He thinks people are still getting rich off crypto

>He thinks people are still getting rich off crypto
>He doesn't realize the only way to have made money in this is to buy >4 months ago
>He doesn't realize he's just gambling with his life savings

Half you nigs might as well buy naked calls and puts on quarterly report rumors

welcome to Veeky Forums newfag


>he uses the word "nigs" and thinks this is ok in the year 2017 aside from fuccboi losers


Just hold in cypto and you literally never lose unless it's all in a shitcoin

finally the voice of reason /biz has been waiting for, teach us your ways

spoiler: they are all shitcoins

>a couple thousand invested in a few different alts
>my life savings

If I'm absolutely totally fucking wrong about the direction we're heading I lose a small percentage of my money.
If I'm right, I reach lamboland in a few years.

This, If I hit zero, big deal. If I choose right, I'm sitting pretty with somewhere close to a million.

You fools really think coins are going to x1000 from here?

Look at the rich list for ETH, 100m+ accounts, you're telling me ETH will make people with 100 billion net worth?

Completely delusional.

I don't have any ETH or BTC. I'm going huge on those shitcoins my friend. I'm spinning the roulette in hopes of a payout.

Can you still make a living? Not get rich but have enough to not have to be a wageslave?

whats the entire market cap of crypto's currently?

oh right we're soooo late now

Daily reminder that op is a fucking cuck

Check these dubs and check this picture

Strat did over 1000x in a year. DGB also did over 150x within 2 month. SC did 40x. Waves did 32x. Exclude Start all those gains happen within 2 months. So Yeah if you have insider info or randomly pick a god coin. You can get pretty rich.

>do this
>the recent crash happens
>still hasn't gone up and everything is just hovering on the floor
>down 2k

I made so fucking much on Waves ICO. It was open for several months too, anyone could have bought some for about 0.20 usd each. It bounced around 0.20usd for about 8 months after the ico as well.

very nice

The other half should read this.


how does he come to this conclusion though

made 7x my money since starting 2 months ago

started with 5k

So did you sold immediately as soon as it hit exchanges or did you held for long?

A huge problem Veeky Forums has is oversizing for the risk they can tolerate. It's about how to size your position to your account so that you see an X% account risk, where X is whatever risk exposure you want.


I held for one full year

them iron hands. it was pretty iffy for a whole year.

It's going to be great when he ironhands it down to $150.

confused as to how n is determined.

>the only way to have made money in this is to buy >4 months ago
>the only way
>only way
Retarded newfag detected

nigger detected

me too, except i did it thanks to pump groups like pic related

literally a pajeet scam

Who cares ? Everything I invested in crypto I'm okay to lost it tomorrow if the market crashes.
Also people said the exact same thing one year ago, it's never too late to engage, personnally as long as my 60yo dad does not tell me "can you buy me some bitcoin user ?" I know it's not too late to invest.
We didn't even reach normies, the best is yet to come.

dont need x1000 just a few x100's

> t. nig

Naked calls and puts have netted me 65% and 80% returns the last 2 years

i really want to eat her ass, who cares about the rest?

who is this jism prism

ofc, OP is a fag.


Yes. Ethereum will make many people with a net worth of over 100 billion dollars.

Get used to it nocoinz faggot

>forgetting derivatives markets

I know right.

I bought Bitcoin 3-4 years ago and Ethereum 1 year ago.

All the laggard sheep normies buying now thinking they are "early adopters" are idiots pure and simple.

don't believe this stuff guys. it just takes 4 months+ to make serious coin.

>You fools really think coins are going to x1000 from here?

No, maximum 10x in the following 20 years and that will be a few select good cryptos maybe.

According to that meme pic the crypto is WAAAAY overvalued.

It is 1/7th of Apple and Google value. Meaning for every 7 Google users there has to be 1 crypto user. Same with Apple. Is that the case?

Yeah...exactly...better open up your shorts now

oh oh retard alert
>math 101

Well no shit if you're thinking in terms of weeks and not months or years

>"hahaha I made 100x in a shitcoin XDD"
>lost 200% on other coins

quads speak truth. Crypto is still the best to put your money in but won't make anyone rich who isn't almost rich already

>people who type "oh oh" and not "uh oh"

>lost 200%

wow user, seems tough to lose more than 100%, please elaborate


>lose all coins
>make loans
>lose all again

And Apple and Amazon together's market cap is sligthly less than gold. That must mean that there are more people who own gold than people who own a smartphone and shop online.

If you start with just 1k and can make 2% a day always reinvesting, you'll have a million after 1 year. Do you guys really not understand compounding?

what he said

I only need crypto to x6 to reach lamboland, faggot.
If we x10 in a few years, which is unlikely, it would be a nice bonus.

post your face

*isn't unlikely

Go away, nigger.

>net worth = money



It is statistically likely he'll beat that 3/10 face

>4 months from now
">you should have bought 4 months ago"
>8 months from now
">you should have bought 4 months ago"
>12 months from now
">you should have bought 4 months ago"
>16 monhs from now

Is this how you cope?


>shantytown of nocoiners

You fucking low IQ autists.

Those whales will sell along the way, do you think they are going to hold? no, they will be selling along the way.

Thats why 21 BTC holders will be rich, because eventually whales sell at least some.

BTC is going to have a trillion marketcap within the next 5 years, get ready to it or choose your prefered suicide method.

that derivative graph is complete nonsense

you'd need to know the net positions and exposures of the holders, probably .001% of the actual derivatives fyi

don't disagree with the debt picture, not good

Bond markets collapsing before Trump mandate's end or probably on the next mandate max will be enough for us BTC holder NEETS to become rich just by holding 21. It's going to be a shitshow. Vengance will be brutally served. No boomer will be left alive and normies will pay for ignoring crypto. 2025 can't come soon enough.

move aside dindu


>Still retarded enough and thinks crypto will fail

I bet OP still wears baggy clothes too.

>that graph
Can we use our gains to build a spaceship and escape this (((system)))