More pics like this, please. Will dump what I have

More pics like this, please. Will dump what I have.















I'll dump something tomorrow if the thread stays alive

>that lizard

>THREE crossbows

Grappling lizards were standard issue

Grappling lizards?

>Gee Louis, how come the Pope lets you carry THREE crossbows...

>Doesn't akimbo crossbows while having another as back up
Do you even try, brah?

*smacks lips*
Awright haud oan
*wields claymore*
sae ye be sayin
wae wur kings n' hod?

Good for sieges

Do these work?


imagine seeing these things walking around today man

inb4 someone posts a real nog




>hunting mammals with tools
Did this happen or is this just an artist having fun? Also how long ago did our ancestors look like this?

>Did this happen or is this just an artist having fun?
In the case of the little guy, most likely scavened, and the big guys most likely didn't eat (a lot of) meat, so that's speculation.

>Also how long ago did our ancestors look like this?
Roughly 2.5-3 mya

Also, should note these come from a late '60s book, so a lot has changed since then.




>war lizards
fucking top kek

fucking India

That's fucking sick as.

Imagine if the one with titties flicked your cock lol

>"You there, servant boy! Fetch us our battle-pants!"








ive probably got too many of these of modern military





any one else here?






>white russian cavalryman









Fukin kek




the one on the left is effay as fuck

got any more pict shit?

I'm here and enjoying them





















>4068 ▶




