New ground for ltc

>new ground for ltc
>fucking go on the DAMN short train NOW

tell me your opinion (with statement)

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I'm just buying fear right now. I will sell LTC before the 1st of August and I'm pretty sure it will get close to $100 because of the worry generated with that. The fact that we're going bearish helps. Longterm I think it will have a floor around $60 or so.

I think it will attract a lot of normie money due to being on the main exchanges, a very sustainable price growth and possibly the easiest to understand tech of all the coins if you look outside of BTC.

Normie money sees green, normie money buys. Some of them panic sell, but most of them are buying with money they are ready to lose/they treat this as a throwaway investment.

For example: I live in Australia and my parents are retired. My Dad pulled $15k AUD out of his self managed super and dropped it into BTC a bit earlier in the year (I made the transaction for him). He wouldn't know how to sell it even if he wanted to.

Tldr: LTC will hit $100 by eoy.

I think it's foolish to think LTC will continue to grow past it's ATH without a sharp correction first. Take a good look at the rest of the market.

Well there are $751,824 worth of litecoins generated each day and at this price I guess also sold.

So the actual question is: Do you believe that people will continue buying $751,824 worth of litecoins every day?

And if you think it will go to 100$:

Do you really believe that people will buy $1,503,648 worth of litecoins every day? Or $10,525,536 a week? $42,102,144 every month? Do you think Litecoin has so much use? Are you fucking stupid?

Now the time!
Short it!

Daily transactions right now are about 500 million so you're retarded.

Have fun bagholding ETH

but not today
ppl dont have infinity money

>$751,824 worth of litecoins generated each day
Wow, really?

of course they go up, they have to get them from one exchange to another. If someone buys a lot of litecion on BTC-E the price goes up fast on BTC-E but you can still buy them cheap on bitstamp, then send them to btc-e and sell them more expensive. If the price goes up a lot then this happens a lot and creates a lot of transactions.

there is turbulance for shure.. but why shoud be enough to reach 100?

Litecoins generated per day: 14,400
14,400 * $50 = $720.000

Damn. Litecoin is fucking bogus.

>I'm just buying fear right now.
fear level 1/10 from normal now
just to mach not sold litecoin-s in exchangers and in miners hands

See the 30d volume at to understand why the recent LTC activity is not just a meme china pump/dump. It is a coin that sees heavy use, and deserves a much higher spot on overall market cap because of this (note how the 30d volumes for BTC and ETH mimic their caps...)

For LTC to pass Ripple at #3 on market cap (which again, based on volume it obviously should) it needs to get to $10B, easy calculations $10,000M / 51.8M coins ~= $193

This is still well below the "1/4 BTC" price maximum ($625 lol) which I don't think is realistic, but plenty of room to grow from the current price.

In terms of comparisons to other coins: ETH has been dragging itself down from ICO sell offs as well as the reality of impending scaling problems (see, and has much more room to fall, too many coin newbies still haven't cashed out their epic gains. BTC is good, but at current prices the Tx fees are still too high compared to LTC (see attached and use a calculator, the median Tx fees for BTC are about ~99x the median LTC, even ETH median fee is ~16x of LTC)

BUY LTC because it is undervalued, and will be undervalued until at least $100+

it falling

LTC is worth more than BTC because it solves all of BTCs current problems. Most people just dont know it yet.

Im just honing it will go down once more before it rises up. Just soldaten at 50cuz I thought it would drop...

every indicators low and falling, expect panic sell level

3600 Bitcoins are generated per day.

3600 x $2532

= ~$9M per day.

LTC is very old, most old altcoin
only NAMECOIN older

Given that LTC is at ATH levels so there will be some profit taking dips you can jump on, but there will still be an upward trend for the month especially considering the BTC fork drama, so don't wait too long.

In keeping my eye on it

why it csnt pass 23.6 retracement ?

