Open up bible

>open up bible
>talking snake

So this... is the power of religion?

Other urls found in this thread:

when people are incredulous about the bible, why do they go to the snake first versus the creation of everything, garden of Eden and so on?

>You think a talking snake existed
>Nah bro the talking snake is just allegory
>Jesus didn't exist then
>Nah bro the parts about Jesus were literal

>open up /pol/
>"a frog god used repeating digits and memes to do it!
So this... is the power of autism?

Because it is pretty funny.

I like the talking donkey better.



That's right, user, a donkey.

Wait a second, are you telling me I'll never get a girlfriend if I don't believe in God? My wife will be very pleased by this, I better go tell her.


>interrupting Jamal
You're just asking for trouble now m8

>open up book on knowledge
>it's people fighting and doxxing over which hypothesis of creation is correct
You know you have old earth and young earth creationists.
Catholic teaching is God made creation, then had an active hand in making mankind, where this was more ensuring what would become human than using a magic wand whilst he was on the john.
Evil is just the lack of good

>luther didnt exist

*spoon clanks*
That's about all peace out

Does this mean Balaam was an Ogre?


Kek, I hate to break it to you Jamal but I don't think I'm going to be sorry for interrupting you on a Mongolian knitting forum.

I've never understood this meme. If you can take the leap of faith that god exists and creation is simply his will then why not talking snakes... If he is all powerful then anything is possible. Don't atheists just believe we're talking apes anyways?

>Go to uni library
>Open up random book
>"You are the moon"

So this... is the power of academia?

This seems like a low probability event to happen by opening up a random book in a library, what book did you open?

>If you can take the leap of faith that god exists and creation is simply his will then why not talking snakes

You do understand what circular reasoning is? Believing in God because you believe in talking snakes and believing in God because that means talking snakes are real is not a serious thought process you should entertain.

I'm just saying that if somebody believes in god then making fun of them for believing in talking snakes is pretty meaningless. As if the talking snake part is the hard part to accept.

>I'm just saying that if somebody believes in god then making fun of them for believing in talking snakes is pretty meaningless

In what way? There have been plenty of naturalistic Deists throughout history. You know perfectly well snakes can't talk, whether God exists is a different question. I don't see the leap you are making from one to another.

I think I understand where you're coming from. You are saying religion is silly not the belief in god. You are saying the leap isn't believing in god but believing in the allegories of religion.

I was really only talking about the belief in an Abrahamic god.

Specifically I was saying believing in a talking snake is silly. If we knew each other, rather than being people on a anonymous board and I gave you a call and said "Hey, Bob, this is Mike, I've got a talking snake in my bathtub." would you say "that's cool, Mike, God's real so I know that is true" or would you worry about my mental health and call a doctor?

What's often neglected is the purpose of miracles in the Bible, in that they affirm the words of a prophet or judge when shown off and are used for guidance when done in private. The purpose of, say, a talking donkey was to present Balaam with a shocking and unnerving mode in order to present him with the message thoroughly. So too is the serpent of Adam and Eve, for their greatest familiarity beyond God was with beast, and so was a viable medium for their temptation.

*shocking or unnerving mode of message

I'd ask what your talking snake had to do with anything, as there is no talking snake in the bible.

Then I'd ask why you didn't get a talking bird if you wanted a pet that talked.

Exactly. And yet, notice that Balaam didn't miss a beat; he held a conversation with his donkey like it was nothing new.

And note also that the donkey was merely given the gift of speech for a short while, it was not told what to say. Everything it said was a reflection of what it thought. "why are you beating me? Aren't I a good donkey? Don't I do my donkey stuff right for you? Aren't I saving you from this angel you cannot see, but I can?"

Animals are more fascinating than we can imagine, and we're more fascinating than they are.

Do you know perfectly well that inter-dimensional beings cannot overcome beasts and use their bodies for their own purposes?


Then your discounting of the bible when it relates to you supernatural events is merely your normalcy bias kicking in.

>open up science textbook
>ape starts walking on two legs and talking

So this... is the power of atheism?


Skip ahead a few chapters where T-Rex turns into a chicken. That's my favorite.

>open up physics book
>if you go faster than the speed of light time slows down because its relative

So the power of science?

Do you unironically don't understand such a simple concept?

Grab your cellphone.

Open Google Maps.

Does it know where you are?

Then it's fucking right.

Can you at least wait until your other shitty thread dies before you start another?

Google goes faster than the speed of light?

There are two separate posts about this in this board. Who sent you?