Why are men so obsessed with the abstract? The here and now, in the material world, is what matters

Why are men so obsessed with the abstract? The here and now, in the material world, is what matters.

tfw no bf

Nice bait mane

Typical roastie, just focused on her next meal and nothing else.

It really undercuts your argument that you posted it using a computer, operating system, and telecommunications network which all depended heavily on extreme amounts of abstract thought.

As opposed to women, who are hedonists.

Seems like a loaded question. Maybe you have observed some behavior among men that is different from women, but how do you leap to assuming men are "obsessed with the abstract"?

What are you basing this on?

What's wrong with that? How is droning on about the merits of anarco-monarchism going to put food on me or my childs table?

Begone, woman

Cats are all that matter.

Because this life is shit and we try to rationalize by finding some higher meaning in a realm untouched by the corruption of this disgusting and degenerate world.

Because men have humanity.
Animals like you can't understand.

Mammaries or begone

What makes you think than men give one shit about some roastie or her mongrel child?

No abstract = no waifu
That's not a world worth living in.

ITT: roast or philosophy

And we let these "people" vote. No wonder western societies have gone to the shitter.

Roastie* philosophy

Carpe diem - because the patriarchy will work to put food inter table, and provide welfare and free education, and think about silly abstract things so they can invent technological stuff to enhance productivity make life better.

Cats lives matter.

What if I'm a hedonist who takes pleasure in the abstract?

>here and now
>in the material world


because roasties do not care for them

Don't forget that the 'material' world is also an abstraction that exists only in our minds; conjured up through our brains interpretation of the impulses it recieves through sensory receptors. The 'world as we know it' is rather, the 'world as we think it'. Its entirely subjective. Therefore abstraction is in our nature.

Should roast beef people be put away as soon as we have fully functioning sexbots, and not a second later? We've already master cloning, so reproduction is taken care of.

Matter doesn't matter bro. Do you even ethereal plane?

That brain is placed all wrong.

>proves OPs point by effortposting to justify abstraction to explain reality rather than just appealing to the immanence of the moment as not requiring explanation