How do Protestants defend the fact that there are literally hundreds of different Protestant and reformed churches that...

How do Protestants defend the fact that there are literally hundreds of different Protestant and reformed churches that all believe different things?

We need not to defend it. People see god in many way, hence the creation of differant churches.

Now let me ask. How do catholics live with a KEKED pope?

Protestants is just a general term for christian but not catholic. It's like asking white people to defend why so many different white nations exist.

Also pic related never intended any of that, he just wanted everyone to be able to read the bible by translating it.

They don't. Like all Christians, they believe almost all Christians are servants of satan.

This current Pope is pretty kekd I'll admit but I'm convinced the Holy Spirit chose him as perhaps a test or to cause a shift in the Catholic Church. The next Pope could perhaps be crusade tier. That all being said Pope Francis isn't as Liberal as the media would have you believe. He's spoken out against gay adoption rights and excommunicated the gay priest in Australia.

False, because Ethiopian, Greek and Coptic churches, to name a few, aren't protestant. This term is used for the churches that started as a protests against Catholicism, and thus all the first protestants were former Catholics. The most notable exceptions to this are the wacky churches invented in the USA, whose creators came from other protestant churches.

if jesus was alive today you faggots would call him a cuck

>"Protestants is just a general term for Christians but not Catholic"

So what are Orthodox Christians then?

Super Catholics

No one defends it. All those denominations are united by opposition to the papacy, supremacy of scripture and justification by faith. They are all "Reformed" and Christian. Minor differences separate perfect unity but you find that among the Catholic church as well. Hence why Catholics have "rites." One example would be "Latin-Rite." You also have rites for Anglican converts and orthodox converts.

Luther explicitly stated that he wanted reform churches to call themselves "Christian" or "Evangelical." It's sad that other labels are thrown on, but as long as those three criteria listed above are taught all those denominations are still "Reformed."

Rational protestants respect Greek, Eastern, Russian, and Coptic Orthodox Churches. Our real problem is with the pagan papacy that prays to saints and Mary rather than Christ.

Reminder that the pagan Roman church is the one who broke with us.

>Rational protestants respect Greek, Eastern, Russian, and Coptic Orthodox Churches.

You realize that all those churches pray to Mary and the saints as well?

Yes I do understand that, hence why I said protestants should only respect those churches. Respect doesn't mean we agree with all their practices like saintly intercession and mary deification. However, Greek, Eastern, Coptic etc. are closer to the original Church than Roman Catholicism will ever be.

The Catholic church is a special evil with its papist paganism. The Ecumenical Patriarch and the Coptic Pope are theological reasonable in comparison to the Roman Pope and I can understand why they exist. I cannot share that same understanding for Rome.

Why would they? Do you blame all white's for the slavery caused by white Americans?

The Eastern Churches arguably have a stronger cult of the saints than Catholic. Not to mention the icons, which I'm sure the Protestants would be horrified by.

You understand that most differences between the Catholics and the Orthodox are cultural, right? Like most of their theological positions are extremely similar. The big difference is the establishment of the papal monarchy in the West, which has more to do with Western Europe's historical development than anything else.

The Eastern churches are still closer to the original structure of the church. Again, protestants disagree with much of the Eastern teachings but there is plenty for the two sects of Christianity to come to agreement on. Especially if you come from high Lutheranism and high Anglicanism. Interfaith marriages/faith relationships I've seen between prot/eastern Christianity has been much more successful and happy than prot/roman.

This cannot be said of Rome which boasts its "first among equals" papal nonsense, ex cathedra, magisterium, partim partim hysteria.

>the Roman church is the one that broke with us

Now tell it again but speaking in tongues trough a megaphone in your favourite McChurch

>You understand that most differences between the Catholics and the Orthodox are cultural, right?

It's way more than that. Eastern and Roman christianity will never unite again and its due to much more than just "cultural differences." Your undervaluing just how important the theology behind the Western papacy is. It's not just historical development/politics.

The type of response I'd expect from a pagan.

The Catholic position is the differences are minor and more the result of political/cultural divisions than anything else

Luther never want to create a new church he tried to reform the catholicism because that's the reason we call it in Germany die Reformation

Honestly this whole reformation thing has gotten out of hand, we should have used more dogma.