>BTC fork drama
it will be made for bitcoin holders proffit
so hold BITCOIN

Ive sold all my ltc now so I can rebuy dip. Please tell me there will be sum... :/
zero transactions on last block
only mining reward

LTC's highest peak in March was on the 29th - $9.90 on coinbase/gdax.
LTC's highest peak in April was on the 30th - $17.30 on coinbase/gdax. A $7.40 rise!
LTC's highest peak in May was on the 9th - $38.91 on coinbase/gdax. A $21.61 rise!
LTC's highest peak in June was on the 18th - $49.99 on coinbase/gdax. A $11.08 rise!
LTC's highest peak in July so far on the 4th - $57.55 on coinbase/gdax. A $7.56 rise!

This isn't a moon. It's natural growth. It's still early in the month.

I think the MAX highest peak it could rise up to in July is $70-$75 but based on statistics/trends based on the averages in the charts a more realistic highest peak is $60-$62. We'll see...

thats wrong
1440 minutes a day, every 10 minutes 12.5 Bitcoins are mined. 144 * 12.5 = 1800 Coins Mined Every day.
1800 * $2500 = $4.500.000 every day
top was:
0.045 - 2014
0.024 - 2015

>It's natural growth.

all new "investors" catched into ETH prison
who run from prison run in USD and want forget it like bad dream

it would have to go above $70 to be considered a mooooooon or else it's just following the average trends in the chart

You can't base LTC anymore on it's past.

It's a updated coin with actual interest now!

What happened in 2010-2016 doesn't matter.
zero transactions on last block
only mining reward

If it was gonna correct it would have done so already. Right now it's just sitting there at the ATH and no one wants to sell, no way it won't explode soon.

Sitting here waiting for normies to start panic selling.

Are you not looking at the chart?

>and no one wants to sell
It will tickle down slowly because of miners and then at some point panic kicks in

That is just a lucky miner that solved the block near instantly after the previous one (can happen when the expected block time is 2.5min and the hash rate is current high)

See attached, you cannot deny that LTC is already being used to send actual $, see median Tx value sent vs BTC/ETH... or see the value sent last 24h, LTC's value sent as a % of market cap is high, in other words, it is undervalued.

Imagine if BTC was pushing $20B daily volume to its $40B cap, wouldn't it be a strong case to buy more? I do recommend BTC also, just that right now in the current climate, ignoring LTC is foolish.

for wat litecoin need sigwin if litecoin have zero transactions blocks?
it just pump and dump shitcoin

for wat litecoin need segwit if litecoin have zero transactions blocks?
it just pump and dump shitcoin
and now all time top, with zero tranzactions block and segwit

How is it a problem to push a zero or low Tx block to the chain? It would only add about 0.25kb to the chain... (and right now litecoins blockchain is a mere 8.22GB vs BTC 145.09GB and ETH 78.49GB)

ETH has some small Tx blocks as well, see, bitcoin had small Tx blocks years ago as well.

You're arguing that LTC shouldn't have segwit because it doesn't need it yet? My car doesn't need to go 250km/h either, because there are laws that wouldn't even allow this, but I'm not complaining about it.

2 zero blocks in row
empty coin

Or, the sharp rises we saw recently were insiders buying in before some new development (lightning implementation on it's way?) gets revealed.

I called it before. If BTC activates segwit, LTC will become utterly irrelevant, so before that happens Charlie Lee and friends will definitely try something to either give LTC some sort of edge or headstart with lightning.

market cap for LTC will at least double before the 1st of August.

antpool is known to mine empty blocks for money..

There isn't a fix for this apparently. It's one downside of litecoin...

Still not explaining what the problem is here, in the past 10 minutes LTC also had a 184 tx block and a 36 Tx and a 44 Tx, for a total of 145,496 LTC moved around, or ~7.5 million USD. It is working fine.

this blocks not from antpool
empty coin so empty

empty blocks=> zero tranzactions fee
zero tranzactions fee=>whales manipulate statistic

It's a bubble right lads...RIGHT?

i just went all in on this shit. ive always done the opposite of what biz says and its never served me wrong

Oh that's just the number that gets thrown around here and elsewhere. Nothing solid but it's gone up since my initial buy in around $32 which is when I started hearing talk about it in relation to August 1st.

still true... WHY

i wouldn't of gone all in at one set price...

spread your purchases at different price points..

it's soon to be headed back into the mid-high $40s

buy it up once it dips
LTC lyfe senpai


What the fuck is this?