
Help. Me.

It's going to go back up....right? RIGHT?

The developer shits around on Bitcointalk with all kinds of vague shit. What the hell?

Get out. That's my best advice. If anyone tells you to stay in don't listen unless they can answer this question,

pajeet shitcoin. im 2 bucks below where I bought in :(

you guys told me it would moon..

>buying shitcoins
>holding shitcoins in a bear market

Dev says there's going to be a new genesis thing by the end of August, but to get a new genesis address, people will need to be holding a certain amount of MNE already.

If that really does come out by the end of August, it could drive the price of this thing up a lot.

That's what I'm waiting for but fuck me this dip is scary.

Why is everyone such a bitch? Why do you guys even buy coins?

Considered selling at $12. Now I'm getting fucked. I've lost a few thousand dollars here.

>but to get a new genesis address, people will need to be holding a certain amount of MNE already.
Do you seriously think he's not dumping his own bags and that this little caveat isn't extremely beneficial to him.

>My scam is falling apart!
>Better create some artificial demand real quick.

Fuck it, it can't go any lower right? This HAS to be the floor.

It's a simple question, man. Who is the dev and why don't you know?

tfw i dont have any eth in my wallet and just realized i cant move my MNE to the exchange and get out of this shitcoin

can anyone send a friend .01 eth? I will pay u back once i get out of MNE


The dev is the one who answers emails to [email protected] on the minereum website under "contact us".

>buying a shitcoin that has a low supply and is overvalued
You deserve it. Next time find a shit coin with low supply that hasn't hit 50 cents yet and you will win

Veeky Forums owns most of this coins supply. And it's undervalued anyway.

What does that have to do with anything first of all. The only way you could prove that statement is if you could tally up all the people who are holding and ask if they browse Veeky Forums. Even if you did who cares what does that prove?
Sunk cost fallacy

I guess no one told OP metals backed derivatives have been scamming people out of money since the dawn of time....

You invested in a business plan (not a business)

You invested in Russia

You invested in PMs (speculative high risk)

You should sell immediately and get those $2500 coins everyone wants because the Minerium people has a lot of shit no one wants.

The amount of FUD surrounding MNE on Veeky Forums is always hilarious to me. The dev has consistently delivered working features. There was no premine. No ICO. Retardedly low coin supply and market cap. Not to mention that it actually does something, compared to most other vaporware coins. Am I a little salty I didn't sell at 13 bucks to buy back at these prices? Yeah. Do I think everyone sweating the future of MNE is a pussy? Also yes.

You haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about.

We have seen the screenshots of holding allocation by wallet and there's only a few with significant amounts, many of which were shown to be owned via screenshots by people on Veeky Forums. This actually happened.

The top owners own about 6% of the coins and there are very very few, like 3 of them.

>Sunk cost fallacy
I didn't buy high, I bought under $1, I'm just bothered that I could have sold at $12 instead of this.

It has to go back up...

>metals backed derivatives
The fuck does that have to do with this cryptocoin

Exactly. Same here. I...just wish it were on Bittrex to be honest. I thought we were going on Bittrex.

>still no hard numbers
Again that's cool and all but what does Veeky Forums owning a portion of anything have to do with anything. How does Veeky Forums holding something = value?
>Didn't buy high
Stop bitching then

>>metals backed derivatives
>The fuck does that have to do with this cryptocoin

Oops I thought it was that other actual mined mineral coin

I checked it out. Its a shitcoin that you use as a smart contract to make other shitcoins.

I don't know why anyone would think this is a good store of value.

Are your critical thinking skills as bad as your reading comprehension? This isn't a store of value. It's a utility coin that is burned while performing a service.