I come to you for help and advice biz you have always done the best you could

I come to you for help and advice biz you have always done the best you could.

I am stuck in every aspect of life it appears. Emotionally, Financially and with Relationships. I have never felt like a failure or failed ever in my life until now. I have never been an emotional guy I cry once in a blue moon and when I feel depressed I make major changes that have helped me. It appears my ways have gotten me stuck again. Two years ago I was crippling addicted to video games so I quit got a job, started to take school seriously and I started to care about money. I have graduated and am at an all time emotional low. College is soon approaching but I am not enjoying myself. I fell head over heals for "my first" when that fell apart four months ago I decided that money would make me happy. Since then I have only focused on working, I figured the money would make me happy and it did for a while. I turned my bank account to one with 5 digits and made crypto investments that have 4x'd. But even my portfolio has been stuck at the same number ranges for a month. I have rekindled my relationship with that girl but that is stuck as well she is getting dicked and having fun while I am left with bags that bring me no joy.

I am sad biz what major changes do I make to get myself out of this rut? Money isn't doing it, working 56 hours a week and investing is helping my bank but not me.

I love you all and if I make it someday I will repay this board some how. I don't know how and with this mind set of sadness I don't even know if I will make it, I have always applied myself to the max for the idea of "making it" but I don't think that will make me happy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Go to the forest. Become a forest creature. The truth will only come to you after you have eaten enough bugs.

if money isn't making you happy, go see a therapist. cuz money makes normal people happy. period.

look for fulfillment, not for a coping mechanism

Go out, do sports, find a hobby or at least try to. Getting money should be a mean and not an end. Only by forcing yourself to find a purpose you will be able to reach happiness

Be positive, you have education, you have money, you're probably smart and succeeded in overcoming past difficulties. The path ahead is looking good user, haut les coeurs !

Tony Robbins

You need to get philosophically situated. I went through a long period of suicidal depression after having been very successful in school because I realized that I had no idea why I was doing any of the things I was doing. Like, on a basic level, why do I get up and follow this morning routine? Why do I have these goals? Who the fuck am I? What does it even mean to live? It took me years to work on that and I still am. After so much introspection I have begun to take pleasure in many basic things I was never really connected to emotionally before. I enjoy waking up, the sensation of being a body lying in a comfortable bed. I enjoy greeting my dog, even I as am sad to watch him age. I am happy to help the people I care about, to look them in the eyes and really "feel" the interaction between two souls. A lot of this just took time. I forced myself into focusing all these little moments that I would breeze through on autopilot before. I derive so much pleasure now from books, not some "start with the greeks" elitist bs, just stories that take me places, deliver emotions, and make me think. I've realized my mind is a beautiful thing and I actually have things I want to use it to do. Idk if this ramble will help, but just keep pushing one day at a time. For now, fuck the long-term. If you aren't happy what's the point? Make sure that at the end of each day you did two productive things, one fun thing, and took a walk. That's the program I followed after getting tired of standing on ledges for a while, cursing myself for nor being able to jump.

That sounds more like and question.
Then the first step towards a solution probably is to gtf of Veeky Forums and care more about the real world.
Maybe you even got a serious depression, and no amount of
>lol, invest in this shitcoin
>just fuck some random bitches
>fuck of, I'm poorer than you and thus I hate you
and whateever comments you might get here will help.
Psychological help might, though, and it seems like you can easily afford it, so find a psychatrist ASAP!

I have really put hobbies and past times to the side to focus on being the best. Became a 4.0 student with working 34 hours a week becoming respected by managers but now high school is over I am sad and the girl has just sent me into a spiral downwards. I don't even know what I like to do for fun I like to get shit done and have made crypto my hobby. What hobbies do you suggest I just like to achieve and conquer but I am coming to the realization that the world doesn't care you want to be the best.
Academics the past years has been a way for me to focus and be surrounded by people. Now that high school is over I feel horrible man I have nothing to conquer nothing to focus on work isn't doing it for me at all. "The girl" was a good focus for me something to peruse and appease my hedonistic ways but now that has gone down the drain I feel horrible. I will start taking walks user and enjoying being alive but it just feels like the days are the same and there is no goal to achieve.

I feel like biz is full of a lot of intelligent people and you guys have always given me advice and it felt like you had my back. I just wonder if any other anons have felt this way since biz seems to be full of financially success people who are depressed. I just want to know what they did to feel better. Therapy isn't my type of thing but I will look into it. I prefer to not talk about how sad I am because people assume I am very happy. Going to college for a very good degree, finances are good, very well respected. But it doesn't make me feel good. I don't want to bury these emotions with vices like my peers because it is the easy way out and will ruin my future but I have never felt this low.

