Haven't gotten into trading yet. After all these memes and dreams I somehow forgot to ask...

Haven't gotten into trading yet. After all these memes and dreams I somehow forgot to ask, have any of you actually made money?

Are you down, even, or up atm?


I've made $88k off of a $4000 investment in ETH a year and a half ago.

The secret is to HODL.

Handle Only Dick & Ltc? If you hold a shit then you get back a shit, why not just rape the game for what it's worth when it's equally as risky

Turned 2000 into 5000 in 6 months. Just don't panic sell

6k in at the start of may and I'm at around 21k now!
Fuck day trading too risky for me, I already do ok from my job so I'm content to hold and see where it goes

Was up 5k from end of may, back to where I started right meow. Used profits to buy some stuff high. Lesson learned.

$1k to $100k
since 2013

but I didn't always trade, often just HODLd Bitcoin

Made 10k from buying a few BTC earlier this year when it was around 1K each. Hoping to make more from a 1K investment in ANS, average buy around $7 each.

I lost $20 because I put in 150 trying to ride the ANS train and I needed the money for groceries. Fees ate up $20 of my money and now I have 130 that won't even be deposited until Friday so I wasnt even able to buy groceries . if I had just left my 150 I'm btc I would be up right now

What the fuck are you doing? Get your priorities straight dude.

started a month a go with 10$, i turned it into 50$
im still not sure about pumping actual money into it, seems to risky

I know I know. If only I waited until this Friday I could have put down $600

Started with $20 in 2013, have cashed out $6k, still hold $14k.

made like 10 million from long ETH


I'm now at about 3500-4000 euro profit, started with less than 1500 begin of this month

You're a retard. Hold good coins for more than a year and the price will go up, and you'll have made more than you would have from daytrading and pump n dumps.

>you'll have made more than you would have from daytrading and pump n dumps
I highly doubt it poorfag

bought coin for 30 euro's last year, was worth 600 euro's at the end of may this year, so I put another 400 euro's in of my own. Am at 3500 euro's right now.

put in about 300 dollars, paid about 50 dollars in fees, my port is worth about 370. despite this, and a 89 dollar purchase out of my profits for a bot.
Not doing too bad for 3 weeks.

I'm up loads, almost entirely from holding ETH. Not much of a trader, but I'm up there too, a couple big successes and more smaller losses.