Based on the idea that : There is only one indivisible and eternal God...

Based on the idea that : There is only one indivisible and eternal God, and that compassion must be spread throughout all mankind.

which of these should I choose?


''''''''''''''''''''''''compassion'''''''''''''''''''''''' meaning murder, right?



So you have the choice of a Religion which grants you liberty (within reason) and has ample scriptural justification for a secular society. A religion whose God loves you no matter what and underwent torture to forgive you.


A Religion whose god allegedly laid down a strict set of rules from which there is no turning and which must be applied to the state as well as individual level. A Religion where the god's love is predicated on you accepting them. A god who created you good/evil and predestined you to go to heaven/hell accordingly.

hmmmm.. I wonder


Islam confirmed for being shit-tier.

Zoroastrianism influenced the three. Why settle for the copy when you can have the original?

So you're saying Hinduism is the one true religion and Islam/Christianity/Judiasim are shit tier religion?

WTF I love Hindusim now

>has ample scriptural justification for a secular society
sauce? why have christian countries not been secular until the past few centuries? why do europeans countries still have a state-sponsered religion even if they don't force it on their inhabitants? what about the book of kings which is an entire diatribe saying the king of Israel should centralize worship around the state cult and destroy idols?



Christians do not believe that God is indivisible, they believe that God can be divided into three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. But Muslims do not believe that compassion must be spread throughout all mankind, they believe that only devout Muslims deserve compassion. So the answer to your question depends on which of these two things is more important to you: the indivisibility and unity of God (in this case, you should chose Islam) or compassion for all mankind (in this case, you should chose Christianity).


Neither, seek Abraxas, the gnostic God.

Basic starting worship would be spending one minute internally reciting a praise-mantra like "blessed be Abraxas" and focusing your mind in Him every often moment.

My health has improved since I started doing it.


>europeans countries still have a state-sponsored religion
4 (non-micro) countries in the whole continent.

>and that compassion must be spread throughout all mankind
That rules out Islam, so Christianity.

>There is indivisible God

And that rules out Christianity. Plus, the Christian God is not compassionate to everyone, he hates sinners and non-Christians and subjects them to eternal torture in hell

I wonder if this is a subtle troll thread.
>triggers people with the trinity
>triggers people with the religion of peace

Wrong and wrong

>>and that compassion must be spread throughout all mankind
>That rules out Islam, so Christianity.
genociding innocent egyptian children really exemplifies the christian god's love and compassion

How exactly?

The one where angels aren't literally afraid of puppies.

Buddhism because that idea is not real