What hobby/vice is stopping you from saving 10-20% of your salary?

What hobby/vice is stopping you from saving 10-20% of your salary?
Pic related is one of mine.

dude weed lmao

I'm actually kind of glad I abandoned weed 5 years ago, shit was hitting my wallet pretty hard. I do miss getting blowjobs after smoking two joints though

>he doesn't even save 20%
And I was hating myself for only saving 30%, its like you want to slave away till you're too old to enjoy anything. If I don't retire by the time I'm 45 I'm killing myself, fuck working forever.

What do you do user?

nothing. i save more and live at home until i can buy somewhere.

what the hell is wrong with you
weed is stupid but understandable to an extent, but fucking steam games?

Having a girlfriend

Check g2a and g2play before buying on Steam

I like videogames unfortunately, I kinda just hoard them. I only buy when on sale though. I really only spend like 50 a month on Steam on average.

Same. We've been vacationing at least once a month since March, luckily we split most of the shit but it's still money I can save

I already save about 15% between 401k, fiat savings, and crypto.

But, cigarettes/alcohol. Need to quit the first and cut back on the second, and could easily be saving 30% or more.

just pirate them you dumb fuck

Books, i always buy them used and i dont really spend that much on them a year

I already have a bunch of pirated games, I just got tired of the newer ones not working

fags just jealous, me i bought

>Darksiders franchise pack
>borlerlands 2 goty pack
>tales of borderlands
>tomb raider 2013

bought and refunded trackmania turbo and dragons dogma

>Buying games
>Buying SHIT games

lets what kinda porn you browse cutie pie

Fucking school and paying for that shit is killing me right now.

I cannot save money if I'm a neet winning $200 per month staying home


drugs of every kind man

Idiots and lazies don't deserve to make money. Sorry pal.

I dont even know where my money goes most of the time, but theres been a lot of board games bought of the last couple of years. I spend too much on food I think.
I need to start budgeting again.

food alone is $100 a week if you to to the grocery store and buy ingredients (cheaper then eating out). how tf do you live faggot?

School's gonna fuck me in the ass in about a month. ~2300 for 4 classes. No financial aid because I dropped out before

>$100 a week
whoa dude, do you live like a king ??

I save 95% of mine. Feels good living at home rentfree.


Is not being malnourished a vice?

If you're obese, yes

Vinyl Records mostly.

I listen to a lot of obscure 80s darkwave/coldwave/minimalwave music so it's not exactly easy to find them repressed in CD or even Cassette forget about finding them pirated either..

Unfortunately they all go for at least 40euro because europeans are the only ones to carry these fucking records (American here) and the shipping is like 10euro minimum. 50 euro per record really kills my savings