What is the next unknown coin that actually has merit, not a shitcoin, that hasn't blown up yet?

What is the next unknown coin that actually has merit, not a shitcoin, that hasn't blown up yet?

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ARK, not even memeing.

A pic with a jew. Sounds convincing.

I'd say ARK or VIA

Do you really think if we knew we wold tell you

XRB and XEL are awfully undervalued.

There are none, you're just pissing into the wind when you put money on any of these garbage coins, regardless of how hard they're being shilled here. You may as well just take your money and throw it on penny stocks and hope for the best.

Probably BitBay, Ark, or Aragon. Antshares and Wings too maybe.

here for BAY.

HTML5Coin, 1 satoshi. Will be hardforked soon

ESPers. Mobile wallet in coming as Bittrex adding, only fckin 18 sat now, two weeks ago peaked to 40 sat. Going to explode to 200 sat in july, that is easy 10x do not tell that I did not told ya.

Rialto is going live in october, hitting markets next week. Other than that I like NEM

Ltc is pumping and your looking for a unknown coin to blow up. Wow look in front of your eyes.


1337 very low price, POS in place now with high returns so for next months or so itll be cheap.




this, picked up 2m of it

ARK is about to leave the atmosphere user. Check the charts.

Syscoin is undervalued a ton. Expect an insane rise within a years time.


emercoin (emc)

why? no fooking idea

RLC (iEx.ec)


Already on that train. Bought 600@ .011


The bags that I'm holding are the hidden gems



ive got a good amount in XRL and DICE. unfortunately had not heard of DRP until now, looks great

DRP was under the radar for many, small cap like XRL too.

Espers, only freaking 18 sat now, support in this price. Buy now, so undervalued can not believe it

Where can i buy esp? Arent there 2 versions?

Vrm. Xvg. Cfi.

People laugh at me....but whatever. ARE. Its a true crypto currency backed by king bitcoin. Seems like a diamond in the rough to me.





i hope minexcoin when it's finally released
it's pretty much the RC-cola of bancor
but it had a muchmuch smaller market cap, so higher levels of possible gains to be made

MCO is probably going to do the same as NMR. There will be a huge pump then it's going to drop. DOn't get stuck holding bags.



MKR. Not even on centralised exchanges yet, and backs an in-progress cryptoeconomic infrastructure that could bring the first proper stablecoin. You saw it here first.

Looked into it. Looks promising. The downside is I can only find it on etherdelta and I feel like the price is a little steep on there with like no coins available for trade. I'm going to keep my eye on it

It's also on OasisDex

Any idea when is espers coming to bittrex?

Ayyyyy wetrust. We will prosper on the backs of the next pooper power

I know the answer and I've seen it posted on Veeky Forums 3 times ever. Can't really say what it is, because every time some thing starts getting shilled here, it goes to shit.

Take a look at PIVX mate.

Do not get it on Yobit, they are selling the old chain. Use nova exchange or coinexchange

> implying that Ark hasn't mooned yet
Good going user

Because everyone thinks that they can get sound investing advice from 4chin
