NT: Key techniques you use to identify retards on Veeky Forums

NT: Key techniques you use to identify retards on Veeky Forums
>when someone says that the cheaper the unit of something is, the more potential for growth it has eg. "it's less than $1!"

Any and every post, including yours.

>People who think now is a good time to buy

When OP is a nignog.

I don't get the meme image......what is the police car painted like?

its like a new videogame skin unlocked for headshotting 50 blacks

>what's the link to that pump telegram, OP?

People using technical analysis to predict something instead of away to describe previous action. They cannot pinpoint how many people are involved, and how much money they all have. It is all conjecture at best. The smartest people realize what they cannot predict and are more attracted to fundamental valuations when available.

If they are part of a group with a "leader" showing them technical, and they do not see the obvious openings for exploitation, I really begin to see the tard levels.

>people who respond to criticisms of the lack of static capital influx in ETH with "buttmad you didn't get in at $5 lmao"

look asswipe: you tell me, if i have 200 dollars, and i can either invest in a coin that is 190 dollars per unit, or a coin that is 20 cents per unit... and both coins moon to high heaven, which coin is going to give me more gains?

if they both quadruple in price?
you get literally the exact same gain

>being this retarded

fucking retard

Yeah, except a coin that's 20 cents is more likely to increase by a higher percentage. It's how some people got rich off cheap smaller coins (10000% gains), which you'd never see today with eth, ltc or btc or any of the other bigger coins

Whales are more likely to pump small market cap coins because they're easier for them to manipulate

Fucking fail

>more attracted to fundamental valuations

such as what?

Nope, it's still entirely dependent on the size of the float.

It is a combination of unit price, market cap, and units in circulation. Numbers in these categories can be off hundreds of orders of magnitude and BTFO your shitty math-illiterate argument.

wasn't trying to make a sound argument, just stating that's how some people got rich. we'll never see big coins give short term gains in the range of thousands of percent.

Those coins, if they are cheap because of a high float, they take more units to move up though. It not about how "big" the coin is. I can find coins that are like $70 for a unit, but the market cap is under 100 million.

It only happened that way because people gave into the misconception, and piled in to a cheap coin.

By your metric, Ripple will tend to be a potential multibagger

>It not about how "big" the coin is
by "big" I was primarily referring to market cap, I might have accidentally mentioned unit price, but I was referring to the tendency for small market cap coins to have lowish unit prices. There are obviously some exceptions
>It only happened that way because people gave into the misconception, and piled in to a cheap coin.
The underlying cause is usually whales creating misconceptions and manipulating the market.