I thought I had Iron hands, but it turns out they are just stone hands. Hands that refuse to act...

I thought I had Iron hands, but it turns out they are just stone hands. Hands that refuse to act. I've missed every opportunity to short, to long, to pump, and to dump. I just sit here holding bags

Hodl is a meme to catch newfags.

>here are my bags

I'm the same, but hey, at least i have 6 figures in crypto out of 4 figures in fiat by holding and dumping at the top. if i traded i would probably be a millionare already, but im not really good at calling the market, except at the bottom when i get scared.

Well it works as long as you didn't choose shit coins.

Also this

HOLD is just a meme made by people who dump their bags onto you. They get rich being active, while you don't make any profit by holding and deluding yourself that "someday it'll moon for sure!"

you are a meme.
you have no fucking clue do you?

Except plenty of coins do actually moon and holders have already made thousands in profits.

HODL is a meme.
try holding XMR for 6 months. get x10 gains
try holding litecoin 2 months x10
try holdin EHC 3 months X20
not to mention XRP NEM DGB or any other coins

You cunts cant hold shit for more than a week.


I HODL'd ETH from $25 to $300 and ended up with 100 grand so it's not always a meme.

Buying it all hold it all, something has to moon right?

must fucking suck to be too late ay?

yeah but the losses will eat away your profit

fuck you nigger I"ve been holding xrp for over a month, shits going down the fucking drain

What if they all moon

more to it that that but pretty much.
newcoiners that wanna be daytraders are being BTFO'd
the day have recently past where you can buy any old shit and expect a moon.
School could be about to start newfags. strap in and weather the storm.

you got in late numb nuts you expected otherwise?

>buy dgb at 100
>sell at 2300
>reinvest profits and make another 10x


>buy dgb at 100
>see it crash from 2600
>hold down to 700

Am I missing something?

you sell. ample warning of a severe correction.
the greedy got fucked.
it will rise as everything eventually does but bagholders will need to wait a long time

Yeah, you missed the "don't hold shit coins" part.

OP, it's really easy to see missed gains once they've passed.

except hypothetically he held from 100sats to 2300 sats

you evidently missed the "buy crypro when was dirt cheap" part and are just getting it.

protip: It is still ALL dirt cheap.


no more helping newfags.

Should always be holding a bit.
Never go full coin, or full fiat.