Why tankies still keep denying about what happened in holodomor?

Why tankies still keep denying about what happened in holodomor?

Because there's no proof that it was organized by the government or was as widespread as Fascists lead you to believe.


I don't. I'm proud.

How do you fuck farming in one of the most fertile parts of the world?

This, kulaks deserved it

>famine is the same thing as targeted mass killings and genocide

>Hoard grain and jack up prices to exploit a famine
>Still pretend to have been the victims in all of this

You mean famine, yea sad stuff, but you probably want to tie it into some evil "Bond villian tier" masterplan perpetraited by the evil Stalin to acheev some evilish goals incomprehansive for understanding by the mere mortals

Nice strawman.

Why do people pretend as if Stalin could control the weather?

He's right. The Holodomor wasn't a criminal act. But when you combine the harshness of Russia with bad weather and a terrible communist administration, you've got something that looks like a genocide.

He did. He could also mass-kill nazis and mass-seize the means of production by his bare will.

Holy shit leftist memes are so shitty. It would be interesting to discover what percentage of that comes from you guys being clinically retarded and what percentage comes from the dumbing effect your ideology has on you.

>Tankies denying holodomor

Communism a shit, and you as well.

*throws you into concentration camp*
Nothin' personnel

*teleports behind you*


Oh hello, I'm here to force collectivization and we need your computer in our offices, and yiur land is now the states.

Leninism is shit but Ocalan is based

Also google Murray Bookchin

Deny? I don't deny the that the holodomor happened and whatever figure of Ukrainians died, rather I deny that it had any moral implications.

>google murray bookchin

>force peasants to give away all their crops to the state in the middle of a famine
>no moral implications

It was against Ukranians and not Jews, so who cares?
Maybe if the Ukrainians held the same level of power the Jews hold in the US we would see a Holodomor Museum in every major US city, but they don't, and every major US city has a holocaust museum.

Basically. If you classify it as a genocide you have to start calling a bunch of other shit a genocide as well.

It's worse.

Theres not a whole lot of proof of Stalin doing anything wrong at least from their own records, since Stalin was notable on not keeping secret records like most Russian and Soviet russian leaders for historys sake. Its almost like he had a lot to hide.