Canadians, what do you think of this man?

Canadians, what do you think of this man?

Is there anyone else in Canadian history remotely as interesting?

I have a pretty big bias because I'm Manitoban, but I hold a rather deep respect for the man.
To me he represents by the way of his actions and thought a profound spirituality unique to the prairies.

Also, the North-West rebellion and Riel's life is probably the most interesting thing in our nation's history.

I thought Trudeau the Elder was your people's national hero?

>Is there anyone else in Canadian history remotely as interesting?
Tommy Douglas?

There is no such thing as Canadian History.

The only thing that's even worth hearing about is John A Macdonald, Vimmy Ridge, Artona, and the Stanley Cup Riot.

Don't let anyone tell you anything otherwise.

t. a fucking leaf

Terry Fox is my hero. He fights cancer and doesn't afraid of anything.

He doesn't hold a candle to Riel in my opinion.

I unironically think that Riel is the greatest man to have lived in Canada so far.

Arthur currie if your into famous generals and ww1

3 words:


Mackenzie King was an interesting dude

Lemieux was better

>mfw masive riots in the US
>nigs chimping put because muh police brutality
>riots in Canada
>drunken idiots fucking shit up because the Canucks didn't win

Rene Levesque



he should be sent to the camps after Torino

Fuck Louis. I'll go take a shit on his grave in St Boniface, you heard it here first

Died defending the rights of a marginalized group like an 80s action hero.

I saw a play about him in PEI that gave me a patriotism boner.

>Has super intellect superior to the Bogdanoff.
>When he sing, he can control people minds.
>He have a unlimited supply of money because he is extremly wise.
>He have a special phone to call anytime the Bogdanoff

I'd say either him or Levesque qualifies as most interesting Canadian.

everyone in winnipeg claims to be distantly related to him