a suitable target for hate.

Not really.
Not considered a cult.
>exploit non members
Citation needed
>google some Talmud quotes.
Talmud quotes that are put on white supremacist sites are fake and can not be found in actual editions and versions of the Talmud.

This except, Jews, like the Chinese, have the skill to stop being middlemen minorities and simply control the states they're in by controlling money or what counts as it, like Joseph's control of granaries in Egypt

The Jews' biggest weakness today is that they have a state now.

German here
Protestantism was mainly spread in Prussian occupied regions. It only really took over East and North Germany where Prussian influence was strong enough. South Germany is pure Catholic and in West Germany, Catholics remain the majority. And I can assure you that they are not Germanicized Italo-Celts

Because they are a very visible minority that self segregated. So people interpret it as being aloof while having no power.

And that is before you bring in the mutual hate or stuff where Jews are believed to be cheats.

Because they are assholes with a inferiority complex so huge they literally build a religion around looking down on their neighbours as inferiors. Said neighbours didn't appreciate this arrogant jackassery and fucked them up for it.
End of the story.

Muslims and Christians do the same thing though, and it's not a justification for murdering them and throwing them in ghettoes

Lmao at all this ressentiment. When will anti-Semites finally admit that their ideology stems from jealousy?

>waaah stop being more successful than me
Clearly you don't understand the concept of ressentiment

Lol so you admit Jews are two-faced

They don't though, most of those Jews are atheists who just happen to have Jewish blood.
Not anymore "two-faced" than any other large heterogenous group of people.

The real reason for the persecution is that Judaism is a cult of victimhood, so throughout history they obsess over being victims and anti-semitism and intentionally provoke the host population to subjugate them in order to feed their need to be victims and to fulfill their "destiny".

>it's the Jews fault, they WANT to be regularly slaughtered and persecuted
Uh huh

Jewish self-deprecation humor is famous, Jews invented cuckoholdery. Jews are a nation of masochists

Can you prove him wrong?

Jews do seem to talk about Jews more than anyone else. And they seem to hate themselves and enjoy victimhood. Not many jewish "warriors" out there

That's because traditional Jewish society is a matriarchy.


>they're in bed with the status quo so they involve themselves in civil rights groups that go against the status quo
Really makes you think


The victimhood thing might be more early, and is honestly tiring
the six gorrillion might be a meme but it's really annoying how far they have taken the Holocaust

This, jews used to function as an interpreter /middlemen class. They were actually quite crucial in managing the trading of slaves in the 476-800 period. Most christfags would capture other christians, pagans or pseudo-gnostics but didn't want to sully their own hands by dealing with heathens (read muslims) so they entrusted that task to the middleman "ethnic" class that was european jewry.


And then we pretended we dindu nuffin as usual and that it was all da joos fault. It was easy and common to blame outsiders in the antiquity/dark ages for bringing woes like war or plagues, and since jews were easily distinctive traders and middlemen, they became top tier scapegoats. Christian memes like blood libel made it easily justifiable to the yuroplebs.

>see that merchant kike?
>he brought in that plague that ruined our harvest last summer
>but not only that
>pls dont blame my poor management and focus on him kthxbai
literally pogroms in a nutshell

>it's still one millionth of the amount of crucifixions and murders done in the name of Christianity and Islam.
False and retarded statement. Christians didn't crucify anyone.

The popes literally urged Jews to give up and money lending and take up farm work. They weren't "banned" from doing so and saying they were is 100% bullshit.

this. jews have always considered themselves ethnically jewish instead of belonging to whatever state they are in.

this is well-written bait. nice

>popes say one thing
>kings say another

Also why would jews even listen to the pope lmao, they listened to the royalty who actually held the real power

They got all the high financial positions of power and then once the debt of the country got raised or reach an economical slump, the Jews for blamed and kicked out

Yes, but coupled with the Jews historically acting as a seperate nation inside a state, it's more likely to piss people off.

If you're in France, it follows that the Frenchmen will think they're the best in the world. It will piss those Frenchmen off if a Jew suddenly stands up and says "Actually, I'm the best in the world, not the French!"

I have no problem with Jews in Israel acting like they're King Shit because, as you say, everyone does that.