Pay attention to Monero!

Monero is a sleeping giant, pay attention to it, can moon at any point!

So can every other CC:^)


Make monero #3 again

how do you guys buy monero? looking for the most effective option

You mean verge.

What makes you think it will moon soon? There's been a bit of action on it today, do you think it'll continue?

Op is just a bagholder. Nothing about Monero suggests that it will randomly "moon". Op certified faggot

big facts

everyone is mining it cos its one of the most profitable with a cpu. I've put a batch script on about 10 work pc's, using 1 to 2 cores depending on the machine mining this.

From a technical perspective, it reached the bottom of its channel and it is slowly forming a ONE YEAR ascending triangle. It's ath got reached more than once already and once it gets cracked (maybe in 2-4 months) it will go off to other planets. Just look at the charts.

And about the tech... everyone already knows monero got its shit together

Monero will have a super hard time to moon. It's competitor Verge, will come to rape from behind with a moon rocket from hell.

I want to do this and think Monero might be the best option. I have access to a dozen stand alone PCs that are rarely used. Free internet, free electricity.
Do you just run a cpu miner on each machine pointing to your address? Or do you have to setup some type of pool

So here's a wild theory:

Maybe Monero does not moon, because it actually gets used as a currency? Too much of the amount is actually used to buy and sell stuff, and in the hands of folks that have an interest in stability?

If that was the case BTC also wouldn't moon since it's by far the most used currency

By their nature, blockchain currencies that get used gain value per token.

All depends on if the speculators overpower the users

>90% chance of moon by October
>Even without short term moon is the future reserve money
>Literally can't lose

Shhhhhh dont tell anyone im still accumulating

I thought this last march when miners was $1 and being shilled on here. Needless to say, I was very wrong

how stupid can you be? get it at the monero store

But BTC isn't used a lot as currency, whereas Monero might? I don't know, I'm just guessing, but if so, this
could be the case.

Someone say Varg?