Yeah, for years every day was the same. It was all a big blur, I feel a couple years younger than I really am. I hated living in a purposeless world too, but I have managed to curb that somewhat, or at least become more patient. For me, delving into literature and especially philosophy has given me purpose, or at least has shown that there is a purposeful path for me to walk and feel fulfilled by. Crypto helps because I find the day to day process of it extremely rewarding. It feels like building something great with my own bare hands. Some sort of working with your hands, maybe a few potted plants, is a nice idea. If you want challenge snd fufillment, you've reached the age where you have to actively seek that out. You have to create and define those opportunities yourself now.

Cut the attachment cord with that girl, it will only prolong your agony and rekindle nothing but a sense of rejection and not being good enough.

Find something to do that you enjoy, anything at all, however minute or insignificant, look into it.
If I were you I'd quit your job and take a reserve a few thousand to just fuck about for the rest of the summer, visit old friends, visit some national parks or mountainbike trails or hit the beaches and do a bunch of dope, whatever tickles your fancy. Take that time to think and just roll with whatever you want to do next until you've drained the satisfaction out of that too, rinse and repeat.

This is not a strange response and I came here to say this same thing.

Also get a therapist, but be extremely picky. No women, obviously. Find a guy who isn't a fag who tries to put you through a step by step program or whatever. Just find a chill dude who genuinely finds the job fulfilling. If you get in there and find after a while that you've only been chatting instead of immediately jumping into your "problem" or whatever, that's a good sign.

A lot of my college courses are philosophy based so I have been studying and reading and Nihilism is depressing as all hell. What are some good reads user? Do you day trade or hold I have been holding maybe day trading will give me some excitement that I have been missing out on. Also what do you do for a living did you go the college route since you were a good student or no?
I have never minded rejection but this one is horrible. One day we will talk and when I see her we kiss the next day cold shoulder. I never intended to get attached because she cheated on her long time boyfriend with me which really showed her character to me. Just knowing on the cold shoulder days she is prob getting fucked by someone who won't amount to anything bothers me. The only reason I have gotten attached is because I don't talk to anyone romantically besides her and loneliness only deepens the sadness.

I will try my hardest to find something I enjoy thank you for the advice I love you both.

Read Nietzsche and Stirner, nihilism be damned, becoming an egomaniac is preferable and more compatible with what is wired to make you content and satisfied in life as a man.

Depending on what kind of person you are you will either lean to gaining satisfaction and contentment through power and control or lean towards freedom and independence, probably somewhere in between if you are capable of being a non-destructive functional person.

I recommend reading Thus spoke Zarathustra.

You've gotta be careful with philosophy. You should read books that you are ready to connect with, otherwise it will feel like a textbook. While the other poster recommends interesting and popular authors, for someone in your state I would recommend something more fun that indirectly promotes philosophical thought. Historical fiction and top-tier golden age sci fi do that pretty well for me. After that, maybe some political philosophy or history. I have gained meaning not from adhering to some specific school of thought, but from being happy that the universe and the mind can be examined at all, that there is a long road ahead along which I will discover many wonderful things. Part of my depression was the feeling of being directionless, and I couldn't replace that with religion, nor would I want to. I felt like putting effort into anything was pointless, that every action available to me was "wagecucking" so to speak. Having something I can grind on mentally and feel rewarded for doing so is fantastic, but you have to get to that point of direct emotional reward on your own. Nobody can tell you exactly which topics you will fall in love with. Love the fact that it is out there, waiting for you to find it.

I will thank you user. I have been thinking about life and what use to make me happy and have realized I am just at a cross road that is hard for a lot of people. Not seeing the hundreds of faces I did 5 days a week and telling my stupid story's for laughs is hard I did that for four years.

I am very fortunate to be in a spot where I am in. I have the work ethic to excel me further in life and being upset over a slut is stupid I have deleted her number and will move on. Reflecting back on what made me happy is the exciting moments in life and taking care of myself. I am going to purchase a sports bike and a gym membership I use to love to workout and to look good but my schedule has hindered that so I will fix my sleep schedule and the bike will give me more excitement

The past months have been a real "coming of age" experience for me I realized that life won't give you a goal like academics has for me but you have to give yourself a goal and purpose.

I will start to read improve my knowledge, work on my health I am lean but my aesthetic is something to work on everyday, I will take walks and enjoy life the ups and downs it has.

Thank you biz I will give you back to you. I love you all. I will make a thread four months from now at this exact time.

11/7/2017 2:40
I hope to see your posts if portfolio is stronk I will strengthen yours as well.

Post eth, btc, ants wallet or whatever the fuck you want and we will see how it is in four months time.

Godspeed brothers. Thank you for the peace of mind it is a lot to ask for.