Look up Orthodox/catholic views on filioque, Papacy, Original Sin, Mariology, Tridentine Mass and so on. Catholic churches and RCIA preach that "the differences are really just cultural" because they don't want Catholics to investigate what actually separates Catholics from Eastern Christians. There are huge, legitimate theological differences and I have a feeling if more Catholics research the theology they would leave Rome and turn to orthodoxy.

And that's coming from an Episcopalian who believes in transubstantiation, anointing of the sick, etc... and went through Catholic RCIA (which was a total nightmare). However I would never convert to either Rome or Eastern Christianity--but I do respect most Eastern sects.

I think the "historical/cultural factors" element makes the most sense. Remember in the East you had many important sees (Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria etc) while Rome was politically isolated and the only major see in the Latin West.

Basically the Orthodox conception of church leadership reflects the areas where those churches developed historically.

The ground is level at the foot of the cross.

As a former CAtholic turned atheist, I would say the differences are really not that big, its just that religous people get hung up on minor shit.

that said, there were differences in latin and greek theology from at least the time of Augustine, and the east and west didn't break up until some political issues cropped up

Better question.
How do Latin fags defend the fact they fucked up so badly that some protestants would have rather sided withe the Turks then their fellow Christians (who just tried to murder them because they called out some faggot that was getting sex from young boys)

You stop being a protestant if you stop protesting, gotta keep yourself busy hence central european/north american liberals.

Luther just wanted to bang a nun he had the hots to.

Yet the most conservative part of the USA is protestant and voted for TRump. Catholic cucks are 50/50 liberal/con while Baptist and Lutheran Missouri synod are more like 65% republican.

While the pope was busy banging young boys

Progressive /status quo liberals are just secularized protestants filling the needs to protest the papacy with social justice bs.
They're literally born to complain no matter what.

Catholic democrats have been the ones spurring on sjw diversity nonsense since Kennedy. Protestants have been the conservative opposition. Reminder that the Christian Right has traditionally been Protestant and opposed to catholic liberalism. Secular prots and Unitariand are light Christian and probably don't understand the catholic/prot division anyway.

Nice try though.

He was tho t b h

Indeed there are a lot more differences than some like to admit. In addition to the cultural and historical developments of both the east and west, there's also the fact that Catholic theology is heavily influenced by Aristotelianism while Orthodox theology is heavily influenced by Neo-Platonism.

This is coming from a Catholic, RCIA and Catholic education in general (even education in seminaries save for a few) is abysmal, pathetic.

There are many members but one body.

Honestly Christians are NeoPlatonists LARPing as new Jews. Paul never received apostolic succession and yet we consider him to be the most influential church father when Jesus's brother James told him to get fucked. James's version of Christianity (which is what Jesus probably wanted) would probably strongly resemble some form of super mystical Islam.

>supremacy of scripture
For the millionth time - what Scripture?

James wasn't a disciple during Jesus' earthly ministry and only became a Christian after the resurrection so his connection to the church is identical to Paul's.

>gay priest

That guy was an outragous psychopath and a pedophile

I'd argue it really isn't because

A. They're fucking brothers and probably knew each other intimately
B. Paul never even met Jesus

Christ did appear to Paul though, even if it was after his death/resurrection

still counts

One of them HAS to have the Holy Spirit with it. We're just maximizing our chances as opposed to just one.

Protestantism was all about legalizing usury and cutting out the middleman (i.e. Jews).

Most of the Protestants do not know the history of their religion , i cant understand a simple fact that how can they follow a church that was established by a man ? How and they say that we follow the lord , and on the other hand they deny our Catholic Church that was found by Jesus Christ him self . So it's pointless to ask them cuz they don't know the history

Semper reformanda.

Gee if you had spent 5 minutes on wikipedia you might be able to figure it out.

Protestants claim they are a continuation of the true church and Anglicans believe their holy see to be as legitimate as Romes. Since Prots don't believe in apostolic succession it doesn't matter that Romanism claims to be the oldest, it's still the most corrupt and the most pagan. Christ didn't spend all his time telling parables about how the Roman church is the only true church and Protestants see Matthew 16:18 as Jesus building his church upon Peter's confession of faith, not on him as a bishop or pope.

Anglicans actually can claim that their see goes back to the Apostles and the English church has always been more devout than the savages in Italy.

Protestantism is a step in the right direction, but organized religion in general is stupid. Religion should be on a personal level, you don't need some dude in a church telling you how to believe. God speaks on a personal level anyway.