What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought that's not a vehicle, a house, or a computer?

What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought that's not a vehicle, a house, or a computer?

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pair of boots i think

250$ pellet gun


Pic related.

I wish I could too
Sucks not to be free

American Stratocaster $550

>this faggot again




Might count as a vehicle, but $13k for a new 3 horse slant load trailer.

Otherwise, $10k for an AQHA registered yearling mare.

camera shieeeeeeeet


My gollywog collection

College degree

Gibson Les Paul Studio 800 €


Actually, now that the previous user talked about his Strato (), I remember I paid 600€ for my Dean Hardtail Select (not my pic).

Get gud

My wife's visa.
Plane tickets to travel.
Wife's engagement ring.

is an ebike a vehicle?
is a condo a house?
is a smartphone a computer?
is a vacation a thing?

besides all that probably my 50" flatscreen LCD from 2012, I think it was like $550

30k in silver

Rolex for 3000$ sold it for 3500 tho soo its all good

Sennheiser HD 800S, 1500€
Worth every cent

>Being an audiophile

Oh shit, i ordered new LG OLED tv for 1989€ few days ago, so it's that

Literally the shittiest of Gibson LPs, they are assembly line trash from Korea. A $400 Epiphone is higher quality. Congrats you got memed

some jackson guitar for 700€, I dont even play it. A vinyl record for like 150€.

$5,000 cello

Why not? I listen to music 4-8 hours every day and have been doing this for the past 10 years or so.


who are you quoting?

Lol, right.

I spent $350 on a portable vaporizer for my marijuana.

Yeah maybe i should just throw these cans to trash and buy some nice looking GAMING headphones with RGB lightning instead.
Thanks for showing me the light

I own a cash for gold, buy ridiculous shit all the time. I bought an Audemars Piguet 1 minute repeater pock watch circa 1905. Sold it for 20k

$775 on a big order of anabolic steroids.

What is your background? Not everybody buy cellos (my weirdest instrument is an ocarina).

>maple top
>same as an epiphone

There is a very small difference between a studio and a standard, but epiphone cannot hold a candle to the studio. Literally spent weeks testing both

Phallosan forte. 265€.

Swimming pool

An Access Virus synth

>32K on college

>All of it was paid for by coca cola for being hispanic

>I'm the palest motherfuker ever

A fucking 180$ virtual spaceship ,
Amongst other spaceships, virtual.

well memed my fellow redditor!! xD



Well shit I didn't include that cuz I figured that's just a necessity .. Spent well over grand decking mine out

Lmfao the standard is miles ahead of the studio, handmade with care and actually deserves to wear the name Gibson on it. As I said, the studios are korean assembly line garbage

100k porsche boxster s

It's a vehicle but it's a toy for me so it counts; my 1995 YZF600.

Other than that, a DJI Mavic Pro.

Quick depreciating item: $2800 nikon D810 camera body

Most expensive flat out, but should hold its value fairly well: Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon. Should still be work over 2k by the time I die, and I figured it was a good family keepsake.

aquariums. At least 5k. Next time you are at a pet store and see fish and are like man I really want some just remember this user said don't. it's way to god damn expensive.

Solar panels for my roof

My Beyerdynamic DT880s and the accessories like the DAC and pre-amp I needed for em

>he didn't travel with his wife

Dude I'm like the least 'oppressed' combination of male and white.

Shit fucking sucks; if I was trans I could get a decent scholarship.

>go to aquarium store
>they don't even sell charcoal for the filters
>like 10 people living there
>they don't know where charcoal is
>obviously a front operation
O-ok, d-don't go to the aquarium store g-g-g-guys

Its actually an old meme from /jp/ for newfags like you to not abuse the quote function

Pretty sure he implyed his wife is a foreigner.

just lie fgt and if any one questions you start screaming bigotry, transphobia and racism

i own two different high end vaporizers

MLB season tickets
Made enough of a profit re-selling half of them on stubhub that it barely made a dent though

Spaniards aren't even oppressed, we just get namesake benefits of our American descendants because they speak the same language and have a general identity similar to us.

In the United States being a pale spaniard, you win every "race game."

You're Hispanic so you're seen as oppressed by all the issues and problems Mexicans and central Americans get.

You're white so employers and cops give you less trouble and more leeway.

You're a white hispanic so all the metiza women and their mothers want you to wed into their family because of the weirdass concept of "Mejorar la raza" and you're by proxy a higher social connector.

Literally nobody but the most redneck trashy mexican or Cubans (in Florida Spaniards get shit on though) ever gives you anything but benefits from being Spanish.


and we have a winner!!

Professional exams. Medical post grad qualifications aren't cheap.

Yes that is the point of a Studio. The Custom and Standard look and aound nice. The Studio sounds nice. Thats why they named it studio. Ninety percent of the guitar world agrees that there are almost no sound differences when comparing a L.P. Standard and Studio
Just preference

Personally, unless one is chambered, I can't hear the difference

a pacojet for my kitchen
good 4000$ investment imo

Land.I invest in land, so that's the most expensive thing I own .

It's actually the sum of my crypto holdings and stocks.

rado sintra watch


love it to death.

second most expensive thing: beoplay a9


And the one thing I learned is, you NEVER know what's gonna walk through that door.

how much did you buy it for?

a kitchen aid!
my wife makes bread almost daily, so definitely worth it. We save at least 10 euros a week

a sofa - £900 i think

I have the same one, beautiful piece of italian work

DSLR Camera.
Rarely use it.

$1800 snap-on roller cab. I'm the flashiest lad in the workshop

400cc silicone tits for wife.
basically i have a high class escort at home who loves me ,cleans the house, makes food.

That bike is lit

3200 dollar cello

My computer, $600.

I guess you could count the time I played around with stock trading. The biggest trade was probably $1000

Wedding ring

>loves me

You keep telling yourself that buddy

Bass with a 6500€ MSRP on clearance sale for 3300
Golf and Winter sports are also expensive hobbies, but while the total expense is higher, no individual item comes close to the base.

>being gay

Russian Vepr for $840
>tfw these just got included on the sanctions
>waiting for supply to dry up and sell it for 2x

>fake tits

You misspelled low class escort

real estate (land)

also, probably John Lobb boots

$8,000 hardwood floor. If you only exclude automobiles, a 2017 Trek Emonda w/ Ultegra and power meter + computer = 4,400. The bottle cages cost $50 each
: ^ )

>bought ~20 M305Bs up here. also waiting for gayverment to ban them for being M14s so i can make mad cash selling them to newfags


£1k gold chain.

Bachelor's degree. Still paying that shit off.

a bachelors degree.

1500$ plastic surgery, worth every cent


literally get off biz
I bought my strat for $50 used, and can gig with it