Meant to tag you as well brother. Anyone who posted post yours as well if not see you in four months anons.

Sounds like you've got a plan user. I've set an event on my calendar, I'll look for the thread. It'll be right before my birthday! Good luck.

How about doing LSD? Atleast try microdosing it.

It will change your life (make sure you're with someone that has done it before) Write down all your thoughts and what you want to achieve.

Maybe even consider just saying fuck it and going to a random country on the earth - disappearing off of the grid to clear your mind, learn meditation and reconnecting with your inner self. You'll make it eventually.

The thing about Veeky Forums is, since you put a lot of thought into your post, you won't find any shills cluttering up your post, everyone deep down even on Veeky Forums can be compassionate and willing to toss you a hand. What goes around comes around.

Just let go and realize time heals everything. Every human has been where you have been. I hope you make it in the future and I wish you success.
Also in reference to that chick, your gut knows the answer, we all know the answer, you know the answer. Cut her out, build up yourself and then start from scratch. Women are a distraction if your mind isn't ready, they should aid your journey not clutter it with cold shoulders and fleeting love. She is playing you like a puppet.


Seriously consider looking into eastern philosophy to figure this out. You were half right as to the money bit making you happy. Having money is a vehicle to your actual happiness. Having money = buying time, time you dont have to work 40 hr weeks or more. Find a hobby. A passion. Study and read (college barely counts) what really interests you. Travel the world, enrich yourself culturally, meet new people, and have fun doing so

>College is soon approaching
So all your life, is a small span of time. ou're young, enjoy it! And inexperienced.

Find another piece of ass and you'll be fine. The purose of work is not to bring happiness btw even if you find yours satisfying. Dont obsess about your money growing, and dont assume your portfolio will triple forever! Enjoy your youth, make friends and bang a lot of girls in college. Stop thinking like an old man.

This might sound cliche, but I've found myself in seemingly insurmountable holes... if you can force yourself to eat well and workout every day you will conquer it. But getting out there and doing that is probably the last thing you want to do right now, try to muster the willpower.

Doing drugs when you're depressed is a bad idea, you'll just royally mess your life up. Other than that, gotta agree with the rest of what you said.

And OP, yeah, the girl's got to go. The thing with feelings is that the girl you love is always the most important girl, ever, and no one else will do, until you let go of her and fall in love with someone else.

Sometimes what you want to HAVE isn't what you WANT. I'm sure you want a girl who's genuinely into you. You want this girl, but under the premise that she's into you. Which she isn't. Not really. You can't ignore that.

Most guys forget or don't want to accept that a girl's looks, personality and desires are a packaged deal. You think you want her, but if her true feelings for you aren't that strong then you want someone who doesn't want (or may not respect) you, no matter how you cut it. You can't ignore her desires. If she's getting dicked then don't try to squash your common sense, that kind of girl isn't what you need, no matter how lovely. I've repeated it because it's important.

Get out of that relationship. Leave it behind, work on yourself, find someone better, even if you can't see the other girl just yet.

Fair enough, I was pretty stupid I guess for doing an insane amount of acid at the peak of my depression but I had an ego death so strong I was a changed man when I came out. I had this backwards thought process that if I let my true subconscious tell me what's wrong with me that I'd find my true path since my surface level façade was all a lie. The never ending tape that would be looping in my brain everyday got erased since I knew the reality of how I felt underneath.

Or you can go to a therapist. :-)

Your values in life need some adjustments to put it lightly. Expecting that money will make you happy, when you clearly have some deeply rooted complications in your life is just plain wrong. You need really dig deep into your past, into your childhood and your relationship with your parents. Things might have been far more traumatizing than what they seem. Being hit, yelled at or even worse, neglected as a child can you leave you permanently depressed and will not improve if you don't internalize and accept them. You can try to cover up your past with things like money and pussy, but I think you can already see the result of that.

Look at some video from Jordan B Peterson and maybe it will inspire you to move your life in the right direction. Good luck.

Thanks anons just woke up from sleep. Feeling better lads. Godspeed you all.

bookmark this thread to read whenever you feel like shit

>A lot of my college courses are philosophy based so
>I have been studying and reading and Nihilism is depressing as all hell.
>What are some good reads user?
Occasionally there are some interesting topics and links on /x/, for example:

>I am coming to the realization that
>the world doesn't care you want to be the best
Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.
Either way you are always right, if you know what I mean.

>it just feels like the days are the same and there is no goal to achieve
>I will try my hardest to find something I enjoy
Well, good luck with these hedonistic solutions. (no sarc)
Furthermore, don't take all this shit around you too seriously, pic related.

If you money isn't making you happy give it to me I'm sure it'll make me very happy