Europe is a continent because of it's cultural and geographic disparity with the rest of asia

>europe is a continent because of it's cultural and geographic disparity with the rest of asia
Why isn't the Middle East (MENA) considered it's own continent if it fits with the criteria above?

Its not a continent but most people do recognize that North Africa and the Near East are generally a unified cultural area.


Because you're wrong about why Europe is a continent.

Why is Europe a continent then?

>tfw we literally live in an time when the 6th Persian Empire (albeit an Islamic one again) comes to power in the Near East again

What divides MENA from Islamic West Africa, or Central Asia?

>europe is a continent
no it isn't

Because the Greeks said it was.

Europe is a continent because it's seperated from Asia in most spots by geographical features like the Mediterranean or the Urals.

is iberia a different continent?

Besides Sudan, what African nations in Sub-Saharan Africa are Arabic speaking?

Because they defined for the reasons in the OP.

The Sahara and the mountains ranges on the Iranian border.

>Sudan included
Nice try

I think it's classified like India as a subcontinent.


Senegal, Mauritania, Chad, Nigeria, Mali, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea.

Why don't the Zagros divide Iran from the Middle East?

They thought the Caspian extended all the way north to the Ocean, which would make Europe a geographical continent.

Not this again.

So all that time they spent memeing about Constantinople being the "key to Europe" and all they had to do was go around the Caspian?

Constantinople is a Roman city, there was nothing but some fishing villages there during the Greek age.

Aside from religion those places have little in common with MENA.

They do. But like the Alps for Italy they do nothing to prevent the cultural and demographic exchanges between it and the rest of the region.

Europe is separated from Asia through the Urals.

>All they had to do
Yeah all they had to do was traverse a few thousand extra miles of barren steppe land to even get to the black sea and even then it was all worthless woods until you got to like Krakow
And then you would have to fight your way through angry Pre-Russians, and increasingly populous Baltic tribes until you hit real feudal states in Poland and Germany that were HEAVILY militarized due to constant interaction with those tribes
Sounds like a cakewalk


>few thousand extra miles
>walking is harder than taking "the key of Europe"

Oh so that's why it was so easily defeated


Find me a quote from pre-Roman times describing Byzantion as anything but a small village, let alone gateway to anywhere.

>Aside from religion those places have little in common with MENA.

Central Asians speak Turkic or Iranian languages, have cultural influences from the Arab world and Iran, and eat similarly to their Iranian and Afghan neighbours

What exactly are you disputing? Because the advantages of the location of Byzantium was well recognized and understood long before it was turned into Constantinople.

Comorros, Mayotte, Djibouti, Cameroon, Tanzania, Mali, South Sudan, Niger.

Culturally Central Asia is a hodgepodge of the major powers surrounding it - Arab and Turkic Islam from the west, Indus Hinduism and Buddhism from the south and SE, and Chinese from the east, and I'm not sure to what extent Russia influenced it from the north - which is why it's its own thing.

And apart from the languages it's hard to pick out a great deal of pre-Islamic Iranian/ Persian culture that's left, though the mere fact that they identify with it to some extent sets them apart as well.

Doesn't it's own tectonic plates and the Urals make it a continent? I know the meme started with the Greeks, but modern science gave validity to it, just not in the way the Greeks thought.

Makes it more of a geographic region than continent

Yuroautism as usual. Europe fulfills ZERO(0) of the requirements to be a continent but is one anyway.
>same tectonic plate as asia
>huge border with asia
It's just a glorified peninsula. Even Turkey, Arabia, and India are more continents than Europe could ever be. The continent is Asia, of which, Europe is a mere peninsula.