Why did Judas betray Jesus?

I heard somewhere that Judas threw the silver coins in the roman tempel and yelled something like "i didn't do it for the mony!"

So what was his real reason?

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That the prophecy be fulfilled

He did so that senpai would notice him

this. the gospel of judas makes the most sense out of any of the gospels

What does it say?

Jesus actually tells Judas to arrange for him to die so that he can be freed from the cage of his body of matter

Judas was a smart man and wanted a violent revolt against the Romans, not some hippy telling people to turn the other cheek.

Its funny, the Judas from Jesus Christ Superstar has the exact opposite rationale, that he thinks Jesus is going to start a rebellion the Jews would certainly lose, like the later Bar Kokhba would, and had him killed to nip his movement in the bud.

The Judah from JCSS is also a nigger

And you can eat shit and die.



Judas knowingly gave up his immortal soul to save mankind.

Jesus gave up his weekend.

Ahahahahah retard

If Judas only betrayed Christ because he was ordered by him to do so, why did he kill himself afterward?

Checkmate edgelords.

So that nobody would find out the truth.

Peace in our time
But seriously to stop the rabbi elders killing him for following a 'false' prophet

He thought he would get away with it

Senpai will always notice

I don't know shit about the bible but I'm pretty sure most people would feel like shit for betraying somebody, even if the somebody told you to do it



who wrote the gospel of judas and when?

great song

Jesus Christ Superstar is heretical, even if it has good music.

he had been tricked by the devil and/or the pharisees into believing that what he was doing was right

First of all, Judas wanted shekels.
Second of all, remove this faggot image! It's blasphemy!
And at last, you must go UNDER THE SWORD NOW!

Jesus ordered him to. It's in John.

>In truth, I will be betrayed by one of you
>The one to whom I give this piece of bread
>Eat this Judas
And Judas obeyed.

He probably expected Jesus to have a better plan than letting himself be caught.

>was getting caught part of your plan?

Gnostic heretics writing fanfic around 200 AD or so.

Judas was Jesus , duh.
then Judas dies on cross betrayed by Jesus who takes marry aka "the holly grail" to the new world .
its all in the bible.

The Old Testament describes "Two" different messiahs: the conquering king and the suffering servant. Judas, like many of his contemporaries, was holding out for Jesus to be the king instead of the servant, to throw off the yoke of the Roman Empire. He thought if he put Jesus on the spot, he'd be forced to defend himself and herald a real Jewish revolution against Roman rule.

When Jesus instead allowed himself to be arrested, Judas realized he messed up.